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Posts posted by no-skillz

  1. Hey guys! Nothing much ,I moved to Orlando ,FL to attend MMI (motorcycle mechanics institute) and ive just been busy after my Cobra's engine broke. And working on some new stunt ideas . And fixing my armor! I swear i should advertise for armor guys...

    "Hi my name is No-skillz and I only wear brand X armor ,It takes a beatin and doesnt quit! "

    I cant wait till MegaCon!!

  2. I painted all of mine except for the tube stripes. I'd encourage you to give it a go. It's not too difficult. Besides, the words "cleaner" and "Sandtrooper" should never be uttered together.

    However, if you still wanna buy decals, they're out there. I was gonna suggest trooperdecals.com, but I just checked his site and he's no longer shipping internationally. If you're in the UK you're golden, otherwise the search must continue.

    Good luck!

    I got stickers from him a while back ,they are way off ,and they arent the same sizes at all. My friend's 4 yr old could make better stickers.....
  3. No offense to the "wonky" screen accurate helmets but why do so many people want a crooked helmet? The only reason why the movie ones were crooked cause they werent very good quality. And why are the FX helmets soo big? LOL Yes I own FX armor and its not bad .. cept for my bucket head....

  4. Anyone ever got Sand Trooper stickers from "TrooperDecals"? I Finally pulled my sticker sheet out and they are the wron size. The blue tube stripes are smaller than the TK ones but will be ok , The cheek ones are way too small (smaller than the fx kit ones) and the top dome stickers are way too big. Anyone else have this problem? and what did you do to fix it. thanks -shawn

  5. OK its back up! LOL Sorry about that guys..

    Bert you are right, I just got scared thats all...They were talking crap and trying to get me in trouble by posting the 501st rules of conduct,Screw them! LOL

    For anyone who wants to "HATE" on me for this ,please keep it to yourself ...thanks guys for your support ..

    Here is the video from saturday night ,"Q" and I did.

    ME :


    ... ed&search=
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