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Posts posted by Headcount

  1. Looks good, Lou! I have a kit that's been sitting in my basement for months... I really need to take the time to put it together. It looked like everything went together pretty smoothly for you, other than the stock mounting, and the finished product looks great!

    A quick question: How does the balance and weight feel with the PVC? I've been debating on PVC/aluminum/steel for the barrel.

  2. Actually, that's pretty clever, and a very good point. Those serving out on the fringe would probably get a little rough around the edges.

    Temporary tattoos. Of course. Why didn't I think of that... :rolleyes:

  3. That's a pretty cool idea, Noel. How would you apply something like that? Direct application? Stencil? I'm not well versed in such things.

    Not to pee on your idea at all, because I do like it, but I'd always imagined Stormtroopers as the ultra clean-cut types. Kind of like the SS, I guess. (There are so many parallels between the German military and the Empire it's not funny. It's a good thing no one takes that relationship too seriously! :blink: )

    *As a total side note, I'm really not fond of what the Clone Wars Animated Series has done with the clones, Kamino, and clone culture. I sort of understand why they did it, being a kids' series, the marketing aspects, and all that, but I'm rather stuck on Karen Traviss' concept.*

  4. Just a thought: You could use U-bolts around the frame with washers and wingnuts on the inside of the boxes, though it might stick out visually a little more than zip-ties. That way, you wouldn't have to snip and retie.

  5. Welcome, John! (Can we call you "JZ" for short? :lol: )

    The MEPD is truly a great group of brothers. I know I keep saying this to newbies here, but it's so true it bears repeating. The forums here are heavily packed with info, and the gents here are extremely helpful. As a complete newb myself, I've learned so much about the hobby here.

    Heartfelt thanks to you for serving our great Nation with honor and distinction. Hats off.

    Semper Fi.

  6. And again... just to be clear... people who are not a member of the MEPD are too also not members of the 501st Legion without in the fact that they may not be on the forum when they're not trooping or in the realm of signed up, but don't have to have the post with the MEPD in that fact.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :lol: Haha! I think that's the most incoherent sentence you've ever written, Noel!

    (Gee, I hope it was intentional... :unsure: )

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