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Everything posted by wizardofflight

  1. So far I ave done blueprintd for: E-11 Boba Fett's webley MG42 DH-17 DC-15 Clone rifle DC-15S Carbine Jango's Blaster Biker Scout blaster Fett's ESB Flame Thrower Scope Drawings for the Blasters in ANH, ROTJ and ESB Fett Armor Fett JetPack As a start. Alan
  2. Here is the latest addition to my growing collection of blaster blueprints. Take a look and let me hear what you think of them. Alan
  3. Hello, I have been busy working on the MG42 drawings and want to give you all a sneak peak at what I have so far. Please understand that this drawing is in no way dimensional accurate. It is being done from photos only so it is relatively close; at least it looks like a MG42. Normally I would like to have a little more information on a subject before attempt it, but I have been searching for a couple of years now and not that much is available on the web. I even considered buying a parts kit just to the drawings, but let’s just say that was not received well. The only dimension that I have is and overall length of 1230mm. Stay tuned I have started drawings for both the MG-15 and the MG-34. So take a look and let me know what you all think constructive criticism is always welcome. Alan P.S. This image is too large for the web browser to display so you'll need to download it to view it. This is still only a draft. http://propaholics.wolfchasers.com/maia ... elease.gif
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