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Posts posted by TD7606

  1. Well I have to invite you to a new seccion in my website, is called the Interrogation Droid an is about to obtain the confessions of interesting people of our star wars universe!

    This time we count with Jeff Allen (studio creations) who is joining us with a little interview

    The interview is both in english and spanish so nobody will miss it!

    you can find it in: Multimedia / Interrogation Droid

    where? in Http://www.tk7606.com of course!

    See you there!

  2. Nice. So we can patrol Felucia (sp?) too? Dagobah anyone?

    mmm if so... there where never shown clones in tatoine or desertic areas, but there was felucia and felucia is like the envioroment described in the databank for the sandtroopers... son 1+2...

    Clone Commander Bly led the Star Corps of clone trooper infantry through the wild underbrush of the planet,

    ergo... we can said that sandtroopers might be descendents of that division?

  3. I was reading in the star wars Data Bank and found this

    Though a desert is, by technical definition, any area devoid of significant moisture, these stormtroopers are specifically designed for high temperature environments. As such, these soldiers have also been dispatched to hot, wet, tropical terrain operations since their cooling units and sealed water systems are easily modified to cope with such areas.

    So we tecnicaly can operate on the forest and jungles....

  4. One more thing, I want more accurate armor too, so I am adding vacuum-forming to my blacksmith shop. I want to do it RIGHT, and everyone in the MEPD should too. I know that most of you do, but would-be TK's need to understand the dedication and want to be that way too.

    I don´t follow... I did not understand what you mean

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