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Everything posted by TD7606

  1. hehe there´s no big enough guns next step... the sand star destroyer!!!
  2. I got my car plate today and want to share with you guys now.. lets hope the transit officer do not notice the little change... hehehe
  3. yes is true! is part of being creative and following the star wars universe rules
  4. even I got it and I live in another country....
  5. "well, someones gotta do all the dirty work" when the dirty works calls... when the job must be donne the heat is our friend some ideas
  6. I use the black plastic screen tipe, I look very good, but if you like you can use it double
  7. Hi guys!!! Want to invite you all to my website and enter to the Interrogation Droid an is about to obtain the confessions of interesting people of our star wars universe! This time we count with Seth (yes, the same he is our leader!) who is joining us with a little interview, he was very kind and you will enjoy it The interview is both in english and spanish so nobody will miss it! you can find it in: Multimedia / Interrogation Droid where? in http://www.tk7606.com of course! See you there!
  8. yep, they fits better with hot glue, and is easy to repair if something goes wrong bro
  9. My dad used to say, you may look stupid asking... but you would be an a!"%$% if you don´t ask.. and this is one of those times... i dont get it about the rotocats..whathever, I am sorry but I dont follow you bro can you explain me like kermit the frog
  10. pain and blood... what will be the life of a sandtrooper without it... Dont wine as C3PO!!! You are made to suffer!!, you are a Imperial Trooper! and more... you are a sandtrooper! So finish that great big gun of yours and show us the pics!
  11. I found this trying to eat a jawa :
  12. Is a very cool idea the padding... I will take a note of that
  13. what kind of pics do you need?
  14. hehe is just that the hole world except two countries works with a metrical system LOL just kidding
  15. this is one of my first pics, but i think it can help you tell me what do you like to see and I take the pic for you if you want I got the pauldron from a friend who makes them here in mexico, but you can find an excelent tutorial to make one by yourself thanks to TK4510
  16. welcome trooper! well here is a pic to show you the pauldron, hope is good to you pd. hehe I have now the shoes dirty, and a new helmet
  17. well when I get home I´ll try to get you some movie stills, but you can see this article form star wars site who said: you can see the article Star Wars: The Magic of Myth at the Smithsonian hope this helps
  18. well I don´t know if is to late, but I have all the info you need in my site, (again, is in spanish but you will know what to do) just go to http://www.tk7606.com/ enter to Stormtrooper/Tutorial MG-15 from the menu You will find diagrams on ensambling, meassures, pics step by step and upgrades anything I can help just tell me bro
  19. I just used industrial Velcro, it fits perfect, others use glue, and others use bolts
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