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Posts posted by TD7606

  1. we're on the same wavelength here. The volume knob on my Stereo receiver looks just like this and would be a perfect model. I might isolate it and pour some silicon over it.

    and later... why the stereo doesn´t work??? MIKE!!!! STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR TOYS AND FIX THE STEREO!!!

    hehehe LOL

    sorry hehe my girlfriend tells me that very often hahahaha

  2. ok, just a few points

    1. It takes guts to cut your armor, make it dirty, change your knee, your lenses, time to build your backpack, to get your pauldron is really the easiest part of all.... do you remember how did you feel when you where going to cut your ab?

    2. There´s no reason for a tk wearing a pauldron, just to look cool

    3. I am looking for my third referense of a stormtrooper using a lightsaber to use it, as I said in the Legion forum hehehe

    but now, being serious... its really kind of silly that adults are getting engry for a costume hehe I know... but what here are we discousing is that we have earned respect, we have worked hard for our suits, and many of us feel thats not fair whats going on... just to look cool

    saying that... I pleny trust in set and guns

  3. this is thin ice....

    well ok... lets say that we "ignore" to all the TK´s with pauldrons... until there is a real policy and OFICIAL porlicy in the Legion.... what will happen when it becomes reallity this pollicy with all the TK´s who have pauldrons?, they will be a lot and they just do not will want to drop their pauldorns.... then It will have to stay like that because it will have a lot of suporters...

    well... my point is, If we do not protest now, latter will be too late, later they will want to wear backpacks???? and said they are space TKs?????

  4. i think it looks kinda neat actually. have you thought about repeating the slash/carbon scoring anywhere else on the armor? like on the gauntlet like you blocked a vibroblade with your arm or something?

    looks cool i think

    just a great idea!!!, I might add that you put yourself your left arm in front of you like if you where taking cover and the vibroblade hit the arm and helmet, so do the scar in the same angle than in the helmet

    I like the scar hehe

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