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Posts posted by Tyranus

  1. AM Armor is now ready!

    Here are photos of all the AM Armor components:

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    (I hit the max number of pics, so the rest are in the next 2 posts)


    Please send an email to me at: TUPPERWARETK@YAHOO.COM notifying me of your intended purchase - this email will secure your place in line, as this is a first-come, first-served arrangement. Then, once I have replied and confirmed the order, you can PayPal to my account.

    ALL Purchase inquiries should be made to: tupperwaretk@yahoo.com

    To ensure there is no confusion about what is included in the kits, here is an explanation of the contents:

    FULL KITS Will include ABS cement, ABS polish, Instructions, and an Original FX helmet with the newly re-shaped dome top for now. (A new helmet is being made, but is still in the earliest of production stages hopefully to be available soon). It has all elastic straps, but no standard-grade velcro. Troopers didnt use it, so its being removed. Industrial velcro is now suggested but not included in the kit. The leather E-11 holster seen in the past is not included in this first run but is being redesigned, and will return in future runs. The TD Sandtrooper ab plate and interchangeable plate are included as are the ANH, TESB, and Sandtrooper Cheesegrater handbacks. TESB handbacks have been intentionally left a bit large to allow trimming to fit ALL or MOST hands.

    LITE KITS As before, this kit will include ALL body armor pieces, Instructions and will now include all needed elastic straps. As before, the LITE kits will NOT include ABS cement, ABS polish, Helmet kit or Leather E-11 holster. Industrial velcro is suggested but not included. The TD Sandtrooper ab plate and interchangeable plate are included as are the ANH, TESB, and Sandtrooper Cheesegrater handbacks. TESB handbacks have been intentionally left a bit large to allow trimming to fit ALL or MOST hands.

    Thanks so much for everyone's interest and continued patience.

  2. Roy’s heart pounded in his chest and ears like a war drum; his eyes darting across the dark, uneven ground ahead. A chorus of nocturnal insects chirping and clicking filled the thick, humid air. He cut a glance to the right and saw a group of ten or so other men from the transport moving on ahead through the dim moonlight.

    To the left, twenty or more was also advancing toward their contact and his unregistered ship. Another transport of replicants had landed here an hour or so earlier. After two years of torturous servitude, their slave status and his own would be liberated tonight. He whispered to himself in the dark, “Let the enchained soul shut up in darkness and sighing, whose face has never seen a smile in thirty weary years; Rise and look out, his chains are loose, his dungeon doors are open.”

    The crowd of fifty or more behind him quickly pushed past toward the ship as he stood motionless and stunned, watching them go. He had been working the better part of the last four years nearly alone with a small group of other replicant soldiers, moving into and securing the frontiers of more planets than he could remember, setting up military terra-forming facilities and clearing the way for off-world colonization from Earth.

    The inside of the transport had been dark, pitch dark. He knew there were others in there with him, but he had not seen . . .

    He knew he was a replicant, a product churned out to fill the perilous needs; the boring or dirty jobs, so that humans might have a better life. Knowing that however, had not prepared him for this moment. They all looked like him. He touched his cheek; ran his hand through his hair. They ALL looked like him.

    Unexpectedly, the silence was broken by the sound of small arms fire ahead, and an abrupt, explosive ejection of a thick liquid sprayed across his face and neck, as the replicant beside him was violently thrown into him, only to slide to the ground; a gaping, jagged wound in what was left of his skull.

    Roy’s eyes grew wide as others around him fell. His face was covered in blood and brain matter. Then from somewhere overhead, blinding floodlights switched on, driving back the night and illuminating a horrific scene.

    They had been set up. The crew member they had trusted to lead them to freedom had instead delivered them to ****. Hundreds of projectile and accelerated energy weapons of every sort now erupted in a deadly discharge storm, stabbing through the night as police guards from the Tannhauser Gate colony opened fire on them from rooftops, behind the protective corners of their awaiting freedom ship, and from the top of the massive Tannhauser Gate itself.

    Ahead, through the smoke, he could see the mangled bodies of those from the first ship being slowly plowed into a huge mound by an enormous bulldozer. His mind raced, searching for a way to survive this. All around him bodies fell where they stood, their engineered blood soaking the ground.

    He ran through the smoke filled horror, watching himself being gunned down everywhere he turned; piles of his body on the ground; his own lifeless eyes staring back from the fallen corpses. He tripped over another version of himself on the ground and fell headlong into the pile, smearing the blood and brain tissue already on his face. He was terrified, like a frightened child caught in a nightmare from which he could not awaken himself.

    The guards were advancing now, moving into the thinning crowd, killing those that remained standing and fighting back. Roy lay still, eyes open wide and motionless, staring up into the crystal clear night sky as guards moved past him. One stepped on his hand as he made his way past. He didn’t flinch. Instead, he focused his attention far overhead, in the thinnest part of the atmosphere, to an iridescent shimmering against the starry backdrop. Way up high, C-beams were sparkling, ignited by solar radiation. It was a beautiful show; a peaceful glittering show that few took the time to notice.

    The guards were now moving back through the dead, their task completed. Roy lay deathly still, taking in the beautiful display far above. One guard whistled loudly, and motioned the dozer driver this way. The heavy, clanking machine rolled over the ground, lowering its bucket to scoop the bodies out of its way.

    When the bucket was full, it rose up and turned to where Roy lay before dumping the bodies on top of him. His view of the sky and the comforting C-beams disappeared as a cascade of corpses fell from above, their weight crushing down. Roy closed his eyes, picturing the C-beams in his mind, making an indelible memory of them.

    After what seemed an eternity, the ‘dozer shut off, the floodlights winked off, and the guards began to disappear into the colony.

    Two guards talked as the navigated the site of the massacre. One shouldered his rifle and laughed as he spoke to the other, “I’m sure the standard smokescreen ******** will reign supreme here too. You mark my words, tomorrow we’ll hear about a bloody mutiny at the Tannhauser Gate.”

    The other guard nodded. “Yeah. History is always written by the victor. Who knows if any of it is true or not.”

    Roy lay still, fighting to breathe under the pile, buried in a stack of his own bloody, mutilated body. The symphony of nocturnal insects chirping and clicking in the dark slowly resumed. When nearly an hour had passed, and he was sure no one was left, he pushed with all his might. Every bit of his strength shoved the heavy corpses off as he dug his way to the side of the pile.

    He moved the last corpse aside and he broke into the air. Crawling out, he managed to get to one knee, breathing freely again. He was filthy. His hair was matted down; leaves and dirt stuck in the dried blood, The stench of death was everywhere. He took a breath, looking around at the victims of the massacre. He was alone.

    Roy’s eyes fluttered open as Leon shook him. He was hanging upside down, pulling against the restraints in the cockpit of the shuttle. “Come on. The ship’s upside down, and we’ve got to get the others out of here before she sinks. The shore isn’t far. I got us pretty close.”


  3. Andy’s eyes grew wide as he snapped the buckles of his restraint and braced himself against the bulkhead. Zhora strapped her restraint on and grabbed a pipe that ran down the side wall behind her with one hand, and placed the other hand on the snake draped around her shoulders.

    Mary and Pris, in seats that lacked restraints, quickly moved from the top of the crate down to the floor, wedging themselves between two cargo containers that were tightly cabled to the deck.

    Roy disappeared into the cockpit as they prepared for impact. He slipped beside Leon, into his seat and strapped in. Leon’s intense focus had taken on the air of tunnel vision as he put aside his instincts and his fears. His right eye twitched relentlessly as he fought the controls that wrenched his hands this way and that. The winds outside blasted persistently against the shuttle, rain coming down in sheets.

    Leon eased the bucking shuttle in the direction of the shore, racing into the wind as lightning sliced through the sky above them, cleaving the night into two halves, searing all raindrops in its path instantly into steam. The bottom hull of the small ship barely skimmed the wave crests, spraying water to either side as they descended slowly.

    The lights of the marina ahead on the shore were suddenly lost behind a large wave that rose up before them, slapping the nose of the shuttle and shoving it into a sharp downward angle, directly into the icy black waters. Roy’s head slammed hard against the side wall of the cockpit as he and Leon were thrust under the water into absolute blackness. Leon’s fear encompassed him now, and he began to scream as Roy blacked out.

    The nose of the ship plowed through the wave hurling everyone inside violently forward against their harnesses as the ship unexpectedly plunged downward, flipping over and crashing to an abrupt stop, coming to rest on her top. Steam flooded out of her rear engines as the water boiled away from the hot metal into the night air.

    The Interior lighting that had been lost on impact and the darkness that followed was replaced by dim emergency lighting flickering on. The brutal shaking had finally stopped, giving way now to the slow up and down rolling motion of the waves.


  4. I wanted to take a second to thank you for your interest in this new armor. It has been a long road bringing it to reality, but I think everyone will be pleased.

    Tentatively, the kits will be ready about the first week in December. As we get closer, I should be able to refine that date a bit.

    The delay and tentative ready date is a result of an issue with a shipment of the High Gloss ABS we received. It did not meet up to the high standards that must be met for this gear, and it had to be returned for a new shipment.

    All pieces except the Chest plates have now been formed, and are being trimmed and prepared for shipping so that when the chest pieces are completed, they can be trimmed wrapped and packed, and the kits readied to ship out.

    As soon as I have photos of the trimmed pieces I have not posted up yet (including the adjusted chest and biceps), I will do so. This first run is about 100 kits, so it really takes time to do the trimming.

    The parts that are trim-to-fit must be trimmed by the trooper to customize it to his or her specific size:

    Thighs, Forearms, Shins

    Currently, for kits shipped within the Continental United States (not including California) the prices are looking like this:


    (The Full Kit will have the FX helmet and a newer, more rounded dome top for at least the first run. The new helmet is still in the sculpt/design phase and should look more like a MRCE helmet in appearance and size. It will include ABS cement, ABS polish and Instructions. It has all elastic straps, but no standard-grade velcro. Troopers didnt use it, so its being removed. Industrial velcro is now suggested but not included in the kit. The leather E-11 holster seen in the past is not included in this first run but will likely return in future runs.)


    The LITE KIT will include ALL body armor pieces, Instructions and will now include all needed elastic straps. As before, the LITE kits will NOT include ABS cement, ABS polish, Helmet kit or Leather E-11 holster. Industrial velcro is suggested but not included.

    Thank you for your patience!


    As always, if you have questions or would like to be added to the email notification list, PLEASE EMAIL ME at tupperwaretk@yahoo.com


  5. OK everyone, I'm looking for a theoretical discussion about just what the thread title said:

    Wormholes and the Time Paradox.

    I'd like to get everyone's views on the ability to create a wormhole or a fold in space at will, to transport objects and/or people instantly across the universe, around the corner . . . or forward/backward through time. Do you think this is possible?

    Also, what does everyone think would happen if a present time person were to cause a past version of him or herself to come in contact with the present version? Would there be a cosmic blurring of the two timelines - overrun with duplicates of everything? Would the space time continuum unzip and unravel entirely? How could both versions exist simultaneously in the same timeline, or could they?

    I know there are enough fertile minds on this forum to keep this going a while.

    Let's see what you all have to say about both topics.

  6. I noticed the thick smell of various medications and disinfectants hanging in the still air as we all weighed what Holder had just said.

    “People get themselves killed every hour of every day in the Outer Rim worlds. I have to admit, I was wondering what made this murder so special.” said Felth.

    A small pump beside the bed switched on for a few seconds, then off as Rogue shook his head in amazement. “Killing a Hutt is no small thing, no pun intended. Jabba and the rest of the clan would never let that go quietly. If they even suspected Black Sun was behind it . . .”

    “There’d have been a small war fought between them” I said, finishing Rogue’s sentence. He nodded in agreement.

    Blade was scanning the screen of his field holonet pack, his thumb scrolling through screen after screen. “I don’t see any record of a Matalla the Hutt anywhere.”

    Holder turned his head toward Blade, then cut his eyes to Rogue, “You won’t. From what I learned, Jabba kept his ‘brother’ hidden, as he was a bit of an embarrassment both personally and to the whole of the Hutt clan.”

    “Embarrassment or not, there would have been immediate and bloody retaliation against Xizor, Kaird and all of Black Sun if they had known what we know” countered Rogue.

    Felth impatiently blurted out, “You know, this information is twenty years old. Why do we care about it? There was no war between the Hutts and Black Sun and the clan doesn’t seem overly concerned over Matalla’s disappearance.”

    Holder became visibly concerned and agitated now. “We should care about it because I picked up Kaird’s embedded tracking signature two days ago on my armor’s signal receiver. Everyone that was on base at the dig site had one, but nobody uses them anymore. I doubt Kaird even remembers it’s in that skull of his. I’ve been watching for changes but there hasn’t been one. Just before we headed out to where Watcher’s body was dumped, the Port Authority contacted me about someone taking an interest in Kaird’s ship. They confirmed that Xizor’s personal ‘droid assistant, Guri had arrived and had made an inquiry about it. Both of them knew what Watcher knew, and one of them killed the crazy old guy looking for it.”

    He looked across at Rogue, handing him the small signal tracker. “I know they’re both here searching for the recording; it’s the only thing common to them both. For some reason it must have become important again, and make no mistake about it; either will kill to find it and keep it secure once they do.”

    Etz leaned closer to Holder, “Why did you say ‘brother’ that way?”

    I was turning away from the bedside, stepping toward a ‘droid busily cleaning the empty autopsy table as I interjected the answer. “He did that because Hutts are hermaphroditic.”

    Etz and Blade stared blankly at each other, then turned, twisting their heads to look at me as Rogue and Holder nodded knowingly.

    Doc Shurte, who had been standing behind me listening, stepped forward into the empty space I had vacated, interjecting at this point. “A hermaphroditic animal is one that has both male and female reproductive organs and sexual characteristics. Basically, a Hutt’s apparent gender comes from a conscious decision made by each individual Hutt as to which gender it identifies with.”

    “Didn’t see that coming” commented Blade.

    “Didn’t want to see that coming” commented Etz.

    There was a moment of silence as the doctor adjusted one of the monitors, and checked a connection on Holder’s chest. “Let’s let him get some rest. We can continue this conversation over there” he said, indicating a young woman working at a desk across the room near the morgue drawers.

    We all filed away from the bed as Holder closed his eyes and the doctor drew the curtain around the bed.

    One of the student archaeologists was seated at the desk, silently cataloguing a recent find. Felth sat down on the corner, flipping the power switch of his blaster on and off, on and off impatiently. When she continued working, quite unimpressed, he stood up abruptly and walked through the door to the waiting area.

    Rogue spoke to Blade as they walked toward the desk. “Have 4120 and 0600 pay a visit to the Port Authority. They’ve developed such a wonderful rapport with that office now. I want 1265 keeping a visual on both Kaird and Guri’s ships.”

    Blade nodded as he stopped beside the desk, leaning in close to Rogue. He didn’t realize I could hear. “I can do that sir, but may I offer the services of my ‘shadow’? At the moment, she’s laying low at the Dowager Queen with nothing to do, and she has no discernable ties to any of us. It also keeps 1265 free for us to use.”

    Rogue considered the suggestion, then quietly replied. “Can you trust her?”

    Blade looked away momentarily, then back to Rogue. “I trust her, sir.”

    “Do it, but have her take one of them, and put 1265 on the other. We have enough people going with us; he’s much better utilized to keep watch on them.” replied Rogue. “We’re going to need to move on this fast and find it first.”

    The student spoke up, keeping her attention focused on the relic she was cleaning in her hands. “If you’re looking for something old out there, we can help.” She looked up. “It’s what we do. If it’s a dead Bantha you’re looking for, local legend tells of a Great Bantha Graveyard littered with the bones of a thousand dead Banthas. When a Bantha knows it’s time is drawing to an end, it journeys out into the Dune Sea in search of the graveyard, and its place to die. We’ve been looking for their graveyard as part of our study. We could work together.”

    Rogue looked at me, then to the student, then over to the doctor. “Doc, they’ll be working with us for a while.”

    He shifted his attention back to the student. “OK, kid let’s get your group together out front. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

    I leaned closer to Blade as we walked toward the door. “Your shadow is here? When did that happen?”

    He looked back at me. “I uncovered her in the marketplace. It isn’t common knowledge to anyone but Rogue, and now you. Keep it to yourself, OK Deck?”

    I nodded silently.

    Rogue headed through the door to the front of the building and we followed him out. I paused at the doorway, turning back. “Doc, keep that old man’s corpse on ice and protected in case we need him.”

    He nodded, glancing back to the drawer that contained Watcher’s body, his forehead creased with growing concern.

    * * *

  7. WOW!

    What an amazing show!! If you get the chance to see this show, I HIGHLY recommend it.

    I took literally hundreds of pics...many blurry, many not. I edited it down to about 200 that were good. And I'm posting up links to a few of the VERY best to check out. :)

    Many of these are not at Full Resolution.

    My tickets were $65 General Admission tickets, but we were in line at 7:30am and I was #85 through the gate when they let us in. It was such an amazing show.

    Those close pics of Bono were REALLY that close, there was no zoom used at all. I was almost directly beneath him when he walked over the bridge. I had the zoom pulled out wide as far as it would go to fit him in the frame! The one where he is kneeling on the outer ring . . . I was right behind him up against the inner rail of the outer loop - between the loop and the stage.

    OH, and there's one of me on the BIG SCREEN!

    The "face" up on the screen with me is a mask. It's a leader in Burma that was elected democratically, and was not allowed to take control of the government, and she was imprisoned for some time. It's a cause of Bono's. When I signed up for ONE.org, they took my picture for their "KISS THE FUTURE" campaign along with many others. I was one of several displayed on the big screen just after the band exited the stage!

    Enjoy! If you're on Facebook, I have 3 albums of pics up. Stop by and check them out. :)

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