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Posts posted by TD2298

  1. awesome! very very cool man! When i did the "Star Wars in concert" event as Boba kids wanted my autograph..it was pretty awesome. they will forever have that signature and be proud they met Boba Fett!..and these kids will be proud they met a real Sandtrooper! Good job trooper! :duim:

    I never really thought about it like that. It's great listening to the conversations that the kids have with each other as they are waiting. They talk about the movies and what your character did in the movie. I get such a kick out of that. It never gets old!

  2. Great pic man!

    I love autographs! :)

    I always do "TD-8541 Long live the Empire!"

    Then a little drawing of a stormtrooper bucket. B)

    You look awesome there brother!

    Doin' us proud! :duim:

    Haha, that's a great signature!

    It felt really good to be able to tell everyone in my garrison that I was deployed. It's funny because now everyone else is starting to talk about getting elite status within their respective detachments. :)

  3. Here is a pic from a troop I just did in Caldwell NJ. Who says being a sandtrooper isn't like being a rockstar? Lol. It was a lot of fun!

    The imperial officer in the pic held my DLT-19 while I signed autographs!

    Posted Image

  4. I watched the first show. It was awesome! The footage was in hi def, so everything looked incredible! There were little details I have never seen in ANH that came across! When the Blu Rays come out people's minds are going to be blown! I can't wait to see the Mos Eisley scenes!!

    At the same time, it really shows how thrown together ANH was. Vader's helmet looks very rough and the TK's that take blaster shots have different color chest plates! They are bright white compared to the rest of the armor. They have also replaced muppet Yoda in TPM with a digital version!

    Oh yeah, the blue rays should be amazing. I don't agree with uncle George's use of CGI. I think that the realistic, gritty nature of the costumes and sets used in the original trilogy are part of what made those movies so great. The muppet version of Yoda has so much more presence and character than the CGI version that was used in the new movies. Just my opinion though. :)

  5. Yeah man! I loved hearing the crowd's response when we walked out in double formation, only to go to single formation at the first turn!!! B)

    That was awesome! It was really cool that the sandtroopers were the only troopers that did that! :D

  6. It was great meeting you! SWW was pretty good this year! Definitely something every trooper should do!!!

    Hey, great meeting you too! It's such a rush to hear the Imperial March playing as you're walking in formation with other storm/sand troopers!! It's awesome!!

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