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Posts posted by TD2298

  1. A year ago I tried a mix of radio static,R2 sounds and 'words',electronic sounds from the movie i can get for filling the gap between chatter on skutch's sound loop,cut it reverse it combine 2 sounds etc..........sounds horrible :P ,but adding the starwarsey feeling for me,if my main laptop is finished fixed i'll try to post it here to show what i meant...............how can i do that btw? :D

    A member here offered to host the file on his site(thanks for that man) but i cant send it through email,it said it was an invalid file or something. :glare:

    You might be able to use a free service called drop box. Just go to dro box.com and set up an account. Then invite the person you are trying to send it to. It's online file sharing.

  2. Yes, absolutely! It will be really cool to hear everything that went on behind the scenes during this part of the movie. Thanks for the great ideas guys!

    Once I get the bulk of it recorded, I'll send it to you guys so you can help with ideas to make it better. That's if you want to of course. :)

  3. Yeah, more than ME getting "annoyed" by the loop I mean that I would feel like I have to 'play along' with the audio as it's going.

    Like on the one I currently use there's a part where it keeps calling for a trooper. Every time I'm trooping and that part comes on if I'm talking to someone I say, "Just a second... command, this is TD-8541... I've not heard from them in a while, but last I knew they were in Mos Eisley." In other words I 'integrate' the loop into my trooping. So if it were a story, I'd have to "explain" why I was there while others were landing, and so on. B)

    Again, this is just me and my crazy "in character-ness". :P

    Haha. That's awesome! I love it!

    It's funny you mention that, because I plan on putting a pause to allow a reply to the radio call when the transmissions call out my TD number. After this pause, it repies back as if you answered anyway. I'm sure you can come up with something to explain the reason for your current location. Lol.

  4. Looking forward to hearing it! :duim:

    I will say I like the random, nondescript, aspects of the currently available loop. There are things like "Mos Eisley Cantina," and "Be on the lookout for two droids" that are mentioned, but it keeps me from having to "live" the loop each time it plays through. In fact, if it were up to me it'd be even MORE random chatter than it is. Does that make sense? Just my two bits. :P

    Do what you want though! ;)

    I understand what you are saying Nol. It's almost like sitting in the movie theater and having to watch the pre-movie slide show repeat itself over and over again as you sit there in agony, waiting for the movie to start. Hopefully, mine won't be too annoying. Lol. I'm trying to give it a random feel and make it long enough to make it interesting. If anything, it will be an alternative for those that don't mind :)

  5. Hey everybody,

    I started a new project last night and thought I would share. I started creating a sound loop of radio chatter for my backpack. After scripting it out, I decided that it would pretty much chronicle the entire operation on Tatooine from touchdown, right up to the point where the Mellenium Falcon was attacked as it took off from Mos Eisley. I have acquired all of the sound effects I need and started the recording process. I also thought it also would be cool to have my own TD number in the radio chatter here and there, so I'm working that into the "script" as well. I anticipate that, when finished, it should be between 6 to 10 minutes of radio traffic that can loop on an iPod shuffle and speaker placed within the backpack radio.

    Once I get close to finishing, I'll post the file up so you guys can check it out and also use it if you like. Also, due to the way I'm recording this, I'll be able to record personalized versions with your own TD number in the mix. Stay tuned for more updates!

  6. Awesome! Your knee plate looks like mine. Is it a softer plastic than the rest of your suit? Reason I ask is that plastic is very susceptible to heat and after I had my armor in a hot car all day, it deformed slightly since I had other armor pieces stacked on top of it. I now leave it at the top of my bin. The plastic my knee plate is made of is so soft that I was able to reshape it with a hair dryer! Lol. Just figured I would share since your knee plate appears to be like mine. :)

  7. Sweet!!! now tell that clean troooper with the pauldron on its one side or the other....preferably the dirty side lol

    Haha. We had a bunch of troops drop out at the last minute, so it was just him and I representing. He threw the pauldron on to help make us look a little more similar. He's our XO, so I let him slide. Lol.

  8. Hey everybody,

    Sorry I haven't been active on the boards in a while. I had to go away for my two week Army annual training. I just did a very cool troop for the somerset Patriot minor league baseball team in NJ and figured I would share. We participated in a fun skit before the game and escorted Vader out to the mound to throw the first pitch. Very cool! After that, we set up to take photos with the fans on the main concourse.

    Posted Image

  9. @ TD2298 yes, you are right! I live in the land with the bad history and the origin of many Sandtrooper´s Props B) I was in a store here in Munich where they sell real (unmilitarized) MG-34´s. They really look nice!!! And i asked the owner to give it to me, just to hold it. Man, that thing is heavy!! About 13 Kilos. So you realize really quick, what the bipod and the name MG (MaschinenGewehr) what stands for "heavy Rifle" is meant for.

    Maybe i can take a picture with it, when I am there for the next time. As you know, weapons are strictly forbidden here in Germany and i hoped not to get visited by the cops, when i was painting and weathering my gun on my balcony. :) A few people looked a bit confused.A TK-friend told me, they are allowed to take your gun away,(exempt authorised events) cause it´s a "lookalike-weapon" and looks realistic. It would be a great "honour" for me as a prop-builder..so i know, i did everything right, but i want to have my DLT a little longer with me :D

    I´ll try to get my ammo-cover-box finished tomorrow...

    Hey Mike,

    That stinks to hear about the strict laws over there. I remember all of the rules that I had to follow when I was there as a visitor, I can only imagine all of laws that a citizen such as yourself has to follow. I hope they don't take your DLT. Would you be able to explain and show them your armor if the Polizei tried to take it from you?

  10. Awesome weathering! That's an awesome dlt-19. I guess you're living in the land where they were created, so you should have a nice one, right? Lol. I was stationed in Stuttgart for a year and a half back in 2005. I loved being in Germany. I took the (if I remember right) 3 hour drive to Munich and loved it. I checked out the Eagles nest and the salt mine down the road. Very beautiful area! I actually still have family in Karlsruh. :D



    Library visit to help promote summer reading.


    To entertain the kids, talk about our group and what we do, promote excitement for reading, sign autographs, pose for pictures and interact with the attendees.



    July 21, 2010

    Caldwell Public Library

    268 Bloomfield Avenue

    Caldwell, New Jersey 07006


    1) Bro - Neyo

    2) Joe - Jedi

    3) Jimbo - X-Wing Pilot

    4) Bonnie - ID "Morale"

    5) Zach - TX

    6) John K - TD

    7) CJ - TS

    8) Paul - Boba Fett

    9) Andy - RC

    10) Scott - ID

    11) Si - ID "Morale"

    12) Lance - Vader

    13) Gary - spotter


    What an awesome event!! We had a HUGE turnout, this shows there is still a very strong NER presence in the North

    The library was very small, and with the amount of characters we had plus the anticipated crowd we held the event right outside the library in a small grassy / park type area... which was right smack on the main street. Being out there like that created an even bigger turnout, with tons of passerby traffic that saw us and stopped.

    We had the awesome table display which was a huge hit and kept out troopers watching it on their toes, lol. We spread out and signed autographs and posed for pics, and answered questions as people mingled. We went through a TON of swag hahahaha.

    The Library staff was literally outside with us and for the entire time they had huge smiles and kept saying over and over they couldn't believe the turnout and how cool we were. A great time.

    THE BAD:

    Nothing really bad, it was hot but our guys are used to that, lol, and the Library provided tons of water in an ice cooler for us.


    I totally put Bonnie on the spot and asked her to introduce our group and explain the table set up and what we had available, lol. I wanted to keep the event "buckets on" and no way could anyone hear me outside with the helmet and crowd and stuff, and Bonnie didn't have a helmet on. I know Bonnie is one of the old school troopers and knew what to say but didn't realize she was a little shy hahahahaha... plus her tiny little voice in a giant mob, I would have asked Joe because he's done it before but couldn't get to him in time so I threw Bonnie to the wolves (she did awesome).


    Gary's Photos

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