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Posts posted by TD2298

  1. I'm putting together a new helmet, and used hot glue to fix the lenses on my last helmet. I was looking to use something better this time. I tried E6, but it was a version that had to be mixed from two separate substances and it wound up clogging the nozzle of the tool I was using and just became a big pain. Can anyone direct me to a good adhesive to use to affix my lenses? Thanks in advance. :)

  2. Hey guys,

    I got very busy with my band and had to put the original project on hold for a little while. I recently started it up again. It's just taking a little while since I need quiet in the house and I only get it on Mondays. I should be finishing my original idea up by the end of the month.

  3. I am not going to have cards until April can I get you to hold me 1 or let me get you then? I am trying to get my stuff together for my own set of cards with all my costumes kinda like my very own series.

    Absolutely man!

  4. I posted a poll.

    I just felt it was really needed at this point.

    Like Daetrin said, I didn't want it to be just one thing or another... I wanted to know what people saw it as and thought about it all to make an informed decision which could then be referenced in the future.

    Thanks for putting this up for a vote. It's great that you are giving everyone a voice in this matter.

    Was everyone asking for a new costume status moniker? Just wondering how the "swat" status came about. I haven't been on the boards for a little while.

  5. Sorry we missed you John. There were alot of Sandies on hand and I too was trying my best to make the rounds and meet everyone from the other garrisons. Glad you could make it. Next Multi-Garrison event, make sure you ask for me so we can coordinate an MEPD photo. ;)

    There was so much going on that day, which I guess is what made it such a great event. I'll definitely seek you out at the next event. It would be great if this became an annual thing. :)

  6. Hey guys,

    I have been busy with a lot of things recently and haven't been able to post to these forums in a while. I have been keeping my TD in order and trooping though. I started to read this thread and just wanted to support Mike's stance. I am also a newbie with regards to the grand scheme and as such, only know being "deployed" as the moniker for elite status. For whatever reason, oversight or image change, there are a lot of troopers out there like Mike and myself who equate being "deployed" as having a "tight" costume. When I recently marched in the Disney Star Wars weekends parade, all of the sandies down there also bragged about their "deployed" status, and made no mention of being a police officer. I've read this entire forum and everybody seemed to be on board with Mike's patch until it was mentioned that being deployed wasn't an accurate term. It didn't seem quite fair to him that this happened. I am of the belief that things change and if "deployed" has become the moniker for having your stuff tight to us newbies, why is that such a bad thing? Many sandies, if not all have MEPD deployed in their status on their garrison pages and brag about being deployed to one another at events. This is what is has become, and I don't think it's really fair to overhaul this system due to semantics. When I was deployed with the military in 2008, the US tried to change the Iraqi flag with the reasoning that it was created under Saddam's regime. The people resisted because they had a shared sense of pride in the flag that they knew, regardless of it's origin. I know that this is not even in the same ball park as our debate here, but I do believe that the logic holds. I just wanted to put my two cents in. Please don't misinterpret the tone of this message, as I love everything MEPD. I just felt I needed to express my feelings on the matter. :)

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