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Posts posted by TD2298

  1. Hey guys,

    I was wondering how long everyone is able to troop with their packs. I have made a couple different harnesses that I wear underneath my armor but they always seem to start digging into my shoulders at about the 3 hour mark. It is around this time that I have to suit down due to discomfort. I haven't had success using just the main backpack straps as the pack usually wants to start drooping down my back. Has anyone found a good way to mount their pack for maximum comfort? Thanks in advance for any information :)

  2. Hey guys,

    I was the sandtrooper in front with the busted knee. I had a problem earlier in the day and fixed it but they used the footage of the busted knee anyway. Sorry for the bad representation. I was upset about that! All in all it was a fun day, and yes, the Rubies suits were horrible.

  3. Hey John. I saw you suited up towards the middle of the day, but I was already suited down at that point. I was there at 8am and was in costume until about 2pm. Had to man the ECG table for about an hour and a half and then had to leave early (around 4pm). I was the guy at the table with the MEPD Hockey Jersey on while you were trooping.

    Sorry we didn't get to meet. I'll make sure to make a point of grabbing you next time and saying "Hey!"

    Wow, you had a long day there! Oh man, my lenses must have been fogged up or I just wasn't paying attention and got caught up in the con. See you at the next event! :)
  4. I was also at NYCC on Saturday along with my Empire Cirty Garrison mates! Had an awesome time.

    The little guy on Mark Hamill's lap is Logan. He is the son of my friend Terry, CO for the North East Remnant.

    I was not able to troop my Sandie that day so I was sporting my Incinerator Trooper. Didn't get the chance to meet Mr. Hamill, but did get some pics with Peter Mayhew.

    Here are a few shots of me and my bro-in-law with our Deathstar hallway backdrop during our "Shoot the Trooper" contest..

    Awesome pics! Not sure if we crossed paths that day, but maybe at another troop. I'm also NER with Terry and Logan. Thanks for having us up from Jersey.
  5. I really hope so, i have meet Vader, Boba, R2D2, Chewi, Greedo, Yoda, BIb Fortuna, Jabba tale, Ewoks, ANH Stormtroopers etc...

    But to meet Luke Skywalker would be... freaking COOL!!! :)

    If someone have hurt him, they must me sick people, crossed fingers it will never happen again.

    Awesome, David Prowse is someone I would really like to meet. I've heard him on radio interviews and stuff like that and he seems like a neat guy. I remember him talking about his bodybuilder days and saying that event organizers told him he would never win any competitions because his feet were too ugly. Lol.
  6. Hope to meet him one day, as i have only heard nice things about him ;)

    The autographs seems a bit high, maybe not he´s own idea.

    Lucky i will meet Anthony Forrest this weekend coming :td::duim:

    Awesome! You should be able to meet Mark Hamill without too much of a problem as he has started doing a lot more conventions. Apparently, he was injured at a con a while back and stopped doing them for a while. :(
  7. He was actually charging $75 for pictures and $100 for autographs. He was actually nice enough to let us come in and take the pic for nothing since we were 501st/Rebel Legion.

  8. Hey guys,

    Finally got to meet Mark Hamill at NY Comic Con this weekend. He was a real nice guy. I walked in first and asked him "Have we met before?" he quickly replied "Yeah, you look familiar." With a not so impressed tone. He also said to the little guy on his lap that he looks more like Luke than he does. Lol

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