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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. you still have your ab buttons... and your ear caps arent painted, but your armor looks much better than when it was really really dirty.

    I like a lot of dirt too, but dang lol

    the colors of your dirt are kinda cool too.

  2. Actually as far as patches go, i've seen these, I was able to trade with someone who already got their order just in case the one I ordered never shows...

    but they actually kinda suck. for an 8.00 patch. They arent 100 % embroidered, kinda more like 20 % , really really loose threads, and very very thin.

    *shrug* even if we got them all and on time, I'd still think they were probably the shottiest patches I've seen. The design is awesome though :(

    I've used larger patch makers for patches this size, with more colors, 75-100 % embroidery and metallic threads and had them come out to around 5-6.00 a patch with shipping and paypal included. So yeah, stay away from this guy even based on that. Let alone the fact he seems to be too much of a procrastinator to be making patches and props.

    I'm really sorry all of you have to deal with this :( us too, but more that you guys have had to be on him hardcore.

    I have a patch order lagging too but at least I know I'll get it. The JRS 11" patches have been in the works since late October, but I've gotten them. Wrong, but got them. lol so sent em back and should have replacements by next month. And that is only half the time Seth's been dealing with this guy. :/

  3. We walked Saturday the 15th for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It was an absolutely amazingly perfect day for it as well. The beach was gorgeous. (except for near the half way / turn around point there were lots of dead sea urchins )

    Two sandies made it out into our element And I am reasonably sure we met if not beat our 1000.00 team goal (the team goal site wasnt counting the individual totals towards it for some reason) I know I beat my 100.00 goal and made 220 in online and 15 in off line donations.

    Here are some pictures of the event! (some day I will have a backpack and be fully deployed :( ) I have the black pauldron on for this one. Sorry about the places my hair came out, lost the hair tie during a helmet removal somewhere near the end of the walk lol.

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    (my bf is the scout in the middle of the front row)

    entire album is here:


  4. I've been knocking around with this thing for a while...

    I have FX stuff mostly, with a proper Sandtrooper Ab plate upgrade, and I lost the desire to keep the bucket after seeing so many awesome ones at ToRP...

    So I bought a TE, it was a little over priced for what I ended up getting since the tubes were a bit warped and extra holes drilled in for installing the ear pieces... I was waiting to work on it until I was sent the freebee trim pieces to make up for the holes. But since they never came (grr) I just gave up and got to work.

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    I used appliance paint for the white. it was nice and shiny and thick. and it flicks off nicely for making those TD paint scrapes.

    As mentioned, it sat this way for a while waiting for parts. So I gave up and bought some myself, and got some hovi-mic tips to go with the speakers I had been saving. I had painted the grill wrong the first time... so that ticked me off enough to stall work for a week or two. Lol, so I xactoed off the grey and it eventually went to this:

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    The clear coat made the grey on the tears and such turn out a little darker than I wanted, but meh, I'm not doing it again lol.

    Installed some screen for the grill and dark green lenses. Wired up the fans and hid the speaker wires a little bit

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    Then I took the badboy outside and threw dirt all over it.

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    Still need some foam or a hat liner in there, then it will be done!

    I've been TD for a while, but havent gotten deployed yet, I have my MG34 about 80%, I ran out of fins for the barrel and have a lead on some accurate plastic ones that I am going for, but I may just finish with the wipers first lol

    I also have a backpack still being built for me and as soon as that gets done I can finally be MEPD deployed lol.

    maybe it will be by Megacon, *fingers crossed*

  5. Are you willing to disclose seriously how much money you've invested in your product to warrent the price tag? and what cost what? it might help a lot of us understand why you think we should pay that much?

    I don't know. How do you put a price tag on 8 years of your life devoted to research and development?

    Not to mention the enormous price tag of the original molds.

    I think it shows in my pieces.

    If you cannot tell my helmet's worth, then you either don't know that much about what a real helmet should look like, or you don't care that much about authenticity/pedigree/accuracy/etc..

    well, I cant tell your helmets worth because it looks VERY similar to TEs which cost way less. Yours are painted up well... but TE claims your molds were his...

    if you bought them from him at a huge price, that really sucks. but we dont know the truth with all of this, so its hard for a lot of us to warrent spending that much on something. MR's helmets are 500. or so, and are licensed, I just would like to know why this is so much more than everything else.

    There is a chance some of us do have the money but dont see/understand. And yeah a lot of us dont have the time to spend 8 years following something like that. I spent 3 years working on x-wing and endor cloth parts. But I never put a price higher than a 30% profit on anything I've ever made for any costume of any type I have made.

    Generally, I have always wanted more accurate looking people around Rebel wise, so if someone steals my patterns, and sells parts for the same price as me, I dont care, but most people try to charge more since I dont make much when I make things anyway.

    The problem is we see a lot of fighting and cant tell who lies about what and when two people claiming they have something similar with hugely different prices is a hard call. We can take to PM if you like, I really would like to understand, I just cant seem to wrap my brain around it.

    So many people see you as wanting money more than caring... since most of us care more about having made something and want as many people to have it as possible, so its made affordable , and its done because we like prop making

  6. To all who have seen it fit to declare the boards "theirs" I will remind you that this board belongs to all of the members regardless of their affiliations. That is something that I have defended vehemently and I will take personal issue with anyone who wants to turn this into a private party or try to make a member in good standing feel unwelcome.

    sorry, Seth. 'our' meaning 501st in general, not claiming this board specifically as 'mine'. to me, there is no reason for someone who dislikes the 501st and has no want to join, other than for $ to be here. He has never seemed like he was here to help. every where I post he just talks down about members. and he devalues the work of you and other members on this board specifically in these posts or I would ignore it like i've done every where else.

    someone who wants to learn and make costumes and the like, should never feel unwelcome on a 501st board. people that only like us for potential money and spying purposes need to find something better to do. ruddy vultures.

    Edit: and that isnt just for gino's sake... if the Chris guy isnt here for any reason then to sell us stuff, then he's out of place too.


    Gladly, if you'd all get off mine.

    We're a huge potential source for income and you know it, thats why you register at every one of our boards that lets you...

    Actually, not really.

    Also, the reason I register at YOUR boards is two fold. Some people there actually want to know things about the armor you wear that no one else can answer. The other reason is to watch out for ****** bag recasters and who is friends with them.

    according to TE you use his molds anyway, so yours are second gen anyway?

    Regardless we're all 501st or aspiring 501st here, so you really are going to kill a lot of people's respect anyway, and a lot of 501st people are in other places, and some of them have money and influence, and you're pushing them away from all angles, if you believe it or not.

    one of the two of you or TE is lying anyway, so pretty much, as said before everyone is a thief anyway. But I dont support stealing and recasting... but I dont support price gouging either. But there are a lot of people with money they want to spend to look good, that will buy from TE and Chris because they cant afford the 2000. price tag.

    and selling to anyone is going to open you up to a recast. more so from non-members since most of us have more heart than to do it. (buying it always seems to be another story) if someone spends 2000 on a helmet, a good chunk of them probably want to make money back off it. there arent many people who would spend that just to let it sit on a table.

    Are you willing to disclose seriously how much money you've invested in your product to warrent the price tag? and what cost what? it might help a lot of us understand why you think we should pay that much?

  8. Higher prices, less access, and less availability to more accurate pieces is all this is going to lead to. Look at where it is at now.

    Word hasn't really spread to the masses yet, but once it has, artisans are going to be hesitant to deal with you if you are a 501st member.

    Pretty soon, 501st members are going to all be lumped into the same category as a high potential for being a recaster or recaster harborers.

    So much for unifying the groups.


    or drop your prices.

    at least 501st members who make things set them at reasonable prices.

    We're a huge potential source for income and you know it, thats why you register at every one of our boards that lets you...

  9. Please excuse me, and I know you mean well but that arguement comes up a lot.

    And it is such ********.

    Then why aren't people content to just wear their FX armor?

    99.9% of people (especially those who you do charity events for) don't recognize the differences.

    It's because they WANT the accurate stuff. They don't NEED it.

    FX helmets and armor is plentiful and very inexpensive.

    Problem solved right?

    And their WANTS, cause them to go about obtaining the more accurate stuff by any means necessary, regardless of the guidelines of trust and honor unofficially set within the prop community.

    And yes, 501st whether they realize it or not IS part of the larger and much older prop community.

    We would like to look nicer, yes, but not for 2000.00 for an f'ing helmet.

    If you hate the way we believe, go peddle your wears back on RPF. Quit talking down to us because we dont want to give you 2000.00 and because we care more about charity work than someone recasting your helmet.

    Why do you avoid answering why you wont drop your price to gain respect / loyalty?

    Heck, I think you should be banned from 501st sites because you dont do anything worth a dang for us except complain. Why should you have access to our boards other than to rape us for every penny you can get from somewhere?

  10. There is no difference between the two examples you just posted.

    Because one was scratchbuilt and one wasn't? That somehow makes it okay.

    1. Neither belong to us on a legal standpoint.

    2. I put more work, money, dedication, etc.. into my cast off original items than you and Seth combined on your scratch builds x 10.

    So how are they different?

    and with that last statement there Gino, my side has switched as well.

    I am now completely 100% sure you're a bit of a jerk.

    How did you spend more time and work recasting someone elses work, than Seth did scratch building something to make a mold from?

    and they dont charge over 1500.00 for their 'work' either. At least its their work.

    If you wanted more respect from people you would charge less for your helmets. I'm sure you'd have an easier time making the "money" you spent aquiring these items back if you sold them for 500.00 each. But instead your are creating your own frakkin' problem by selling them for so much.

    By selling them for so much, you are opening yourself up to being recasted. If you sold them at an affordable price, you might gain yourself some loyalty. If you charged a reasonable price, people would go to bat for you more, and feel like there is something to protect. But there isnt because most of us wont buy your helmet so there isnt something we feel we should protect. Your stuff is unobtainable.

    I own a TE helmet. It was shottily assembled, but its nicer looking than my FX was. He was gonna repay me for the drilling extra holes in it by sending me some parts , but he didnt, so the both of you can forget recommendations for various reasons.

    As for would I buy a Chris helmet? maybe. Mostly now because I dont respect you anymore. I want to look good, but I cant afford everything perfect, and why should I suffer because you want to line your gorram pockets? welcome to the wonderful world of capitolism. Microsoft ripped off Apple, heck and just patented the spin dial Ipod uses cause Apple forgot to. Maybe you should take this sign to start being compeditive.

    I'm in this for the kids I make smile and the fun I have doing it. Screw paying 2 grand, maybe you should donate some of your profits to something worth some salt and gain some of this "community" you keep talking about's respect. When was the last time you trooped something ?

  11. Supposedly a little of the stuff goes a long way. I was curious if anyone had extra that they bought that they want to split/sell. No reason to go buy bags of it if we can spread it around between the group.


    i had a post here about that somewhere. i'll shoot you an email, i have plenty, just asking for a bit to cover shipping and packaging materials.

  12. Thanks for all the very kind words. I'm glad everyone enjoyed and bothered to browse through the pics.

    Mike no way my work be put with yours. Truth is your generous sharing of knowledge has made this possible.

    let me know if you still need a piece for your mortor tube...

  13. Hey man, when you've got good taste you're consistent.

    i guess so.

    i feel bad about ditching TCF for the parade, but i already committed to going with the browncoats before i joined up over there.

    but the same heat thing holds true. i did TK and Boba at dragoncon, and tusken at disney. i'm good with a no mask costume this year.

    Yep great minds think alike and all that jazz. Did you do disney this year?

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