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Posts posted by theGreatSot

  1. Matt - As I've posted and told you before, never forget, you'll always have a place here with us in the sand. Take all the time that you need to find yourself again and to find some peace of mind. We'll miss TrooperExpert, but happiness comes first. You'll always be Matt, and you always have been. TrooperExpert has just been the pseudonym that you've been known to us as, it's just taken these turn of events to help you remember that. It might be a new chapter in your life, but you are the author, and the end of the book is up to you to write. Hopefully it'll be a good one. I look forward to your return and all of the knowledge that you posess and share with us here. May God look upon you with grace and help you through life so that you may be happy. It is what He wants for you and what we want for you too. Hope to hear from you soon.

  2. I've got an AP bucket, and I couldn't be happier with it. It isn't that hard to paint the chin black, just look at lots of reference pics before doing so and take your time. You said that the RT had a vinyl decal, for the chin, but if you end up buying the RT, you should go a head and paint it and not use the decal. It looks much better. The trim for the bottom edge isn't hard to put on at all, you just have to turn it inside out a little and then place it over the edge and turn it back right-side-out. Since the hovi-mic tips can be found other places, I would go with the AP bucket, IMHO.

    Hope that helps!

  3. I just took another look at the Brak's CD. It just has some reference pictures (of both fan made and screen caps), no actual tutorials or parts lists. There is one pic that shows the deminsions of one of the backpacks and another that shows what each part of the same pack is. Dunno if that is helpful or not, but it is what it is.

  4. TK 409 has a tutorial on how to make custom "hardware" backpacks, but I surmise that you two are both looking to make screen-acurate packs. So, the only help that is really there is in one of the diagrams, he verifies that it is infact slate blue, NOT gray. If you guys have a certain site that you are using as a tutorial, I would love the info because, while a "hardware" pack fits my budget, I would love to eventually have a screen-acurate pack or an MDK.

  5. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on what the best tutorial would be. I am thinking that I will probably go with the one @ tk409.com. If anyone knows of any better ideas, I would appreciate the info. Thanks in advance!

  6. Not to be a naysayer or anything and I hope that you don't take this the wrong way, I am only trying to critique your work (and hopefully make helpful tips) . The 3d effect seems like it wouldn't really go with the front of the shirt. Don't get me wrong, I think that it is a cool idea, but I think that the back should refference the front a little more. Perhaps a TD helmet that is faded the same as the E-11 on the front and surrounded by the same splatters. Also, I think that maybe the text that says Blastech and E-11 should be at an angle and all one line that leads toward the under arm of the left sleve of the T-shirt and toward the Imperial Cog. This would sort of balance out the lack of design/insignia on the other sleeve. Hope this gives you some help/feedback. - Zac Sotman / TK 6753

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