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TD 8733

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Posts posted by TD 8733

  1. No doubt Mike. I have a mix of Yours and Seth's work as well as MDK and vintage screen Tupperware parts on my pack. I took the time to build it myself and with the various shipping probably spent over $200.00 just in parts plus my time to build it. I love my screen pack and have no intentions of using another. I know many guys though that can't give the time to build a pack or spend $400 or $500 for a built one. If you can, then I would definitely go that way. Hopefully this budget pack will be a viable alternative to no pack at all or one that is not remotely screen accurate. TD 654, I will probably will not sell parts. If someone wants to build their own pack I would tell them to buy Mikes kit. You will save money and end up with a higher quality pack.

  2. I just want to get an idea if anyone would be interested in purchasing a pack like this. I have been working for sometime on what I call a budget pack. The goal here was to build a pack that you could purchase completely built was very affordable and still fairly screen accurate. This project is obviously not complete. I still need to build the frame add the stackers ect. You will be able to quickly and completely break down this pack for easy shipping or transport.

    The pack weighs practically nothing. My plan is to sell this pack for around $240.00 shipped to anywhere in the continental US. My hope was that this will be an option for those who don't want to spend $400 to $500 on a screen pack that's top of the line or who don't have the time to build one. While not complete I have included a comparison of my screen pack with the partially complete budget pack. I would not take less then $450 for my pack but I think once this budget pack is finished very few people other then a MEPD member would be able to tell the two apart while trooping. I will let you guys be the judge. Keep in mind this is a prototype and not complete. Also the edges and overall details will be much sharper on any pack I would sell.

    Posted Image

  3. AP ask me to post this information.

    It is .80 ABS and absolutely not PVC. ABS plastic varies from supplier to

    supplier and each react slightly differently when forming.

    For the very first run we had a different plastic supplier which

    unfortunately went bankrupt, so we had to get our ABS from someone else

    which has a different hue. The plastic color varies from companies, from

    greyish, beige, blue, pink ect... all depend in the mixture, actually color

    varies from batch to batch from same company, we order same exact plastic#

    from same company and the plastic color tint is diifferent, so we realized

    we can't mix match parts made from different batches, we make sure the whole

    armor and helmet is produced from same exact batch of plastic. When we order

    we need to buy a minimum quantity, .80 is a special order not a standard

    gauge, they won't extrude a sample for the small amount of sheets we order,

    it's basically take it or leave it, they won't custom hue colors unless you

    place a order for thousands of sheets, we just order and ask

    for white gloss ABS, there's no particular hues to choose from we don't have

    that option.

  4. . I definitely feel bad for you guys that are having problems. Hopefully you can get it worked out. I will say that myself and TD 1009 purchased AP armor in 2006. I love mine and had no problems and I think Luke will say the same. This is the first time I have heard any complaints like this about AP.

  5. I tried the sheet that came with the AP helmet but found it to be a bit thin. I then purchased a sheet of Green PVC .010 at a local hobby shop. It is thicker and if you do three layers it is impossible for anyone to see your eyes and the lenses look great. I actually tried four layers but then you can't see out of your own bucket.

    Posted Image

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