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Posts posted by MiDri

  1. First off.....welcome to the sandy side of the galaxy....great choice going sandtrooper man.

    If your going to go the EFX route I would personally go with the stormtrooper version and do the modifications. If you go the sandtrooper version you will spend lots of time trying to match a factory weathering. Keep in mind there are lots of great and affordable helmets out there. Check with mike tk4510 and see if he can set you up. Much better than the efx series.

    I'll second TK4510s helmets I have one (just ordered parts for another) and they're sweet!

  2. Ok, Heres some more detailed pix of my T21 including descriptions of my build.


    Heres looking at the bottom of the gun showing the drain pipe. The drain pipe does not make it around

    the diameter of the gun, so you'll have a gap.


    I use a piece of sheet styrene for the thing in front of the ribbing. I think it's 2" wide and long enough to wrap around the barrel. You

    can see in this photo that I slid about 1/4" of it under the drain pipe. I then took 1/4" wide strip styrene to do the lips on the end and up against the drain pipe.


    The wire is copper ground wire from Home depot. I drilled for the screws and coated them with E6000.


    To hold the wire down where it pushes up against the sling I slipped one of the pieces from my snaps over a screw.




    You devil you, this is exactly what I needed.

  3. After getting my Hyperfirm T21 I read up on how to make fake wood grain on the sci-fire site and am amazed at how easy it is.

    What I got:

    1x Hyperfirm T21

    1x Valspar White Latex Primer (quart)

    1x Rustoleum American Walnut (quart)

    1x Rustoleum Dark Walnut (quart)

    1x Cabot Cherry (quart) *Could not find a rustoleum cherry.

    Here is the unpainted grip, with latex on it

    Posted Image

    Here is the stock painted with only

    Posted Image

    Here's pic of the work in progress

    Posted Image

  4. I just bought a HTC EVO (been using iphone3g) and I love it!

    I recently bought a BlueAnt Q1 (an amazing bluetooth headset) and was thinking... what if I could use it as my helmet mic as apposed to the wired one I have? This would allow me to answer phone calls and prevent my amp from working at same time!

    I was just wondering if anyone else has an android device? I might need help testing.

    I don't have an ETA on the .apk yet.

  5. Before you DO ANYTHING make sure to Novus (or equivalent) polish all of your scratches! Weather can be a huge pain to get out of scratches (especially if you use darker pigments.) Then you can use a 20% acrylic paint/80% water mixture of black/brown to weather your armor, just brush it on and then blot it with a paper towel. To clean (to perfection, grab a can of Denatured Alcohol, it will clean your armor easy with out damaging it.)

  6. I wonder about that. If this is the case why are RC's fitted with white external lights? Also, it seems there is a technology degrade between the NT & OT, just like lots of technology was lost for years after the fall of the Roman Empire. It wouldn't be out of question to presume that some of the hi tech stuff was lost or became too expensive post transition.

    Keep in mind that a bright light is more useful for close quarters. It blinds onlookers.

  7. Awesome shoot! An easy way to fix the biceps-being-swallowed-by-the-shoulder-bell problem (don't really know what else to call it), is to attach a piece of elastic, with snaps, to the top of the forearm and the bottom of the bicep. If it is still necessary, you should lengthen the strap for the bicep. I had the same problem, and rearanging the strapping eliminated the need for a handler to do so.

    I actually have foam in my armor (to help keep it from moving around to much) but the piece inside the bicep came out before the shot.

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