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Dirty D

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Status Updates posted by Dirty D

  1. Back in the classroom: brain sponge initiatedHeaded back home this evening to see my princess before coming back to finish the week here. I'm excites to see you Sheila!

  2. Bit of a lightning storm outside again. Not too common here in Germany and we've had two now this month :D It's like free fireworks :P

  3. DLA-E, BSME, TM/RO, FMD, APC, DODAAC, FDSO, DFSP, BLSA, JP8, ULG, SFD, DESC, DWCF, MILCON, GOCO, IMM, CBT, PA, COR, DKO, FES, ATG, EOM, IMP, OCONUS, PWRS, IAW, PORTS, AMPS, AFSS, VIL, WBT, RDC, CIS, COG.... acronyms anyone? Can I put this on my resume as a third language?

  4. Had a great visit at home last night :) it was definitely worth driving the miles both ways to be able to sleep next to you again Babe!Back in class this morning with the energy I need to make it through two more days :)

  5. I'm super happy that I can tag Sheila from my iPhone app now :)

  6. Just had a great time at the Eibsee again today :D Back to the hotel for a bit and then Sheila and I are gonna walk around downtown Garmisch-Partenkirchen for some Sheila/Jason time :)

  7. Nothing like a rainy day in the aviation fueling world. Sure makes the Aqua Glo testing interesting!

  8. On this day, one year ago, I was hired for the job I currently have now. The difference is, I make a thousand dollars more per month than I did then :D That feels pretty **** good!

  9. Settling down in bed finally after a long night of searching for the hotel room that will be my living quarters until Friday. I think the morning will come too soon. I miss you Sheila!

  10. Sheila made some hella awesome STEW this evening!! Yum!!!

  11. Sitting in the parking lot ready for Day One of Business Systems Modernization Energy class.

  12. Woohoo! Halloween party tonight!! At our place!!

  13. www.dirtyimperial.com is now mine. I just need my MacBook Pro back from the shop so I can build it :)

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