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Posts posted by redcorellian

  1. I'm definitely planning on going to D*C but will be marching with another group in all likelihood. A MEPD photoshoot/con-floor-hitting squad would be awesome though and I will be bringing my armor.

  2. First step was a new weathering job. I used a combination of tan and black spray paint with sanding, the techniques I read about on mixing black/gray/white acrylics on here (and yes, the more expensive acrylics work a whole lot better - and hold up better so far). I meant to take pictures all through the process of weathering for a tutorial, but most of the photos ended up lost or kinda hazy. Here's an example of the thigh, then the full suit:

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    This week, the plan is to get the ab plate installed, fix my thighs and backpack, and bust out the fuller's earth.

  3. You can use the duct tape torso and add a single layer of plaster soaked burlap then let that layer set hard completely then add a few more layers for strength. If you dont let the first layer set you run the risk of the weight of the wet plaster deforming the torso but a single layer wont do that.

    That's probably my ticket. Thanks guys!

  4. I just made another torso dummy this last week - do you think the fiber fill would give it enough rigidity to sculpt on? I'm wondering if I should have gone ahead and done the legs while I had help lol - figured I'd be able to do those by myself but... that could be a bad idea pending in my near future.

  5. Long time lurker with a couple of posts under my belt here. I've been a TD for almost 2 years now. I've always planned to go deployed but kept getting distracted, but I think I'm finally going to lock myself down and try to get done because I should be somewhat close. I have the canvas belt and the correct ab plate but haven't gotten around to installing them yet. The backpack is almost canon and I have most of the pieces to make it canon. I need canvas shoulder straps and need to get new pouches since I'd cut off the straps on the old ones and can't use velcro to attach them to the canvas belt (at least, I'm assuming I can't). Gonna need to buy new shoes as I trooped out of them between WSMI this summer and CV lol. I also need to do the required upgrades to the MG-34.

    In theory, I think that's all I need to do.

    I'm in the process of re-weathering it now as most of original weathering has been knocked off and what remains is trooping grime. Here's a recent picture (I know I've got the Red Rain stuff on there but it's just the kama, pauldron, and shoulder bell cover - I have the canon pauldrons):

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    I did have one main question: is it alright now to have both pouches on the belt?

  6. Maybe we can create a thread on his backpack build. Plus, I dont think anywhere in the legion requirements it states the the requester has to be human....lol

    No dice. Already asked the LMO on Sunday night if we could get the spud troopers at the Masquerade in and it was a negative. :lol:
  7. Great seeing all the different armors in one spot! Definitely got a few weathering ideas as most of mine has been knocked off. Also, the Belgium guys said this TD was the first armored trooper to get in and out of the snowspeeder unassisted. Minus the pack though. :lol:

  8. Hrmm.. This post would be far too long if I went into war wounds from outside armor making. xD

    Just armor-related (in the last year):

    - sliced two fingers fairly deeply with a fillet knife while I was trimming a rubber backplate for ODST. Luckily, didn't have to get stitches, but I did get some pretty good blood 'weathering' on the armor. :rolleyes:

    - plenty of little nicks from exacto knifes

    - don't know how many times I've glued my fingers together or to armor with ABS glue or superglue. Luckily, the ABS glue stopped burning. I dunno if that's a good or a bad thing though.

    - half inch sized scar on my stomach from trying to use a dremel and a power sander at the same time with my clone. Needless to say, that shirt has a whole in it now.

    - have done the abs-particles-in-the-eye routine. Not fun. Promptly invested ina pair of cheap eye protection from Lowes.

    - Luckily, the armor bites don't usually last more than a day or so now. Just from regular wear, the edges have worn down and my tolerance is a bit better as well.

    - about a half inch dremel-wheel sized scar on my left hand. I blame a cat and trying to multitask with glue for that distraction.

  9. Yep, I'm TD through and through. Working on fixing my gear for deployment but it may be a few months before I'm there. My armor's definitely showing wear and tear from a year of heavy trooping though.. I'm almost thinking about investing in another set as I'm gonna have to reweather mine anyways. If one of y'all don't mind, let me know if I can PM someone on armor makers. I tried searching for the one I'm thinking about but the search didn't yield results (and I don't want to blatantly name a maker). I'm mostly worried if it will hold up to my uh.. rough trooping.

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