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Posts posted by TK6540UKG

  1. Just had this message posted over on the UKG forum from Scott Steele, UK Garrison XO regarding batteries.

    At the recent troop at Game in the Merry Hill Ged Rodgers TK4184 had one of his AA batteries spring a leak whilst trooping.

    The location of his battery pack was in the back section of his TK, the caused the acid to leak onto his undersuit resulting in a very nasty burn to the flesh. What made matters worse was that he didn’t feel a ting, the acid reacted that fast it burnt away the nerves in his back so he didn’t feel a thing.

    Luckily for Ged we was due a rest for lunch so the problem was found fairly quickly.

    The burn to his back is severe to say the least, below is a link to the photo for you to have a look, some might not like to see it so its your choice if you want to see it.


    (photo with Ged’s permission.)

    Id like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the problem you could face if a battery leaks while your trooping, Id also like to urge members to consider where you mount your battery packs as this location is becoming a popular choice with members these days. Wherever you mount batteries this risk still stands but having them mounted in your back armour may result in the issue not been detected for a period of time.

    My personal choice for mounting batteries is in the tube area of my helmet. Helmets are removed with ease during breaks so any problems could potentially be detected sooner rather than later. Having said all of the above this is the first time in many years ive seen a battery leak let alone damage the skin like this.

    The above incident will result in Ged having a skin graft this week to try to repair the damage to his back. Ill be visiting Ged this week and ill be able to post updates on his progress.

  2. If you want full accuracy, then don't cut it.

    I cut mine, purely as it gave me a bit more movement, and the seam is hidden under the belt.

    Never had a problem with them coming loose either on all the kits I've made over the years.

    It's down to personal preference though.

  3. Well... 99.999% of the UK Garrison has the ROM/FX unit.. and IMHO is the best unit out there. Had mine for well over 5years now and still going strong.

    The most common place to mount them is have the speaker on the belt, with the board and mic in the lid. Mic is normally clipped onto a balclava.

    Board can also be stuck behind the chest plate.

  4. If separating the ab/cod, you need to cut it behind where the belt sits.

    FX abs have a line at the back as a guide... accurate sets generally dont.

    Here's a pic of mine to give you an idea.. clicky for bigger pic.

    Posted Image

    Sandy is FX and TK is accurate set.

    As you can see I also trimmed the sides of the crotch piece too... these bits tend to flap around and are hidden under the belt anyway.


  5. Hi all..

    Mark aka TK6540 of the UK Garrison checking in.

    Been with the 501st since 2004, and had over the years TK x 3, TB, IG & IS costumes...

    Since I now have a spare set of kit, I'm tempted to go dirty... plus also seen a mates progress on his has made me even more tempted...lol.

    Currently scouring stores for backback parts, which is currently going good, and the build is coming on slowly.

    Not gonna rush this, plus funds permitting, I'll be a TD by Christmas.. (but not sure which one :rolleyes: )

    Cheers all.

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