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Posts posted by crashmann

  1. I remember someone else asking about mounting the cistern and I replied with pictures. After digging, I've found them!

    I actually glued a bolt to the side of the curvy pipes. Be sure to scuff up the plastic so the JB Weld can bite into it

    Posted Image

    I cut a hole in the top hamburger stacker, mounted a screw through the side of it, and bolted it from the inside of the seed tray. I used a right angle screwdriver to hold the screw in place, but you could probably just cut a larger hole for a regular screwdriver

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    Here's one of my favorite quotes:

    I cut it two times, and it was still too short!


  2. Definitely angled.

    When I asked Mike about this, he runs a screw through the top hamburger stacker and the curvy pipes where they make contact with the seed tray.

    I used a huge glob of JB Weld to reinforce the area where the screw entered the curvy pipe.

    Good luck!


  3. I apologize for the slow progress. Things have been rather busy on the home front lately :)

    There's a couple of light scratches that I am smoothing out on the upper right square and middle rectangles. Also, I'm smoothing out the ridges on the lines radiating out in the speaker grill. I might ask Todd to order a new set of knobs as the ridges on the small ones need more definition. We'll see if I can clean them up.

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    And monstrously huge image if you dare:


    I'll keep you posted as I continue along.


  4. is that long roll of elastic webbing strap that comes in your kit for the pack straps?

    Yes, the 2" wide elastic is to be used for the backpack straps. Split it in half and attach them to the frame.

    Congratulations on your armor Diana - it looks great! Maybe you could put the foam padding inside your armor to help cushion and spread the weight of the backpack on your lower spine.


  5. Here's a drawing of where I would recommend attaching the straps to the frame:

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    You've got a couple of options to attach the straps to the frame. The easiest is to wrap the elastic strap around the frame and use some thick clear goopy glue to secure it - such as E-6000, Shoo-Goo, etc...

    Another option is to drill a couple of holes for rivets. I don't like that idea since it breaks the elastic in the webbing.

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    Good luck!


  6. The Smooth-Cast Onyx looks like some good stuff! It's the same Shore Hardness as Task 2, has lower viscosity so it will flow into the nooks and crannies, and it's already black without having to add pigment. Yup, I'll be ordering a one gallon set :)


  7. Your backpack looks good to me! :duim:

    I also believe it is more than acceptable for 501st membership. Ultimately, that decision rests in the hands of your Garrison Membership Liaison Officer. For MEPD deployed status, there are higher standards than the Legion. A whole bunch of details are here:


    • Desert Backpack, styled after the ANH sandtrooper packs. They are comprised of two main boxes (aka Seed Trays), that are the approximate width of the backplate, correct bend on frame. Strict screen accuracy is required! While not every Sandtrooper in the film had a backpack, we feel that this level of commitment and overall design of the character should be attained. This also means taking no personal liberties such as LED lights, etc.

    I'd say your pack is close enough for strict screen accuracy, especially considering most of the documentation for the backpack is blurry! However, "Deployed Status" is decided by the MEPD Deployment Officer, theGreatSot.

    Good luck!


  8. I put a full kit on the scale (with mounting screws), and it came out to 1 pound 4 ounces (580 grams)

    The weight of the original vacuum formed faceplate is 3 ounces (90 grams) versus 8.8 ounces (250 grams) for the resin faceplate mounted to a sheet of plastic.

    So, it will be an extra 5 ounces (160 grams). If you notice that difference, then you're probably related to that princess who couldn't sleep on the stack of mattresses with the pea underneath :lol:

    I'm working on cleaning up the castings - There's some surface lines leftover from the 3D rendering process that need to be smoothed out. Then I will make new silicone molds and be ready for the production run.

    I haven't worked up the ears yet. Do you have pictures of the ones you made Mike?


  9. Is it just me, or that backpack look suspiciously a lot like a MEPD backpack and not so much as the real screen used ones?

    Just check this:

    Radio: More like Crashmann's than like the Sonix Victory 75

    Syphon: Same story, this even has the funnel end and no screw like finish at the buttom.

    Air filter: Looks more like an air filter than like the prop with all the thin tubes around the main tube

    Bee stinger: more like the marmite than like the real deal...

    Hah-hah, I agree with you!

    But imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I'm going to have to get one of the figures :)

    Thanks for posting the pictures!


  10. Monday night we molded the radio faceplate and knobs in silicone

    First we created the mold box for the faceplate:

    Then mixed, degassed, and poured the silicone. You can see the bubbles rising up from the center of the speaker grill

    We mounted the knobs and glued some familiar cylinders around them (can you figure out what they are?) and poured the silicone

    The following night, I extracted the mold from the faceplate box, and it came out beautiful!

    The knobs look great too!

    Now to cast the resin

    I forgot the resin I was using cured clear

    It came out beautiful, and very nicely detailed!

    Gigantic pictures available in the album here:

    I've got Smooth-On Task 2 resin on the way, and will continue to refine the casting process. Once I've got a bunch on hand, in about two weeks, I'll post a for sale Zenix Sonix Radio thread under the Project Orders forum. Yes, I will offer multiple options:
    Full kit - faceplate, knobs, switches, and box
    Just the faceplate and knobs
    Just the faceplate
    Just the knobs

    No need to post an "I want one!" message here. I'll see you in the Project Order forum :)

    Thank you very much for your patience during this whole project!


  11. What Size is the faceplate? I hope to be able to replace it with my old one.

    The faceplate is almost exactly the same size as the existing vacuum formed version that I have been selling. Just slightly different by a millimeter or two. The goal is to allow troopers to swap out the faceplate without having to build a new box to go underneath.

    Of course, we'll have to see how the castings turn out to determine whether or not it actually works :)


  12. My plan is to make a few castings to ensure we maintain the high quality that Sandtroopers demand and deserve :)

    Once I've figured out how much resin and labor go into making the new radio, then I can determine an appropriate and fair price for the kit. I will cast at least 10 radios to have on hand, then announce the availability in a separate thread around the middle of March.

    So hang in there troops - Almost there...


  13. Congratulation Cow Trooper! I can't think of a finer individual to lead this rag tag bunch of misfits!

    A heartfelt thanks and salute to Mike for all of his work serving as detachment leader over the years. You've been an inspiration to all of the troops!


  14. You live in a warm climate. Those stores only stock them to cover faucets that might freeze.

    TD-1536: [atop wall] Halt! Who goes there?

    TK-236: It is I, TK-236, son of Commander Cody, from the castle of Mos Eisley, king of the Tusken Raiders, defeator of the Jawas, sovereign of all Tatooine!

    TD-1536: Pull the other one!

    TK-236: I am. And this my trusty servant Davin Felth. We have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of troopers who will join me in my court of Mos Eisley. I must speak with your lord and master.

    TD-1536: What, ridden on a dewback?

    TK-236: Yes!

    TD-1536: You’re using faucet covers!

    TK-236: What?

    TD-1536: You’ve got two empty faucet covers and you’re bangin’ ’em together.

    TK-236: So? We have ridden since the sands of summer covered this land, through Mos Vespa, through—

    TD-1536: Where’d you get the faucet covers?

    TK-236: We found them.

    TD-1536: Found them? In Mos Vespa? The faucet cover’s tropical!

    TK-236: What do you mean?

    TD-1536: Well, this is a temperate zone.

    TK-236: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may seek warmer climes in

    winter, yet these are not strangers to our land.

    TD-1536: Are you suggesting faucet covers migrate?

    TK-236: Not at all, they could be carried.

    TD-1536: What? A swallow carrying a faucet cover?

    TK-236: It could grip it by the pull string!

    TD-1536: It’s not a question of where i’ grips it! It’s a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound faucet cover...

  15. I might have a couple on hand that I can ship out - if only Mata Nui would let me near them!

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    Send me an e-mail with your shipping address and I'll let you know how much it would be

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  16. Need your clarification on one point here - the better way to mount the Seed Trays onto the TD Backpack frame is for the untrimmed lip Tray to be facing up and covering the trimmed lip Seed Tray (where it will be attached to the Backpack frame), right? Or is it the other way round? unsure.gif

    Good question Peter!

    Since we are "optimizing the backpack assembly, I recommend having the untrimmed lip on the outside of the backpack and mounting your components onto it, like this:

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    The tray with the trimmed edge will be mounted to the backpack frame, on the inside of your pack, closest to your back.


  17. Hello Crashmann :D

    There are two of us Sandtroopers here in England after two backpack kits.

    any info on us purcahsing two kits would be awesome !!

    Hi Joey!

    I just sent you a personal message with all of the details for the complete Sandtrooper Backpack Kit.

    My MEPD mailbox is about to go Alderaan, so if anyone else is interested in a kit, some of the components, or the vac formed parts, please send an e-mail to:




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