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Too Much Garlic

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Posts posted by Too Much Garlic

  1. Thank you sir!! :dance:

    I used Krylon camouflage khaki for the cap,and ACE tan enamel for the faceplate...after painting i polished both with light polish then washing it with a soap to clear the polish a bit so the white paint can stick better..not bad to clear 'paint signs' and gave an illusion that it is made from a tan-colored material :sweat:

    I used NOW white to finish the job :pint1:

    Very nice helmet and paint job. Just wondering, since you didn't do any chipping, why paint the khaki colors first?
  2. Glad you guys are enjoying the helmets and glad it arrived safely Rolf. .)

    I'm not attached to selling these anymore, but there may be more runs in the future. I'll keep people posted on the developments.

    If I thought I could sell enough of them I would. It would be very expensive to print a full scale helmet stand. I could, however, have it printed hollow. That would save on the cost some... But still, 3D printing isn't cheap.

    Honestly, if the shape is not complex I think machining it would be easier and a whole lot cheaper than printing it. Printing should really only be used for complex shapes that would be difficult to machine.
  3. Here's some additional pictures. You may have already seen them if you've followed the thread on The Den and the RPF, but for those who haven't... enjoy.

    First is a quick photoshop image showing it "painted".

    Posted Image

    And the following one is additional shots of the mini helmet.

    Posted Image

  4. Well, as you can see, both the mini version and the full scale version turned out great. Just waiting to get my copy. Really can't wait. Gonna be really cool sitting next to my TE fiberglass trooper helmet cast from original RotJ.

    Anyway, in case you haven't followed the threads on The Den or the RPF, here are the pictures of the mini and the full scale helmets.

    Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

  5. I saw this at the RPF... But I most say I am a bit confused with the story of this...

    For what I understand, the original SFS was scanned with laser or something, and now you are making a new version out of it?

    It looks awesome, just want to fully understand what it is.



    Same scan. The only new thing about this compared to the earlier SFS helmets is that ALL the details are preserved due to how the physical version was made. Printing, compared to carving the piece out of foam.
  6. Realized I'd only shown it off over at The Den and on the RPF, but thought I might as well show it off here as well. Recently, a print was made from the SFS scan preserving all the details that are on the original and which was not part of the version that was milled from a block of foam.

    This is about as close as you can get to the actual prop, without owning the original. I know it's not a sandtrooper, but still thought you might be interested in seeing it.

    To start things off, here's a picture of the 3D scan model:

    Posted Image

    That was then printed in small scale first to see if keeping all the crisp details was possible before doing the full scale version. You may have seen the pictures before if you ever frequent The Den or the RPF, but I'll post new stuff as soon as I have it.

    Posted Image

    Hope you enjoy the pictures. Can't wait to show off the cast when I get it... and even more to try my hand at painting it.

  7. Thanks for the info.

    I know most people are interested in vac-formed kits, but are there any thoughts about doing unwearable resin/fiberglass statues, like you can find with C-3PO?

    Are the pieces molded from the inside or the outside? It's okay if you can't/won't disclose that now.

  8. Yeah... I'm definitely not shipping expensive items through Danish Post ever again. I'll have to check into what other shipping options are available out there in the Danish land.

    If only there was a sign of its whereabouts... so at least we knew where it was. But nothing since leaving Denmark. USPS has a tendency to be dopes with registering stuff... but you'd think that US customs would.

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