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Too Much Garlic

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Posts posted by Too Much Garlic

  1. Yup, two helmets full of details on the surface. Just my dream. It's also interesting to see the construction differences between the two - how the face sits further back and up in the back and cap - overall making the RotJ look more compact and tight than the ANH SFS.

  2. Something more. The mold maker has been working on a 4-piece version with some refinements, such as at the eyes to remove the gonk (will be done before molding) and sanding down the gonk on the tube stripes, so they are smooth and sit flatter to the tube surface. He has also done a cast from the SFS brow trim in rubber - not pictured yet. He also sculpted the top part of the face mask back in based on reference that is hidden under the back'n'cap.

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  3. Need to clean out my work room after I dumped all my crap out there when I had to clean my apartment for having visitors last weekend. Really got to get started on those ears so I can get this assembled and finished. Seeing as the grill on the mic tips has to be cut out and glued in... what's the best kind of glue to use for that?

  4. I wanted to update the thread, but has been lost without the key to this place and was just let back in after a stormy night in the rain.

    There may be some new updates soon.

    Until then I thought I'd post the 2-day paint test the moldmaker did on one of the full scale helmets. It was cast in a grey/green HDPE/PP color and then painted.

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    I know the grey color is wrong - he just used the paint he had at hand - and the lines in the traps and back are painted a tad too thick. He's mentioned he'd probably repaint much of it later and get things accurate.

    Bu still... even with my super slow approach I doubt I'll be able to paint mine as good as this 2-day quickie paint job. Curse my lousy mediocre skills.

  5. Honestly, if you have the stomach for it, you should get the helmet in the correct plastic that the original helmets were made in. However, you risk natural peeling, like what happens with the original helmets.

    I chose gloss ABS and it's awesome looking, because I don't want to go through having to paint mine.

  6. Actually, there are limits on how far you can go legally... and to me it sounds like she's burning them up quicker than you can say Tattooine.

    Keep your head cool and good luck man.

  7. i love the anh stormtrooper too,but to be honest i think if i built one it would almost feel unfinished

    to me as i only ever built sandys,i think id find it hard trying to keep it clean when working on it

    and would probabley be full of minor scratches by the time id finished!

    thats one great thing about sandys you dont have to be over careful handling them in the workshop! :thumbsup:

    The Stormtrooper is full of scratches and blemishes and nicks and dents, so they are not as clean as you may think and you shouldn't be more careful making those than you do the Sandtrooper. Flaws and damage is what helps make the character come alive. Authentic battle damage. .)
  8. Sry Carsten...

    but I see nothing bad on this helmet...it's all right and this little space is not bad as well,,,it's rather movie accurate ;)

    This Space comes from the bump at the faceplate--->

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    this bump provides the support of the dome...well, some space between the dome and faceplate can not be avoided.

    Hi Dan and no, that piece didn't even touch the back and cap at the front either. It is simply caused by the plastic retracting when cooling after being formed, if not supported. It's the only thing that can explain why the original holes doesn't fit.

    However, this is not meant as a complaint or a negative comment about the product as I think it's super awesome and the guys at RSProps are real gentlemen who really care about their customers, as evidenced by me being contacted by mail by Rob when he heard about my issue. Now THAT's being awesome.

    I will eventually crack that mystery conundrum called the ears without hopefully losing my mind first, but I know I can always just order an already trimmed set from RSProps if I screw up. LOL.

    Anyway, always loved the ESB look, so that's how mine will be painted.

  9. I took the plunge of doing the hole a additional tad bit further back on one side when I'd disassembled the helmet anyway when filing the eyes to ESB spec. Looking better.

    Here it is next to my TE RotJ fiberglass helmet.

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