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Posts posted by padde

  1. Thanks, Obi! :D

    Alright, guys - it has been a while and I did not get to do much on the beauty during the past few weeks...sorry about that...!

    But finally, there has been some progress - my work from this week - enjoy! and thanks for looking! B)

    All parts trimmed and sanded...

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    I hate glue...can you tell me why...??? :lol:

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  2. nice padde

    you bought a cool set of armor

    Thanks, Mario!

    Alright, folks - it has been a while and I did not get to do much as I was on a week long business trip.

    But I have been busy during the weekend and here are the results:

    may I introduce you my nearly finished helmet?! ;)

    It still needs a bit of work (need to refine the finish of the ears to say the least...) as I have not had the time to install the lens material as well as the neck trim. But here we go:

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    Hope you like it! ;D



  3. Thanks for the kind words guys!

    As there are many threads of poeple's builds who are by far more talented when it comes to armour assembly as I seem to be, I originally thought I should not make another thread...but then again, hey, why not?! ;)

    So, here are some more pics from the beginning and in between:

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    The first few steps...:

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    Oooops, what happened here??? ;D

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    Status quo:

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  4. Hey everyone!

    For a few weeks, this big box with the sweet content has been sitting in my work shop and I was not brave enough to start building it - my TE2 armour!

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    To be honest, this is my first trooper armour and I was just too afraid of messing something up, so it just sat there...! ;)

    But finally, I started to unpack and trim the first parts and the more pieces I have been working on, the better the fun!

    Oh, and thanks to Rolf the TDMAN, I am not messing up too many parts...! ;)

    I have been trimming and sanding the body parts - pics to be done - and wanted to continue with the parts for the legs and the arms to finish that work, when something interefered...this sweet little helmet was just too tempting to work on, so I could not resist! :D

    So, after three days of trimming and sanding - I know I am slow but also very nit-picking from time to time - I started out on the helmet which kept me busy during the whole day... :blink:

    And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the result - it is not perfect but I am quite pleased for the first time! What do you think? Comments are more than welcome!! :D

    Unfortunately, my faceplate had a few flaws and some material on the underside cracked...I hope it won't trear open any further...Any ideas for a repair...?



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  5. Greetings everyone!

    I have been roaming the forums for a few weeks now and with all the excitement and info storming in on me I almost forgot to introduce myself - I hope you will excuse me...? ;-)

    My name is Patrick, I am 38 years old and living in Germany in the vicinity of the city of Hamburg. I am married with two children and am working in the airline industry.

    Since ANH came out - I was six years old - the world of Star Wars fascinated me and never let go of me. But it had to take 32 more years for me to realize that there is more than just the movies - costumes and props!

    So, here I am trying to get my hands on things I can built myself or take advantage of the masters among us providing the finest items needed for trooping and display!

    I do not have a set of armour yet but I am putting an effort in it to achieve that goal very soon...! Since my first visit watching ANH I have always wanted to 'be' a stormtrooper, especially a sandtrooper - the path lies ahead, I just have to walk along...! ;-)

    Cheers, folks - it is great meeting you all!


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