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Posts posted by padde

  1. Many thanks to Mike for having done a great job - and congratulations to our new CO!

    I wish you all the best, Nol - if you will ever need help with anything, I am sure every single member of the MEPD would be happy to step forward to support you!



  2. Hey there,

    I have tried both and am using TKBoots now with which I am very satisfied!

    I think they offer the best cost to quality ratio you can get!

    They are a bit lighter and the sole is a bit thinner which gives it a more screen accurate look - but that is just my opinion! ;)



  3. Good question...

    I have always liked the counter option but the more often I look at my E-11 and the more I compare it to the non-counter version, I seem to prefer it without either...

    As far as I believe to remember, the first ANH E-11s were without counters and I more and more like it that way...! ;)

    I guess, I will just build a second 'edition' without the counter on it - this way I would have both. :D



  4. Hey Bro, little 'Rolfman' looks awesome - and he seems to be very happy which does not surprise me having a father like you! B)

    But what do I have to read here??? No more speed-building threads by the master?? Oh no, common, don't do this to us! *lol*

    If so, you can only make us happy again by being our XO....! :lol:



  5. Thanks a lot for your comments, guys! :)

    Yeah, Sandies rock and make TKs look like nerds...nah, just kidding! :D

    Rolf, I cannot wait to troop with you in summer - and finish our duty in Mos Eisley's cantina, first round on me...!



  6. Looks to me as you had a lot of fun, you pawned all those short Stormtroopers with your dirty armor :D

    Can't wait to troop with you asap :)

    Roger that, buddy - it has been lots of fun indeed! :)

    Well, get into gear and let's head out! ;)



  7. Hi troops!

    On Friday, I have attended my first event in my recently finished TD suit and would like to share a few pictures with you!

    It was at a party of a german insurance company (Allianz) and we were to control people as they were entering the building, as well as to scan their ID tags.

    Later, we have had an appearance on stage but I do not have these pictures yet.




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  8. ...

    I though I would go for less is more, but at the end I think I kept adding more and more dirt to make it more similar to the screen used armor. I know it is not very similar, but its inspired by it.



    Juan, I just noticed this sentence in your post and had to laugh - because it exactly describes my feelings when weathering my armour!

    At first, I wanted just a bit but then I added more and more...and more...! :lol:

    But your turned out great!



  9. Great!!! new zac.

    Maybe the staff could look like this (its only a maybe, lets see what the election will bring us soon):

    Co- Daetrin

    Xo- TD-252

    SAA- ?

    Mo- Rocko

    DO- thegreatSot

    Padde and Dutchy, have said yes to a title somewhere if needed.

    But no for CO/XO.

    To me its not so much who are in the staff, as long as the forum have a good energy.

    And the staff help the forum to be so, together whit all its members to support the forum.

    So we have new topics/post every day, so people like to log in, and do there part, to keep the forum alive and a fun cool place to be.

    Move a long... move a long.... TTtcchhzzh hh... :td::salute:

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    Sounds great!!

    Although I have modified your list a bit...! B)



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