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Everything posted by Dark-GTI04

  1. I doubt most people would even notice the change in the star pattern in the 3D version of Titanic. Most people are anxious to see Kate's boobies in 3D!

  2. Of course I got the limited edition Star Wars XBOX360!

  3. 21 Jump Street was great. I'm referring to the original TV show! Haha, I just saw the movie too. It was really good. LOL throughout the whole movie. I was disturbed at the beginning though when I noticed someone brought their 4 year old to the movie.

  4. While watching the trailers before The Hunger Games, most notably Prometheus, I sudden remembered a nerd moment in my life. In 7th grade I did a book report on the novelized version of Alien 3.

  5. "All day, all night"

  6. "Jim Carrey" calls another time out! #GOKINGS!

  7. I can't find the remote to my T.V. Maybe I'll find it if I make a viral video. REMOTE2012

  8. What is Kony? This isn't like Linsanity is it?

  9. I picked up a set from ebay too. Good quality. They were tan colored though. I picked up some black dye and they turned out great.
  10. Ah man!!! I just looked at my calendar and realized we loose an hour this weekend :(

  11. A friend I have not seen in awhile just told me I look like I've gained weight. I told him, thanks I have. Its muscle :D

  12. In SF. Had a great time at the Clone Wars screening at Lucasarts!

  13. Well, I guess I can forget about going shopping after work. THANK YOU COMCAST BILL!! My mom needs her internet access :P

  14. My Auntie still has her Christmas tree up. I suppose since I was the one who helped get it out of the box and set it up I could offer to take it down. Then again Easter is 40 days away. Let it stay! We could hide the eggs in it.

  15. Its because it was Phantom Menace. Its my least favorite out of the prequel trilogy. The box office grosses will reflect with the films' popularity. I'm looking forward to the other movies 3D releases in the coming years.
  16. Darn it! I was gonna "work out" with Kinect and I can't find my Dance Central disc. I guess I should just go buy DC2 today.

  17. The piano in the house isn't so intimidating when no one else is here. I learned to play "Someone like You" within the last hour :P

  18. Peace & quiet. No one but me and Roxie at home. I'm about to tackle an extermination project here at home that needs serious attention.

  19. I just read an article in yesterdays local paper about a woman who is a 'PANK' (professional aunt, no kids). I guess that makes me a 'PUNK'. Technically though I'm actually the Godfather (Nino).

  20. This is great. I'd hate to see the license go to Mega Blocks
  21. Target has Members Only jackets available on their website!

  22. Foo Fighters/Deadmu5 = sic!

  23. Daniel Delacruz TK4559 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=10421&costumeID=134
  24. "I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows. If I fail, if I succeedAt least I live as I believe. No matter what they take from me. They can't take away my dignity. Because the greatest love of all. Is happening to me "

  25. I'm pretty sure Stormtrooper white is a neutral gang color in Stockton but I am a little nervous about the crowd we might encounter. Theater crowds are different from the Thunder crowds. May the Force be with us.

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