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Everything posted by TD2802

  1. Got one of each here too - different temperaments and all. My oldest is already a teen when a whole new set of dynamics come into play. They'll be driving before you know it!
  2. So far so good! I'm not a big advocate of fuller's either - nice if you got it but don't see any significant difference with alternative mediums. The only one being is $$.
  3. Congrats - welcome to daddyhood!
  4. Some sobering insight from a Wall St insider. Doesn't offer any solutions but gives you a POV from someone who was in on the mess: http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/nati...s-Boom?tid=true
  5. I second that salute to all the vets and active duty personnel out there because freedom isn't free.
  6. Happy Birthday Brah! Thanks for your all your inspiration and friendship
  7. Poured coffee on mine and let it dry overnight. Works great. If you dab paint, it will look too splotchy imo.
  8. Thanks for update guys. Rolf, sent you a pm too.
  9. TMI for a first post. An intro is in order it seems.
  10. Someone should get this guy to carve a pumpkin into one of our revered buckets.
  11. Definitely family first Rolf! No rush whatsoever so take all the time you need if you ever do another run.
  12. Nice work! - I kinda like how you got the brow trim but if you're basing it on the screencap, then you may need to lower it a little.
  13. Sadly no one is going to be immune from this and only if it were that simple to be region specific. This is a global problem that will affect most markets sooner or later. I'm also not sure about the veracity of a dealership being so upbeat -after all, why would they tell you different if their ultimate goal is to sell product in a sinking economy? Or maybe consumers are more shortsighted than I thought or have enormous cash reserves to pay up front. In reality most people don't have those sort of budgets. I believe what you're seeing is more the exception than the rule. Now wouldn't be a good time to buy stocks with the market so volatile. Some of my co-workers have already been slapped with warnings and outright bans for short selling on the online trade sites.
  14. Sadly the result of all the predatory lending will make it harder to qualify for even non-frivolous loans such as small business or college. I personally don't have any bad debt to worry about, but the the laissez faire trickle-down approach tolerated by the current administration which enabled unscrupulous banking practices makes it seem like I'm paying for one whenever I check my 401k. Looks like I'll be tightening my belt and reining in any unnecessary expenses.
  15. Well I thought they already did something like that before and thought why would banks be encouraging more risk and exposure with the mess we're in now? But then I saw the quoted average rate, and thought its been a decade since they were that high. After realizing this was published almost a decade ago, it reinforces the fact that even though you may not immediately feel the pinch now, you will when you're denied credit or a loan based on ill-advised stimulus plans last century. Banks are in a panic now - I'm trying not to lose sleep over this debacle but its making my job a bit of a roller coaster at the moment. Its really unprecedented what's taking place in the financial markets but each time the fed cuts the prime lending rate half a point, expect the banks to add more of a spread to make up for their losses when they resell the loan on Wall St. I wouldn't be surprised if Bernanke cuts it a full percentage point. Good for the banks when transacting with each other here and abroad, but bad for Joe Sixpack who'll be scrutinized for every expense in his credit history to justify him a loan; as long as there's uncertainty in the market due to uncertainty of the bailout's success, banks will be more tightfisted to avoid another fiasco. The cut is supposed to counter that but when the market indexes tank almost everyday, I fear for the future.
  16. Q: What does a flag at half-staff at the post office mean? A: Now hiring
  17. Now those are real hives of scum and villainy if you end up in the wrong side of town. I think a visit to Tunisia should be on an MEPD 'bucket list' myself.
  18. Looks better than last year's. Good work!
  19. Good work Kav! Great to see you again for a worthy cause.
  20. Depends on what's being bought or sold of course and how its being paid for.
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