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Posts posted by TD2802

  1. Great input all B) It just might boil down to each individual's preference it seems. I like the oiled metallic look of a satin finish myself but again, having been pointed out as sandies, the wear and tear of being in a harsh environment calls for a weathered treatment, so that's the route I'll go with.

  2. About 4 years ago I proposed how cool it would be to have a sandtrooper's oath. Some of you may remember the polling that took place with nearly 90% det approval. Unfortunately a couple things happened that forestalled its implementation - namely former CO,Seth Busino who had supported the idea from the start was banned ( I won't rehash the details here); and over a year later when I was following up on it, the board was in the midst of migrating servers and no one was ready to do any content tweaks at the time with more pressing issues to worry about. Fast forward to now and with the encouragement of Daetrin, he suggested I repost the oath. So at the risk of being reburied in the desert, here's the unabridged oath that passed MEPD approval. Any constructive feedback welcome and remember this is just schtick to add to our sandy personaes B) :

    The character I portray,[insert TD no.],solemnly accepts this oath of allegiance to Lord Vader, His Majesty the Emperor and to uphold the laws of the Empire to the best of my ability. As a deployed officer of the MEPD, I am dutybound to faithfully execute the orders of my superiors in maintaining Imperial law and order in the towns, cantinas, moisture farms, desert wastes and wherever suppression of indigenous or off-world lifeforms are necessary.

    I will be ever-vigilant in my hunt and apprehension of rebels and their jedi traitor sycophants. Should they resist or obstruct detention or interrogation, I am empowered to carry out their immediate termination unless otherwise instructed. I am further empowered to confiscate any droids suspected of carrying any contraband data or holocrons predjudicial to the interests of the Empire. On patrol I will endeavor to collect as much local intelligence pursuant to the discovery, arrest and/or liquidation of any rebels and their sympathizers.

    I will treat the local inhabitants with the courtesy deserving of a non-hostile cooperative citizenry but reserve the right to enact punitive measures when violations of imperial law or treason are committed.

    I respect my fellow troopers and will not do anything to undermine or jeapordize their welfare through dereliction of duty, insubordination or cowardice.

    I acknowledge MEPD membership as an earned privelege within the ranks of the 501st Legion and therefore am held to a higher code of conduct and honor in assuming the duties and responsibilities of deployment.

  3. I agree that it was a detachment that was sent down but doubt that they could've become that dirty in such short a span of time as attested by our actual real world vets in the field. What's often overlooked is that George was all about visuals as a cinematographer as well as a storyteller. The dirt level shown was improbable but secondary to conveying the image of 'hey these guys aren't your regular TKs' which is enough for the general audience. Same argument goes for pauldron colors; its up to the writers and fans like us to later rationalize the inconsistencies or meaning.

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