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Everything posted by xeroroskk

  1. in my opinion, its the modest troopers one should be wary of, like me
  2. theres an IMPS trailer on youtube, and the troopers overbelt looks to be a police belt (altho with the gunholster being the SW veriety, instead of present day weponry holsters) chances are you can ask and find out where your local police force gets their belts and pouches, for that finishing touch for your sandtrooper (i advise snapbuckles and nonribbed/ribboned pattern belts) since im in KC, my nearest depot is OMBexpress, any/everyone else should ask the nearest officer where they get their belts.
  3. noted im at presently acquiring sources for more acessories, and saving up (or trying to) for the big $600+ for an armor kit
  4. i know im abit off topic, but lately, ive been having trouble trying to acquire ANY sort of costume due to the extreme prohibitum of the price$ of the Prop Peice$ and armor$ ...... and the fact that fishing for a job is luckless thus far therefore im rather forced to try to scrounge up a tusken costume.... so far ive shopped around and found most everything i need for generally under $100 for each pop (i dont wanna bother to add up the overall total ) i have most of the first sand robe made and all of the bandages all stripped out, with a plastic stunt version of a gaffi (light and strong, with no pointy ends) and i have the mask detail parts ready to go, now all i need are the gloves, boots, and mask base in order to finish the costume on the upside of all this, you guys get to mess around with a tusken on your breaks see you all later - Roskk/ xeroroskk (eventual ect ect)
  5. i got my pauldrons in yesterday and was wondering how to install the wire hangers so that my pauldron doesnt ride to the front (or the back) thanx
  6. its a slightly odd story on how i spoofed the police miranda rights at the last second for a role play thread i was role playing in a star wars rpg forum as a bounty hunter who was trying to collect on a very 'troublesome' smuggler character who had a big bounty of 56,000 imperial credits any way, i go to try to arrest him and as i approach this han solo sort of character(it was even more ironic that i had based my BH character on fett) and i wrote up this for my BH chara to say: 'skip lone, you are wanted by the Empire for numerous imperial crimes, and have a 56,000 credit bounty........ you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do, can and will be used against you in an Imperial court of law. you may have any imperial attourny of your choosing, if you cannot afford one, an Imperial attourny will be appointed to you......im now placing you under arrest......' and then some jedi innterrups me for bounty hunters licenses and permits up the axx, and skip gets away..... anyway, enjoy heres a blank version..sorta (full name/ alias), you are( wanted by the Empire/ under arrest )for (numerous imperial crimes, /and have a *X-number* credit bounty/ - if under 7-10 crimes, list the offenders crimes-) you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do, can and will be used against you in an Imperial court of law. you may have any imperial attourny of your choosing, if you cannot afford one, an Imperial attourny will be appointed to you......im now placing you under arrest......' *put the cuffs on the rebel scum* if this isnt totally correct, feel free to post a more complete varation.....
  7. one morning i decided to go hunting for internet stores on various products that we need or use well i found a source for mp40 pouches, black with whight/light threading http://www.northridgeinc.com/sp_mp.htm (it should be near the bottom of the page)
  8. i dont have an armor set yet,but i plan to have each costume in its own big box,with the exception of helmets,packs, and blasters,and perhaps afew other things that can be interchangable and also coming with its own stand, and box foot pegs, sort of like samurai armor boxes
  9. (see topic: story of a newbie and a studio pack, for past comments) i just finished constructing the radiobox, it went without any problems and it looks really cool, i also put afew more cords and hoses on it,and the only things i have to do now is get the sidetube on, and then sandify/weather it. im also thinking to put an antennae kit on it, and have a modded helmet (sci-fire.coms commando 'scout' style helmet) for a sort of 'ARC desert sandtrooper' style of suit i thought about puting a veggi-can on the plunger,but couldnt find a way to attatch it, so i went with the koolade canister instead,and bolted it with screws.(most of the pack is bolted with screws) im not very confident in doing my own weathering job on my pack(and armor/pauldron,when i do get those) and am quite hesetant to weather it.......
  10. are the hard pauldrons for sale? what colors do they come in? how much for one?....for a set of 4(orange, black, white, gray)?
  11. i dont have any armor or pauldrons yet, but i plan to have 2 of each ,one set of 4 with no patches, and the other set of 4 with various patches and pins.
  12. ......once you've had sand, you'll never want to go back........
  13. choclate bars......thats funny but choclate bars would melt in a heartbeat in that intense twin sun desert inviroment
  14. today i managed to get afew things for my pack,such as the plunger and some other things, and have mounted said plunger,as well as the oilcan down below and some smaller details,including a power outlet that looks to be fully functional ive started working on the 'radio box' and might have a computer vent or fan on the diagonal box also i will have an 'ARC comm-officer' or 'ARC sniper' theme to my second sandtrooper costume, and will have an antennae kit and a communications wire on my helmet, as well as a visor(much like biker scouts do) and some other things but i have yet to figure out how to peirce the can to mount it onto the end of the plunger
  15. that was funny,thanx for pointing it out theres also a really funny one at atom films http://www.atomfilms.com/af/content/barn_wars
  16. any ideas when heart of empire will be finished
  17. arright , i named a pack style, how cool royalties...........
  18. umm..... .......so does this mean i 'officially named' a new pack style?
  19. any info as to what store you get them from .......and for about how much
  20. the results, i think youre in good company. as long as you have fun trooping, thats the main part.......
  21. you mean star fortress is a conjob, set up by this shifty dude? aw man, i was hoping to save up and get a whole lot of stuff from this guy(that is, if the pix of the products were of the actual thing) now where am i gong to get clone armor, some vadersuit upgrades, tie helm and armor,and some other things it seems to me that every sw costume parts vendor is either a conjob(see: his truly^), or never lives long enough to provide quality parts for anyone(due to being eaten alive by lucasfilm copyrights lawers) (*shouts to george lucas from in the distance* hey lucas, loosen up abit, ever hear of a thing as 'being laid back', how about the fact that theres plenty of honest and upstanding costume/prop makers out there, all they need is the licensce to make it......)
  22. i thought awhile and have come up with some ideas for cool and mysterious items: small bottles that have been chromed out (covered im aluminum tape) black pvc peices with either white, chrome, gray, or black endcaps (possibly marked in arubesh) some sort of notepad that looks like a pad of parking/ 'other violation' tickets (i saw a star wars one somewhere one time) MEPD ambands all around, sort of like military police (either weathered or not, and not for official cons/events) afew more misc. black belt pouches
  23. hmmm....dont know how about everybody sound off 5'10"
  24. cool idea, i think ill have a black suit as well ,with a repelling/grappling kit and smoke grenades
  25. cool pack, it looks like its 'real' if you know what i mean i hereby dub your new and revolutionary pack the 'gonk pack' .......took the words right out of my mouth, 257 now you've given me a goal to strive for on my second pack, thanx, and keep it real
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