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Posts posted by xeroroskk

  1. hi again, long needed update here

    after a rather recent house fire and a 2 week stint in south carolina, im still in the 70th's area, and along with some of my books and other stuff, my armor also survived the fire, altho its covered in soot, altho i also had to leave the would-be parts of my pack behind in SC, at my brother/his wifes house, and wouldnt be at all surprised if it got thrown away.

    im currently staying at a friends house, and aside from clothes and other needed stuff, everything of mine is packed in boxes and stuck in an old RV out back.

    when and/or if we can a place of our own (staying with family) i definitely plan to consider prop making and vaccu-stuff, among other things.

  2. a rather late update, but after wearing it on Halloween 07, i made some more trimmings, peeled off the velcro (word of advice, throw away the velcro that comes with the kit, cause its total sh!t) cause all of it ended up drifting halfway off the pieces, leaving yellowed sticky streaks on the undersides (not cool)

    anyway, now to get more epoxy, enough black webbing and elastic to finish it, and buy a decent sized helmet from 409, cause somehow i ended up misplacing the brow strip as well as the entire rear plate of the FX helmet (also not very cool)

    back to the halloween thing, it was kinda cool when a group of hot girls came down the street, and saw me and my 3 friends, also in star wars getup (bathrobes with tabards and walmart glow-sabers), and the first thing they said, was 'hey look its a stormtrooper, wait, wheres the helmet?' ;D

    so yeah, there is that

    i got some black trooper-style boots at walmart, and dyed them white, tho im not sure weather or not they'll be up to MEPD standards :/

    last but not least; the sandpack

    aside from neding a paint touchup on the radiobox foundation and the blue lower main box, and getting the hoseboxes and the airfilter/batterybox done up, its pritty much ready to go for assembly.

    sorry for the lack of pix, but i thusfar still cant find the cd that allows my computer to translate code from my camera to my computer > . <

  3. well im not a member yet, but i do have a list of numbers and the meanings behind them. as for my forum name, it is actually the combination of the names of 2 RPG characters.

    on 'The Gungan Council' forums, i play as Nade Roskk, and some time ago, i was on a Matrix forum and played 'Xero' who was once sub-commander of a large portion of the machine armies, but was repaired by a Zion character, and ended up joining the Zionists, but was later killed during the fourth siege of Zion city, while assisting Neo with the defeat of the 7 marauders (super-sentinels that are about the size of small capital ships, named after the seven ultimate sins: greed, sloth hate, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony).

    also of note is the fact that i wouldn't be at all surprised if all the numbers on the list are already taken at the time my armor actually is presentable (as opposed to finished, because i think armor is like 'transition'; never fully finished, just drifting ever onwards to a state of 'more complete than before' )

    1037 - the word 'Jedi', converted to numbers, reversed, and upside down

    1395 - IMPS, short for imperials, converted to numbers

    6248 - my SS number, with the zero's and odd numbers taken out (i dare you to try cracking what my real SS is )

    1085 / 1185 - derivations of my birthday D/M/Y, reduced to 4 letters

    2132 - taken from a star wars rpg character of mine, ARC 2132 (aka 'Kaybar') on 'The Gungan Council' forums

    321 - counting in reverse, and also close to '421'

    2107/ 1270/2170 - anagrams of Sev's republic commando designation


  4. Rose Parade - one of the many events that many new troopers wish would return every so often, so as a 'proto-member', i ask:

    recurring/annual event or done and gone forever?

  5. i finished the body of my armor, assembled my helmet, took a test pic

    and found out that i was alot skinnier than what i thought i was

    well, trial and error, 'cept for the fact that i get to spend more money every time i end up tossing together a bad suit.

    -sigh-, now to see what i can salvage; *thinks*

    status of pieces, so far as i know:

    chestplate/shoulders/biceps/backplate - pretty much unmodifiable once assembled, better to get raw pieces and start over with that 'zone' of the armor

    helmet - (fx) abit big, but can be completed and sold, or trimmed down and extensively bondo'ed / painted etc. One of these days i might make helmets of my own using base details from photos and an FX helmet.

    clampeice/buttplate/abplate - generally, it fits, but is abit wide, im thinking of trimming it down and re-adding the velcro points to it.

    thighs/ shins - shins are abit short, so i don't know what to do with those, but thighs can be trimmed from the rear and bondo'ed with little effect to appearance.

    belt/hand armor - those are fine, ill keep them as they are

    gaunts - not that bad as they are when worn alone, but with the rest of it, they are really bad off

  6. i'de love to be in some sort of fan film or something like that, except as far as i can tell, everyone else doing that stuff is somewhere else, or i need to be a 501st-er, which im still not (but almost.... I'm very close to finishing my armor) >__>

  7. ok, latest update....

    im almost finished with the armor, and now all i need are boots(or just white leather shoe dye from someone who isnt going to SCAM me for money), the only thing im nervous about is rigging the thigh peices into a sort of garter-belt sort of setup.

    I've pretty much restarted on my pack, this time with more intricate plans: blinky LED's, and even Music Speakers!!

    my (new) pack is a fusion of a studio pack and several other pack-building methods, but it also maintains an overall screen accuracy.

    I would post pix, but the image supporter disk is currently inoperative, so any pix i upload onto my computer (from my camera) would probably be reduced to worthless code.

    also, my next project is likely to be a snowtrooper

  8. -erase's Quote: Troopers, pls read. Better be safe than sorry. When moving to deployment area, keep weapons concealed.-

    smooth advice, yet another reason for cops to go Gung-** on random civilians. -__-

    -weiBes's Quote: There is no true freedom, unless (our) right to bear arms is upheld. this so called 'war on terror' has damaged our rights beyond what we think and has given the police the freedom to shoot and kill at will. in the past when there was a hostage problem, they talked the gunman out of it without killing anyone. now they shoot first and ask questions later, its a small example of how things have changed and how the media has demonized gun owners. soon they will have banned everything, including our own personal thoughts. Big Brother is watching and growing in strength everyday. it reminds me of a time in Germany when (Hitler) was trying to rule the world.-

    unfortunately, i have to agree with you on all of that chunk, weiBes

    -Steve12201's quote:....you can strap a loaded gun on your hip and walk around all day or drive around with it in plain view in your car.-

    ....and then get arrested for 'conspiracy to commit an act of terror', or some other bullsh!t charge - even if you're registered to buy/have a gun.

    its getting to be that, if you dont have a badge to go along with that firearm you're looking to buy, use the money for something less (useful?) - like paying off a loan

  9. i think that the actors threw on the pauldrons, and it happened that there was alot of black pauldrons/non-pauldron troopers, some white pauldroned troopers, and one or 2 orange pauldron troopers so it was sort of an accidental evolution of the 'rank system'.

    a similar phenominon happened in the 'Planet of the Apes' movies; in the film there was a caste system consisting of 3 evolved simian species - chimps, being the scientists and intellectuals, orangutans, taking up the role of diplomats and managers, and gorillas as the military/law enforcement backbone.

    off-screen however, all the actors ended up self-segregating themselves during break times (such as lunch hour), according to costume, which was left on all day because it would take too long to take off/re-apply.

    While it may be true that pauldrons aren't as time-intensive as monkey makeup, it would otherwise fit the same criteria, IMO.

    Personally, i think both rank and division are plausible, although i prefer to go with rank.

  10. i suppose it would depend on the person (and their pack), but i would assume that (in most 'western' country populaces) the mortar tube would be between 30 and 45 inches.

    however, in countries with shorter/ taller populace averages, the length of the mortar tube would also be concurrently shorter or longer.

  11. well, due to my kid brother graduating jr high school, the camera is currently full, and has yet to be emptied; so its another delay till i can post progress pix

    truth to tell, i don't see why there had to be hoop-la about someone graduating jr. high.

    (btw, currently watching SW at 30) ^___^ SO COOL!!!

    (edit; afew days later) made some more progress on my armor, and except for the hugeness of the helmet, it looks to be complete within the week. revised pack needs boxes cut and painted, then mounted.

    for the helmet, i plan to bondo and finish it, then promptly sell it for a smaller helmet (or maybe just cast & mold my own helmets)

    sometimes i wonder why FX (and its variants) have such big frikkin helmets.

    just so you know, ive got pix waiting to be uploaded.

  12. on the whole, i agree with changing out your bubble lenses for flat ones, but what i do call into question is the apparent requirement of GREEN lenses.

    why not black, or mirrored, or very dark gray lenses, or maybe even neon pink mirrored lenses? (if you could actually find that last one)

    (and yes, it is deliberate irony that this message be entirely green)

  13. blame lucas for reusing props and peices of costumes, but i think it makes sense, seeing as how got suited during the clone wars era, so it would be very likely that (in universe) a clonetroopers undersuit was used for vader's iorn lung suit, since they served the same basic function; to isolate the wearer from the general influence of external enviroments, which were often uncontrollable as well as inhospitable.

  14. nether-regions aside, i actually think blue pauldrons might be nice - just not clean neon blue. i swear, those blue pauldrons in that pic just about shined like the SUN

    <--- (me with flash-fried retina's)

  15. getting back to the subject of TK's wearing pauldrons....

    as a soon to be 501st legion-er, i would think that my vote has some weight, if not as much importantce as an actual member.

    if it does pass, my preferences are (as if i could impose a standard upon others, but this is my opinion) that TK's wear only clean white pauldrons, with patches allowed,and that if it is any other color, or the presence of dirt/sand or any sort of backpack resembling a sandpack, then the troopers armor in question would have his classification changed to TD

    also, there must be little to no visible modification to the armor outside of size fitting and lense modification,and if there are any traits of sandtrooper armor (se MEPD armor standards) then the trooper may have to switch from TK to TD

  16. i use screws and webbelt cloth to form a hinge along the inner edge, barely noticable, unless your looking for it or its not being worn, in which case it tends to want to fold itself in half, which isnt bad when storing it in the closet.

  17. i donno about anyone else but i use various tupperware and walmart fishing boxes for my packs, along with other things and parts, so my sandpacks are held together with mid size screws and maybe some epoxy.

    i find its benificial cause you can more easily upgrade a spesific part or box, like changing out a crappy looking radio for one that is more detailed - say like with blinky LEDs and turnable nobs and stuff, or a nicer looking 'O2 canister' as opposed to a gussied up cup or whatever.

    all you would need to do is unscrew one part, and screw in the newer part, and the base box is already punched in, so there'd be little to no turn strain when installing said new part, but be sure to align the holes properly or else there might be swiss cheese spots on your pack after awhile, and risk something falling off.

  18. now that ive been saving up the past yr, i now had (yes, had - past tense) about $650 to $pend to get my armor.

    while not quite a TE/TE2 or gino, it is a slight step up from FX, which is what i was going for.

    im so happy that i have some stepped up armor on the way, and by this time next yr (if not abit sooner), i should be a young blooded member of 501st

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