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Everything posted by RemoLocke

  1. Darn hippies...with their Grateful Dead and free love...... Welcome Bert, good to see more sandies poppin up.
  2. Welcome Timothy. Great pics. I'll be in TE armor soon as well. I hear it's great stuff.
  3. Looks great. Love the whole banner you did with the MEPD logo.
  4. I finally got the chance to speak to TE on the phone about a month or so ago when I was on the hunt for armor. He seems like a very nice guy. I can't wait to see the package outside my door soon so I can get dirty.
  5. Good to see another wants to get dirty I'm working on one myself. Welcome aboard
  6. I've got my stuff in Rubbermaid, but I was thinking about getting a mannequin from this seller on ebay. They showed some of his on The Dented Helmet, then I checked him out. They look cool.
  7. RemoLocke

    Sad News

    I lost my Mom and Aunt to cancer and that was incredibly hard. I can't imagine what losing your child must be like. At least she's no longer suffering.
  8. Good to "meet" you Randall. Welcome.
  9. I love the color scheme. That way you're fellow troopers won't lose you. Seriously though, it's looking good.
  10. Glad to see you're back. I was getting a lil worried.
  11. I was wondering if anyone added a mini soundsystem to their pack to play the Imp March or any other effects? I'm putting a pack together and would really like to do that. Any suggestions for setting something up?
  12. Welcome Chip. As soon as I get my armor together I want to get into the Midwest garrison as well.
  13. You're like Pigpen of the Peanuts Gang.
  14. Paint it? Wow, I thought it was already white plastic. How do you paint it(type of paint/method)?
  15. Can anyone post pics/send them to me so I can compare TE, ANH and FX. I know I can get ahold of FX and ANH almost for sure, and TE I'm trying to get in touch with. Is there any difference in the kits, is one harder/easier than the others. Thanks.
  16. Thanks for all the help guys. I didn't even know about TE until the other day, so I'm going to try and get ahold of that. Other stormies that I've talked to have said the same about it. I have been picking up pieces here and there for my outfit. Now I just need the main piece
  17. motman241, any more pics of you backpack?
  18. I'll be 35 in August.
  19. I saw that site last night, very cool stuff there. I heard that with the FX armor if you're not taller then you look like a bobble-head. I want to get quality armor and I don't mind dirtying it up
  20. Hi, My names Mike and I have a couple costumes right now (Rocketeer & custom Mandalorian), but I want to be a sandtrooper and join the 501st(and hopefully the MEPD) I'm in the market for armor and am stuck between the 3 I've heard of. Can anyone give me their opinions of TE,ANH and AFX. I'm 5'8" with a pretty good sized melon so helmet size may be an issue. For those of you've who have Mando buckets you can compare best. I can wear a MLC(BIG helmet), Mystery, and a DP Deluxe. I have a DP95 that I can't fit in at all. Any help you can offer will be appreciated. There's a nice looking set(to my untrained eyes) on ebay right now, but since the seller is 6' tall I'd have to do some cutting and I'm not the best at prop/costume building.
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