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Posts posted by Pappy

  1. :sweat: been a rough year but patience paid off in the end! and


    built this in a month +-(not included cudling with the kit :kiss: ),starting its life as a matt ABS kit, got screw up in the assembly,paints and........no armor yet :pinch:

    got various adjustments before its finished..but still....its MINE!! :teehee:

    My #79 RS sandy helmet :sweat:

    hdpe(sorta) base

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    amor :P

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    360 :sick:

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  2. So,at noon they're shooting the roadblock scene in wide shot

    Took a long break and then shooting the close-ups,judging by the direction of the sun,the differences on the gear and photos our move along captain had transform to move along #2(must've been a long time if the pouches were swapped like that)

    Not long after they're shooting the 'falcon escape alley' and our move along captain had transform again and becoming the alley captain

    (???) Maybe :P

  3. Gordon it is a picture from the movie,he stand next to the captain checking the door on the right

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    what makes it interesting that the captain is disappeared on this time frame(picture on the card)...maybe this is what you meant bro? :D

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  4. so did he just make the skuplts for vakforming or just vak form it ?

    Hope i get this right

    There are 2 concepts stormtrooper helmet given to Lucas Posted Image

    The one on the right of the picture was Nick Pemberton's(with an ashtray part) take for the stormtrooper concept given,and the one on the left was Liz Moore's(RIP,which last i heard also had a hand by Brian Muir on the last touches of the sculpt)

    We all knew obviously which one that Lucas approved.

    Then it was later 'revised' and made into 3 sections we all knew today so it can be used for vac-forming process. a process which i believe involved Nick Pemberton's choice involving AA,which is Pemberton's friend and knowing that AA had a facility(Shepperton Design) with a large Vac tables in it to produce canoes products and its only couple of blocks away from Pemberton's.

    So AA didn't create the concept and sculpt At All like he claimed to date,he was just hired to producing stormtrooper helmets(minus painting the details afaik) with the finished sculpt given to him ready to be added with 'legs' for vac forming process(afaik). He almost constantly kept changing his claims with most can be broke down with evidence

    FYI The stormtrooper armor he producing till this day is a recast of some of fan-made armor parts(and helmets?),afaik its GF's

    I rad that he's a good guy to talk to,and with his involvement on the project he could be much more respected than he is today,but all of this is just too much. :angry:

    I saw on his Facebook page(Original Stormtrooper) that Liz Moore's son is going to talk to him in person,hope he had what i hope to be,a new proof,maybe a picture of his mom sculpting the helmet and blew AA's claims once and for all!

    (also on his facebook page,you can see a picture holding a T-track claimed that it was his and been using it for his blasters,it WAS NOT,it's Gino's picture of his T-track :angry:...meh )

    ok rant's over -_-

  5. Keep your head straight up sir,and it is best maybe for Sly( :D ) didn't know about this yet until he's grown up and to see you always happy and share the best fun thing you know with him. Best of thoughts Rolf :salute:

    and uh oh watchout...he's going to be more handsome than you...i have foreseen it!! :lol: :lol: :P:peace:

  6. Just saw news report from a camera on a helicopter shooting the tsunami event when it hit the land far from the beach...its a scary sight...even there's a lot of cars roaming around the road when it happens!

    Best wishes from here for japan...and for everybody live facing the pasific...

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