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Posts posted by WhiteCommandoV2

  1. As Slave1pilot said, "I don't endorse or recommend any of these, just letting you know what's out there"


    My assessment of their instructions told me what I predicted... The assembly on this gun requires inner strips of plastic, or tabs, along the entire perimeter. Spanning shims, so-to-say. I read that it says you must cut a very strait line, or you will have lots of filling to do.

    I do not know of a single MEPD trooper that carries this option. I would not recommend this to anyone.

    And due to the chiding and derogatory remarks from some people who mock peer prop makers here, and specifically in this thread, Cushman (and I) grew tired of it. So, I would recommend you buy a Sci Fire before spending 30 hours trying to make a Foxflier (which looks like a model kit version of the Lewis Machine Gun), where Cushman's less expensive kit comes with all things to look like this...

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    So, once mods start to throw water on "flames" when they pop up in threads like this, maybe the product will come available again.

    As all of us adults know, especially ones providing products or services... nobody likes to do commerce where insults are plenty (and usually made by a monopolizing prop maker, or representatives of that prop maker) and rules are broken, and blind eyes turned... why bother?

    I have two of these. My assembled one looks better than the one in the pic... Deatrin's, by the way.

    Good luck.

    I was hoping for a Cushman T-21 kit as well. Any word on availability? Thanks.

    Derek TK9254

  2. CRLs are the best! I lost my TC designation since I had seams on my thighs... and Torment told a squad leader in my Garrison "I would not approve that guy" and they listened...

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    SOOOOO Crappy!

    Remember when half the clones were Glover clones with seams and rivets? Oh wait... that is still half of the clone corps. Seriously... CRLs suck big fatties.

    Soon, it will be OK for TDs... FX suits will become required for consistency.

  3. 327th requires a pauldron! Star Corps are the TDs of the PT. <-- I made that up. But they are ARC troops, and they are pretty cool.

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    I designed the pattern – I just scanned a 3.5 action figure pauldron, and blew it way up, redrew, and posted it on clone-empire... that a lot of guys took and tweaked of my PDF to make Star Corps pauldrons and Vills and whoever.

    Send me a PM and you I will send you the PDF. You can use vinyl and foamies. My step brother sewed mine... he is batman. I am not ***. I am just wasted!

    Note the sweet UNK shoulder bells on the suit. BIG improvement!

    Yea the 327th look pretty bad ***.

    But wearing a pauldron isn't a deal maker or breaker

  4. WOW! The fro wigs are nice, but this one...

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    She is fresh... man! S-Nap!

    Hangin' with Anthony is cool too. He and I spoke for 20 minutes when I decided to go TD. Here we are at Sci-Fi Expo...

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    But, man... this is awesome!





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    Sing it guys... Come on guys! No Shame!!!! Here we go... 3... 2... 1... "Hold you now, really throwin' it all away... I will make it onto you... at... won-der Con... I promise to." <-- Sung to Chicago's "It's Hard to Say I'm Sorry"

    Where do you get the fro wigs?

    Great thread!

  5. You have to admit... the goggles are a pretty good find (for a Veers Helmet). They were listed as German Military Motorcycle Goggles on ebay. As for the lid, some people could find it offensive (if they tried really hard)... but the same could be said about the current U.S. helmet – as some people actually find the design for the U.S. Fritz helmet offensive as well.

    I saw on the Military History Channel, in one of those "Top Ten Designs of _____ " shows, a description helmets, and the M-35 was way up there (and the U.S. Fritz might have been number one). The dude describing the M-35 said the design was good at protecting the neck, and specifically the spinal cord.

    Funny side-note (well, not really funny)... I did make the mistake of dressing as a Waffen SS Trooper to a Fraternity Party. There was a guy that wanted to literally kick my *** about it. However, there was another guy came to the party as Hitler. And I said... "Hey, I am sorry I offended you, but if you want to get angry, go talk to Hitler over there." and the dude walked off and got into Hitler's face.

    I promptly excused myself and removed some stuff off of my outfit, put a police badge on, and the rest of the night was great.

    Note to Self – Do... not... dress... up... as... a... GERMAN... Storm... trooper. k'Kay. I recommend nobody pull a "Prince Harry" at parties.

    Oh well, no compliments. Another day wasted... so, where do I get the correct beanie? Send me the link.


    Troop on,


  6. Sometimes, I see guys with alternate "cover" when they are taking a break from wearing a helmet. Sometimes, you can't hide in a break room at a Con or at hotel. I have seen a lot of Imperial hats, and Mike's Famous, umm, hat... the Wermacht Officer Dress Hat. That gave me an idea of another option. So, here is my option...


    Those goggles were off of ebay... $10.00. I am getting a Veers lid, and I believe those goggles are pretty good for that... just paint the frames and tint the lens.

    But, it gives an option to cool off, and look decent. I just need to add the imperial cog and MEPD badge. Anyone have a good .jpg of those? Please post in this thread.

    What do you think?


  7. I sit in my big, comfy chair... then I get up and check the mailbox. Sometimes there are checks in there. But, I think that is not a good way to live, so... I am looking for work.

    Mainly Photoshop, Illustrator, and NewTek Lightwave. When working, I composite, draw illustrations, and render 3D art as a contractor WHEN I am working.

    I work (and have worked) for the Industrial-Military Complex (like Lockheed-Martin and a company I can't name right yet – yes, I have seen some secret stuff) and I help them showcase their systems... mainly to sell to the customer, and in most cases, the U.S. Government.

    And, just lately, I am getting into 3D prototyping of items I think are interesting, and maybe could be replicated. To prototype, I draw something, and to make these "3D Prints" I use a mix of CNC cutting, and 3D rapid prototyping.

    I may buy a laser cutter, or a zCorp Rapid Prototype Machine soon. We shall see.

    BUT, if anyone needs a 3D object made, I can draw it, and it can be made in a short timeframe and printed at a vendor I use.

    So, that is what I do.


  8. Oh yeah... easy. The Replicator. It makes period clothing, food, lots of stuff!

    But seriously, I have a guy that charges a pretty fair rate... But, I want to find out the machine-type... then get one!

    Definitely neat stuff! Now some super-genius needs to make a Star Trek-type Replicator to plug these files into and out it pops. Preferably one that's affordable, too.

    Holy smokes - that's *awesome*!!! I have nothing else to add, but wanted to say that's super cool.


  9. Run that sucker on a table saw to remove the cool face detail, mount on one of those plastic pitchers (or a bisected piece of 2" diameter PVC pipe spanned with Sintra/HIPS for closure), add styrene strips, paint and weather... done.

    Or get the Sci-Fire option... $35.00 is steep to be cutting it up for a small part of the overall device... AND, what can be done with Sintra, and some water jets and/or laser cutters and PVC adapter rings.

    JB, you still offering those?

    So, great idea by LFL and a toy company turned to ****.

    Anyone notice they have made the clone blaster - the toy - even smaller?

    Found this one:

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    Looks way too small. Could be a good source for parts for a home made set of macro binocs, though.

  10. The straps are Special Edition-styled, he just has to re-add the drop boxes. I was SE-styled for a while.

    KIDDING!!! Upgrade your straps... it is easy. Just use Billy Mays' Mighty TD Straps!

    If you like, I have a spare B+ grade Syphon I could send you. It looks pretty good. Just swap out... easy.


    Also, I may be selling the radio box, maybe, it is in the above gallery... but, the siphon would be free. You just need the fruit cup and bottle.

    I also could throw a couple of small plastic tubes of Fuller's Earth. Mike, post a link about your tutorial, even if it is the clone tutorial.

    PM me if you want the syphon.

    Troop On!


    Welcome to the MEPD!

    As mentioned above, there are a few things that need to be fixed up. Remove the ribbed shoulder straps, as Sandtroopers did not have those. The gun details (as already mentioned). The ab plate needs to have the three buttons added.

    I think the weathering could be fixed up some. The helmet looks rushed and more like it was literally painted with paint, which is something you ideally want to avoid. There's a bit of deception in painting a weathered look that can be a challenge to pull off. Weathering is loosely enforced in deployment status, it's just a personal observation.

    The backpack is fine for a custom built, but I would encourage you to tighten it up some as the standards for deployment should be much closer to what's seen in the movies. Don't worry, I spent over $100 on my first back pack and it was no where near accurate, but it was a fun build.

  11. I am 6'2" and I have a few stone (kilos or pounds) on you. See...


    Great suit, helmet could use a touch more of weathering (Do Mike's Fuller's Earth Tutorial), and on the top half of your pack, the tupperware goes on the left, above the radio - it is inverted. I know... I just re-made this pack... I know, I know... sheesh, I know!

    I want a patch!

    Troop On!!! I like the subtle weathering on everything else. Great job!


    Great Sandtrooper you got there bro, iam glad iam not the only Trooper here at 6.3 feet :lol:

  12. Be sure to install blowers. In my first troop as a TK, at the Fort Worth Museum of Science... it was a hot day, and that's all I am gonna say about that < Forrest Gump > but I was heading to the break area, to de-fog.

    Then I hit an obstacle... a lady in a wheelchair. I sort of had a small leaning fall, and felt this soft shape... familiar, but in a an odd altitude.

    I stopped, composed myself, and I tipped my helmet at the chin (no lids off rule)... and there was a lady in a wheel chair.

    The soft shape was her boob. I apologized... and she said "no problem, that was the high point of my day."

    Sometimes, you never know when someone wants their boob squeezed!!! That said, brothers do not walk around feeling for boobs. Ventilate your lids.

  13. Looks like you did a great assembly.

    The buttstock needs to be more of a brown color, or Bakelite. Then a light misting of aluminum, then a Testor's Dull Coat. A light dusting of soot Fuller's Earth wouldn't hurt.

    Man, that was a fast assembly!

    Once you have tweaked it, get some pics outdoors in daylight.

    Troop On!


  14. Dang Mike, not only Super-TD Man, but also Super Credit-Score Man!

    I put 25% down, and I had been at my employer for 5 years, my wife for 4.

    I guess the plus is my house is undervalued, tax-wise, by $75,000... so different boats, but similar stories.

    Mike! That is rape on taxes, well, I am being raped by interest rates.

    Hey Mike, I bought a 2-pack of Vaseline... PM me if you need a jar!

    Both the misses and I have 800+ credit scores and money to put down. We've also both been at our jobs for many years so hopefully we're exactly what lenders are looking for. I was quoted 5.1% a few weeks ago, but if I can get 4.75 I'll take it!

    Regarding property taxes, in this county - Arlington - because they're loosing so much revenue they're assessing property much higher. So let's say we bought a house for $300,000, we might have to pay property taxes on $400,000. It's **** criminal if you ask me, but I hear this is going on everywhere.

  15. I finally got to my MG-15 assembly, it is for a friend on the other side of the Atlantic... let's leave it at that.

    So, the scopes are done...


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    And, the gallery of bigger pics...


    Once I am done clearing the barrel holes, assembly commences. If you note, the on-screen MG-15 has no barrel, just a cooling barrel. Me, and a buddy of mine, from OSCS, came up with a plan for reinforcement of the thin mesh of the hollow cooling barrel.

    Stay Tuned!

    Hard to beat for $99.00 – not including paint and glue of course. I expect to finish for under $130.00, glue, paint and all. Time... 6 hours, maybe 8.


  16. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate your feedback... just helping out the brotherhood. I am glad to help... your project looks great! And I would love some of that ribbed plastic too, to improve the Cushman... since that T-21 was my first attempt at a really precise prop replication.

    I assembled one for Daetrin and he really likes his.It just needs new rings, like you showed.

    I laser-cut the parts for the Cushman T-21, and Woodchuck lathed the barrel and stock. Some really smart guys were involved in the project... A small sidenote... Too bad Anomaly has to make a post like that though in your thread. I hope he buys one of yours and is not just... "talk"

    That said, it is good that Dutchy is making a a T-21 option, that is of high quality, and is built to travel, and the price point hits an area that is filling a spot that could lead to some good sales!

    Best of luck!


    Scootch, TS0842 and WhiteCommandoV2 thanks for the kind words on the project.

    I know it would be a lot easier to copy it from a real Lewis but this is more fun.. B)

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