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Posts posted by WhiteCommandoV2

  1. Dude, I fired you on clone-empire for being a mutinous back stabber. I demanded the parts back, you broke the radio into pieces to salvage $2.00 worth of styrene. You are a broken record with my "Drama" when any person could read your rants and ponder "Wow! What is wrong with Mike?"

    By the way, if you knew who was contacting me, and saying they have lost respect for you... I believe you would be quite shocked. But you can read my PM's... but, that would be a tad Gestapo, but I would not put it beneath you.

    As Brak said... "Say what you are going to say, and not be gray" or whatever. I am saying it in black.

    My comments are full of truth. That is why you have nothing to say... you hate to be wrong, and when you are, you make it out like it is somebody else's "problem" and the problem is within you.

    Rolf, lock Mike's "My Labor of Love/My SonixRADIO75" Thread. I will remain agitated as long as Mike's one vocal buddy keeps trying to wind me up. And to be honest... If you wind John up, he will reply. <-- ooh, 3rd person... I must need therapy.

    Look in the mirror Mike.

    And since this is an interest thread for radios, I am taking messages for pre-orders of mine.


    I have no desire to expend the time and energy retorting to John's comments. This kind of drama is the primary reason I distanced myself from John and I'm not going to entertain it any longer.

  2. The stand on the issue is I added a truth that 95% of you had no idea existed. And when I did, Mike says I am "overly-dramatic" and Brak invites himself in to insult me directly (electronically), and insults this body of members here, insults respected members like Daetrin, and acts like this place needs to learn how to be... from his Forum Model... "Ban-Ville" – oh, I apologize, I mean TDH.

    Paul, you just got called spineless and that you "cop-out." I will admit it on behalf Mr. Brak. Read on.

    "but when people begin to waffle and start with the "well.... it is a grey area" (I am not picking on Daetrin for saying that in this thread)... it frustrates me because claiming every controversy is a "grey area" has become a cop-out and a way not to be forced to take a stand."

    And Paul, since you and I have known each other, there are times to be the peacemaker (you do it well), and right now, it is time to say "To **** with diplomacy Brak! Shut the "F" Up!!!" And address those who insult you. Paul, quit placating Brak. He dishonors you. He speaks to you as if he considers you a *********.

    Another point... Caomhanach, he called you a spade. If I were you, contact Brak directly, and read how he will squirm... as more and more people realize he is not a part of the solution... but a cause of a deeper problem of division.

    And he is calling me out... from his keyboard.

    I wish Rolf or Rocko would tell Brak to shut his keyboard warrior line of crap down. A scenario... in a face to face with me, his lips would be zipped.

    So, these little quips that little Art is stating is exposing a systemic problem of the perpetuation and polarization of the "Cliques of the old timer costume snobs" <-- man, that sounds pathetic, if you meditate on it for a moment... and I hope you guys are reasonable enough to realize that I am not the pure source of this f'ed up ****.

    So Paul, and those who have contacted me in regards to this issue... either do as Brak says... "Right or wrong, stand up, be a man and be counted for stating in what you believe instead of some mealy-mouthed and ultimately uselessly indecisive post!" or... Tell him to buzz off.

    I am standing. I am engaging him. I am not flim-flamming. I have been transparent. AND, I have more truth if anyone requires it.

    And a tip for our DL, Mike... this Brak is your buddy? He insults the core of people who trusted you... and voted for you to lead them. I would muzzle your buddy, he is making you look awful.

    Rolf, e-mail me please. I have a detail you need to know about. Daetrin, you as well.


    p.s. - By the way, since my PMs are probably being snooped, the DL of MEPD will note as he reads my incoming PMs, that some people (the smart free-thinkers, and not the indoctrinated fan-boys) are becoming supportive of me, and can see through the haze of deception, BS, lies, and vendetta... and Brak's futile attempts at rhetorical bullying... and Mike's credibility becoming tarnished as he lets the loose cannons like Brak gripe on behalf of his perspective. That must suck... to see your reputation get sullied... in absentia. Cowards.

    No need to apologize for taking offense....and you are right. I have seen this board (as a whole) turn a blind eye again and again to wrongdoing and pretend things weren't what they clearly were because they didn't want to take a strong stand on an issue. It isn't about agreeing with me, but when people begin to waffle and start with the "well.... it is a grey area" (I am not picking on Daetrin for saying that in this thread)... it frustrates me because claiming every controversy is a "grey area" has become a cop-out and a way not to be forced to take a stand. Right or wrong, stand up, be a man, and be counted for stating in what you believe instead of some mealy-mouthed and ultimately uselessly indecisive post!

    If it makes you feel better, I am not calling you out specifically, but as a whole, this board has shown itself to be pretty spineless in cases like this in the past... as has been posted so much in this thread already... that is just FACT... even if no one wants to admit it.

  3. I appreciate the info. Rolf has way more important things to worry about than a quibble between Mike and his crew versus Captain "Drama" John Sale. If you talk to Rolf, wish him my best.

    A tangent... Rocko, I have said my piece. I think there is enough truth out to show that the radios Mike is making and selling, are exactly the way they are due to my contribution. That said, I will mount the pieces to my MDF base, and finalize and bore out the backside air channels to get the tightest pulls possible. Only parts that will be resin will be the big dial, and two smaller dials.

    Sonix logo and tuner face images are ready to go.

    I will likely fore-go the decals.

    Trying to keep the kits simple, and I believe they are painted over anyway.

    Later Bill!



    Rolf's wife Sara is expecting the birth of their little boy virtually any minute now

    so it may be some time before he's back on the boards mate.

    Just thought I'd let you know :)

  4. FACT: I have copies of many of these email exchanges between Mike and John.

    John did a huge amount of work on this project that cannot be overlooked or swept under a rug. You can hate him all you want, but that doesn't change his contribution to the project.

    Mike also did a lot of work as well, as can clearly be seen.

    Reading through the email exchanges I disagree that Mike broke them in anger and do believe - after talking to each on the phone as well in the past - that it is as Mike describes - they had to be broken to be removed.

    John here -- They did not need to be removed. I do not believe that using a blade and hammer to free the $1.00-$2.00 worth of sign plastic (cheap styrene), and some scrap Sintra, under the 4 pieces that are arrayed around the "speaker" was necessary. He had made a functioning mould AND it is truly my opinion that he did this in spite. Why? (1) since the Clone-Empire Usurp Incident and Mutiny and my reporting him to INTERNIC, and (2) to delay me in reconstruction so I can make radios to recoup my costs. He said... "Because to get you your pieces back I've had to destroy the model. The pieces look like **** now, no idea how they can be useful." Mike is the one with functioning moulds AND he said he will continue to make radios, despite me.

    So, to be useful, I had to do an assload of work to undo the damage. As I said, I should have gone with JAVA to make the moulds.

    This is not a Matt/Gino maneuver, so while it can look similar is not the case. Both gentlemen collaborated and the end product is a result of both of their work. That's just the long and short of it.

    Both it seems will take this and create their own end products.

    This is a fact. They will be available on FISD.

    I know you'd all love for there to be a clear hero and villain to this story, but like many things in life there is not. Just lots of gray, and a loss of what was a good team.

    I feel very grey, clone-empire was thrown under the bus by Mike on ct.net, I was insulted there, and here. But despite that, I tried on 3 occasions to contact Mike... and he gave me the cold shoulder. This dance had two equal sides of contribution... except, he is making $150 per sold radio, and I am $240.00 in the hole.

    LESSON: Be sure to really trust who you are working with. And have a contingency where there is equality in the outcome if there is a split (for any reason). I got shafted and used, and dogged here.

  5. Thanks Rocko. I was feeling toasty from the flames... I am an individual, with 50% objective interpretation by Daetrin, and no other. As you can see, the gang has jumped me.

    Perhaps Mike can start a new thread and say he is making replicas of my prototypes that he had for a brief period, and which I have re-claimed, and I start a new thread on the Value Radio Kit I will offer soon.

    Sound fair?

    I would like to hear from Rolf on this. He is an objective guy... I know it puts him in a spot, but he needs to review all of this.

    Regards Rocko,


  6. Read and weep...



    1 mm thick resin. Anyone who works with resin want to describe how well my compensatory copy of my radio would hold up on the bottom of a TD pack. Say I were to put it down? How well would 1 mm of resin stand up to, say, the weight of a Boy Scout Frame or primary boxes, of if the siphon taps it?

    Paul I appreciate your neutrality, but you have to admit it has been weeks of Mike saying... "Behold my labor of love" around the radio... 7 pages of posts, all saluting Mike? I just felt the truth needed to be out.

    And I will replicate, and offer an option that can withstand what resin can't. Mine -- as made by Mike -- shall sit on a shelf since it is too fragile to ever use.

    As for my friends here...

    I am let down a great deal... Also, I admired Mike. Quite a bit. I tried to make peace after he admitted to "feeling guilty" to me. Do I need to PDF that one for proof? The reason I wanted my parts back was he banned me from Clone-Empire... a place I created, and invited him to lead. He betrayed me, went to ct.net, and called me crazy.

    Read the PDF if you want crazy.

    So, there it is. Nice to have Brak snipping at my heels too. I bet not face-to-face though. Right Brak?

    Rolf, please keep the fires off of me... it is becoming a flame-fest, and I do not appreciate the heat.

  7. Same fan-boy circle. You will gang up, and beat down anyone who does things outside your little rule book... or short list of prop prototypers. I expect a Sci-Fire replica of my parts in a matter of weeks. Art, you got one too... right?

    I wonder if your maiden name was *********? Maiden name, ****!

    What does all this mean? It means some people can't leave well enough alone and just go on their way. For anyone who knows anything at all about this situation or the wider circumstances that are prompting it, you knew it was just a matter of time before John did this. Utterly inevitable and utterly contemptible. So many shades of TE in this kind of post I can't help but wonder if John's maiden name was Gauthier... :angry:

  8. I have had zero replies to any attempts at communicating with you – FACT.

    Your "parts" were about $1.50 worth of styrene that you ripped away from $120.00 worth of Water-Jet cut parts – FACT.

    A Dremmel Tool would have sufficed – FACT.

    If I were to post your cursed posts to me, people would not be fully convinced that I am the only "dramatic" person in this situation – FACT.

    You said to me, after you dissembled the parts, that they were "****" – FACT.

    You said to SkyGunBro they were "salvagable" which sends a very mixed message. – FACT.

    I asked you to make copies of my work in January. I could have (and should have) gone with JAVA. – FACT and HUGE MISTAKE!

    You stated you will make copies of your copies, and proceed regardless of what I say or do. – Go for it.

    I will provide an option, that is a kit, and costs less. Will it be as pretty as yours? NO. More durable? ABSOLUTELY.

    I can post pics of the wafer thin resin of my box (reinforced with Sintra). If a baby breathed on it, it would crack. NOT TRAVEL WORTHY.

    Mike, if you like, we can ramp it up. I can send out a full PDF log of all of your e-mails, where you curse me in a maniacal tirade. Let me know if I need to PM those to your Mod Staff? I have already made contact with Rolf. His objectivity will be put to the test... and I believe he will be quite surprised at your behavior, including you banning me from my Forum, Clone-Empire. Mutiny. The moment I mentioned INTERNIC, you backed down.

    Feel free to discuss the glory of "Mike's" design of the radio. Carry on.


    There is much back story to all of this - true, and I and many other have it all properly documented.

    FACT: I offered to buy John out, reimburse him for every dime he spent to prevent him from doing exactly this. To make this project drama-free. He declined and here were are!

    FACT: I did not purposely destroy his "parts". Because John wanted all his parts back, which were glued to my parts to form the master model, I had no choice but to pry them apart. That's what John wanted, and that's exactly what he got. It's also why I offered to buy him out of the project because I knew it would happen, but alas he did not understand.

    FACT: I sent John the first finished radio as compensation and will continue to send him radio kits in the future as further compensation. This was actually part of the original agreement and one I stuck to, to honor that.

  9. Greed and anger and spite.

    I am just trying to recoup costs. It was my work and design.

    And so, once again, we take one step forward and two steps back in our goal to perfect the ultimate, movie -accurate Sandtrooper costume...you got to love human nature. <_<

    Oh well....it was nice while it lasted.

    Mesa Steve

  10. I appreciate the acknowledgment Mike. But due to certain events, Mike and I no longer collaborate on this project.

    That said, you can see the prototype components (check creation dates to note that these were made in January, to-early February). So, I made the majority of the part, which are in this gallery - http://gallery.me.com/john.sale/100361 - Note the Lightwave rendered and converted digital file to a CAD driven rapid-prototyped primary dial. Also, note the drawn SonixVICTORY75 logo I generated, the quartered tuner face in weathered black and white, and the laser cut panels.

    Don Coleman was lavished with special thanks for his decals, which are nice, but my hours of work, and the hundreds of dollars I spent to generate these prototypes, and to have not a cent of reimbursement from Mr. Harrison.

    Due to a disagreement, he and I dissolved the "business partnership" to offer these as a collaboration project.

    As for detail after the collapse of the partnership, If you note the 30th image in the gallery, it is as if he took a hammer to my work.

    It is clear, you can see the destruction of the prototype-parts before Mike returned them. Apparently in a fit of anger (I have the e-mail he sent where he curses me in a way un-befitting a DL). If he decides to lock, or delete my post here, then he is burying the truth. I would like to see Rolf chime in since he is the Master of Arms here.

    In hindsight, I had the choice of 2-3 fellows I could have collaborated with, but I asked Mike to make copies of MY work... it was a mistake and I could have avoided this incident entirely. That said,, I have found someone who has agreed to assist in the replication of a new kit option, and at half the price... but the pics speak the truth. The former XO of MEPD, said to keep a log of communication and images and invoices. If any mods want a full account and report, I have a comprehensive PDF with all communication, images, and invoices.

    I took over $200.00 in loss on this, so I need to recoup. And it seems the only news on MEPD, as of late, is about Mike' super-duper replication of my prototype parts... and "as a labor of love."

    I have watched for weeks this thread turn into a glory fest... Mike poured silicone over my prototypes, and made resin copies.

    That said, I will be commissioning and making a large run of first generation replicas of my parts. A very simple kit. A face (vac-formed in .040-.060 HIPS), one large dial (first generation), two secondary dials, SONIX logo, image of tuner face, a triangular "D" ring for the right side (absent on Mike's kit), a couple of .10¢ snaps, and side strap details.

    As for the gallery - http://gallery.me.com/john.sale/100361 - note the images towards the end of the gallery. You can see I have repaired most of the vandalism to my prototypes. That mentioned, as for Mike's resin radios, all units beyond the first 5-10 by Mike will be recasts of his degrading moulds... since I own the true prototypes... and the digital files to reproduce if needed.

    An important fact. Mike's are also made in resin, and are therefore brittle. I would only use as a display piece... if you put your pack down, the radio could break like a clay pot. My kit will be vac-formed faces, off of precisely reconstituted parts, with air channels for a tight impression. I will also offer copies of the large dials for guys who want to upgrade their current radios or scratch-build a Sonix.

    Sorry for the "Drama" but it is about time the truth came out. Mike helped me produce replicas of my work... and not the "acknowledge" of me helping him... I picked him from a list of guys who could help. I made a terrible mistake in hindsight.

    This is a project I've been working on for the past four months. I first want to acknowledge the help of John Sale who created most of the face panels and large dial as 3D graphics, then had them laser-cut in acrylic. I constructed the final radio model and all the molds, then spend about 4-5 hours making each radio by hand. It's truly a labor of love for sure.

    Special thanks to Don Coleman for helping with the white, water-slide decals to add that final touch.

    These radios are all accounted for. Sorry. However, I'll be moving in the next few weeks and once settled in the new shop, I'll try to crank these out as soon as practical. So please, no PMs! But save your pennies, I'm projecting a cost of about $150 plus shipping.

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  11. Paul, looking great as usual, but I have to say... in most cases, and as far personally seeing a few in person, AT-ST Drivers never have looked as good as that dude! That is THE look! When the Ewoks drop in those jokers in ROTJ, they didn't even look as cool as this guy!

    Great AT-ST! When you put on some age, and you can help expedite aging by getting the grey hair spray in a can, I bet you could pull off a great Veers!

    The pic caught my eye... oh, and the cool backdrop!

    Later Brothers,


    Posted Image

  12. So, as he grows, you make new bucks. In 6-7 years, you will be able to make a store for 7-14 year old storm trooper kids. You could start the Trooper Cadets of the Empire... sort of like the Boy Scouts. In the USA, we have the Boy Scouts of America. Where you are in a little group of uniformed kids, learn how to camp, exist in nature, do good deeds... and so on.

    In the Trooper Cadets of the Empire, you just teach them at a young age how to shoot at teddy bears (Ewok Practice). HAHAHA!!!!

    That suit is perfection. If I had a son, I would buy one. I only have daughters. My young one could pull off a perfect young Leia... but she is more of the Commando type. She broke my ankle last Tuesday – I fell into her leg-breaking trap she put into the back yard. :lol:

    Ask Mike... he knows about it. It really happened.

    Man, you kiddo armor is the best I have seen. Do you make armor for giant children? <-- me. I am 2 meters tall and 120 kilograms. HAHAHA!!!

    Later Brother,


    p.s. - Where is the mini backpack and dirt?

  13. I made this decal/logo (and the dial-in image from a tweaked MH illustration) in February. A different approach, but similar result in the end.

    Look at is installed on my MHV1 Radio, which is on my 50% scratch-built pack, in this gallery - it is the 6th image...


    I have the logo design as both weathered, and I have it clean. I believe in choices. Now, we have more... more is good. Also, the best way to output these... put onto a 6" x 4" page, and have the DPI above 200 and take to the Pharmacy or Camera shop to print as a photo. Easy.

    Troop On!


  14. To Zac - Yes, I sent you the e-mail link Josh sent me. We look like monkeys caring for each other.

    Need it re-sent to your e-mail? LMK.

    And Daetrin, thanks for the compliments... the radio is a MHV1. It just has some detail plates on the bottom, a Sonix 75 logo, and a photoshopped version of Mike's PDF dial-in tuner image on the top left. BUT... I am adding the big dial to this radio and it will look even better. THEN... it goes onto the Daetrin pack. Which is becoming better each week. If I tweak it any more, I may keep it since it is the tube and tuperware topped version of the pack is quite different than my "Move Along" pack.

    Last tweaks... I need a tapered tube for the syphon - anyone, anyone? Bueller, Bueller? - and re-add the bottom blue tube/bottle. Then all of the stuff will be on it. Did I miss anything?

    And maybe a touch more weathering. AND YES, less is more. So, it will be a light application of Fuller's Earth sand and soot. Then it will be sealed. It makes my hands dusty every time I handle it.

    I am getting there. I have to ditch the TK ribbed shoulder straps and drop 20 (to shrink my shims - and myself), add some gaffers tape to my shins, and I will go for deployment.

    OH! My lid needs fans... BAD!!!

    Those pics sure are sexy! Did Josh post the pics from our shoot online yet?

  15. Could you send me a pic of the rear-top scope and mount? You own one of these screen-used guns... am I correct?

    Thanks a lot. Standing By.


    If you wanted to be accurate to the movie, the only part you really need is from the rear aerial site mount forward on the gun. Everything behind the rear spider spider site is resin anyway.

  16. My pack is done (well, it dropped the bottom blue tube, but I will post pics that are not so stylized later).

    Here is a pic with TheGreatSot wearing my pack...

    Posted Image

    And me wearing my pack...

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    And me and Zac...

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    And just me...

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    I am getting closer. Just have to shrink my torso, and fit in my suit better. But, it is getting a somewhat better. I could not wear it 2 months ago.

    Troop On!!!


  17. What I would say to do, if you are wanting a super-primo blaster, is get the gun, see if they discount for the omission of the inner barrel. that drops the weight a bit. Then have the magazine formed from one like mine. My magazine weighs 4-6 ounces. Also, the seam line runs around the perimeter, near the back plate.

    The only other good, as well as practical MG-15 I have seen (besides a real gun and the Cushman)... is the Sci-Fire. It does have a similar replication artifact – a seam on the magazine, that runs vertically, bisecting the front and back half of the magazine, right at the half-line. It is minor, but neither the Cushman or Sci-Fire are seamless.

    From an objective screen-seen accuracy standpoint, the cooling barrel (without the inner barel) design is correct. There is no barrel for this gun in the movie. And clearly, in the screen caps, the barrel is not in the MG-15 in the desert scenes.

    ANd the fact is, despite opinions on replication methods... we are trying to move towards a pure sense of accuracy. Right?

    I may rapid prototype the magazine face and rear-plate to get a more precise pull, and it would make for a smoother magazine from the front and rear view.

    Imagine a real MG-15, with a light magazine and set of scopes?

    Here is the magazine currently made by Cushman. I think it would look great on the real MG-15 I posted earlier...

    Posted Image


    I am just wondering how best to tackle the scopes. So, for a relatively similar price for a high-end option, a de-milled gun, with hollow scopes and the magazine would look quite good... though, a tad bit heavier. I am contacting them about weight and bulk purchase prices.

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