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Posts posted by iconoclasta_88

  1. My friend! 
    I never thought this day would come so fast. You have been a great leader for our community, always willing to help us and push us further, trying to make this the best community out there. But most of all, you have always been a great friend! And for all that, I thank you!


    Seems so long ago and at the same time just yesterday that we joined forces with a few other troopers to try to bring this place to life again. Under Blueys command we started something big, but the moment you took over, it just exploded... it went from big to huge. Not just size wise, but in so many ways that it is hard to imagine how this detachment was just a few years ago.


    Thx for your help, time, energy and all kind of resources. Thx for being generous with everything you had in hand, and many times, with what you didnt have but wanted to share anyway. Thx for your friendship and for being a friend to us all.


    You will be missed as our leader, but I have no doubt you will stay here as a brother and as a friend. Here in our Sandy brotherhood, and in our hearts!


    Muchas gracias amigo!



  2. Congrats bro!!
    You have a very big task to tackle here, and a heavy load on your back. But I am sure you will do great and even more!
    You can count with my support and work to make this detachment even better, more welcoming and always going further!


    We all are counting with you!


  3. Armor parts were mixed and matched to actors through out all the shooting of ANH.
    Those specific scenes onboard the tantive IV were the last ones to be shot. So those armors are the most damaged and mixed configurations from all the movie.

    Many changes were done from Tunisia to London in stormtrooper armor. Mostly to cover malfunctioning of the costume but also very improtant, because the Sandtrooper armor in Tunisia was actually a beta version of the stormtrooper armor.
    It was rushed into set and not fully finished.
    So the art departments improved and finished the look of stormtrooper armor after their experience in Tunisia.
    Many new things were added including new handguards, neckseals, dropboxes, thermal detonators and many other details.

    Hope that helps.


  4. Looks like a very promising project!
    Congrats Woody, Gino and the RS guys on this!
    I would've love to be able to make an offer on it but my budget was pretty much cero.

    Anyway, I am sure you guys will provide a very high quality piece for the rest of us and I am very excited reading you will tag it reasonably!

    Big congrats and thx!!

    Having said that, sign me in for the first run!!!


  5. Hey J... Welcome to tye MEPD.

    So... Im not sure how your forearms stand atm. Could you post a pict so we can ***** the situation better?
    Usually adding shims should do the trick for any limb part.

    Ill keep an eye on this thread... Hopefully the community will show up to help you.

  6. Hey Jason!
    Yes!! I now remember the whole thing. LOL... I tend to forget where I post. I'm too old for social media! LOL!

    Anyway. I can see what you mean. Specially with breathing new life wont hurt. And yes... evolving is life. If we don't, we will get stuck and die as a detachment. We have faced that a few times in the past. That's where the SWAT program came from. That's why Bluey and Dirty Boy took over and brought new ideas and goals!

    I have not yet seen the Rogue One trailer cause I want to stay spoiler free. But I know there are new Sandtroopers, and other designations. 

    We could embrace that... I mean, we should embrace the SE Sandtrooper and all Sandtroopers. And maybe evolve or keep building on our detachment mythology. We go way back as a community and have a string backstory aswell... 

    My main question would be, would troopers attracted to these new Sandtroopers (including the SE) would share our point of view on our character?
    Cause for me, thats why I would not want the HWT in our detachment or ID designation. You might know that a few years ago HWT were TDs and not TK. But we discussed it a lot and took our POV to other levels and at the end, HWT were embraced by the FISD and we had the TD designation assigned exclusively to Sandtroopers.

    If new Sandtrooper versions enthusiasts were as passionate about it as us classic Sandtroopers, I would welcome them no doubt. Cause for me, the MEPD is not a meeting place gathering some costumes, but a real Sandtrooper community. If not for that, actually Sandtroopers SHOULD be included in the FISD. Cause technically, we are just Stormtroopers with extra gear just as HWT and many other characters... it is not the gear but the attitude what bring us apart of the rest of the TKS and together as a TD community...


    But yes, I do agree with you bro. Evolve or die. 



    What do you think bro?

    And everyone else?






  7. Hey everybody...
    Seems that posting this kind of topics is my duty here... ;) LOL...
    No seriously, every once in a while, I like starting threads where we can discuss or elaborate on topics as why we love being dirty, our Sandy community and the real meaning of being a sandtrooper...


    Just a few days ago, I posted in somewhere (I think it was a  facebook post on WTF's fanpage) about why HWT most likely will never make it into the MEPD... And I started thinking about the reasons that makes this community and our character so different, so special.

    The main idea of that post was that Troopers doing the HWT most of the times just get the gear in order to change from TK into HWT and back every now and there, and that was something a Sandtrooper would never do. 

    And that was why we over here believe there is a special bond that keeps us together not as costumes or simple members, but as Sandtroopers. It is a mind set what makes you want to get all dirty and carry that very heavy extra gear every single troop. We might have other armors or costumes, but 9 out of 10 times we would choose to troop in Sandtrooper armor and full gear no matter what.

    We are open and welcoming, but also, very much into our character and community. We stand apart not only for the looks but for the attitude both in and out of character...

    We go further as costuming and prop hobbiests  and as a fans community. 

    We are Sandtroopers and even if just as a metaphor, pass and endure several challenges before even getting to wear our armor, not to mention all what we do to actually portray the character in any event.

    Am I right?

    Are we different from every other detachmente, designation and character in the 501st and maybe in the whole costuming universe???

    I really think so...

    But what do you think? What makes it special to be a sandtrooper for you?




  8. My wife usually acts as my assistant. She will pull my pauldron down and makes sure it's not being pushed by the pack. Yeah you will learn really quick how to stand to maximize viewing ability. When a 2 or 3 year old comes up to your leg but you can't see them is fun. 


    I usually look down through the frown when kids approach me. But it's not easy to really spot them. You just learn to navigate without actually seeing.

    As I said. It's a matter of practicing. After 10 years in armor, I can say it does get easier.


  9. I used fuller's earth on my first TD lid, and it worked fine after sealing it with hear spray. Liked it a lot.

    But then opted to not use it and use a single pigment technique as I thought that would closer resemble the look of original Sandtroopers... That is how my weathering is done now.


    And...  Rick Dirty Boy has been using some baseball rubbing mud  for some years now with amazing results. If that sounds interesting, maybe he will chime in soon, or just shoot him a PM if you feel like it.



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