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Everything posted by nico

  1. Cool, looking forward to seeing your armor get dirty!
  2. No worries, your sandtrooper looks great!
  3. nico


    i have no idea what you are supposed to do with the backpack, but get it done and the new armor too, so i can photoshop you into some new pictues! Good luck with the build!
  4. It seems like all the mud stuck at the blue stripes? =) I would perhaps have gone for a bit more weathering. Remember, just as it is with vacuum cleaning, all the dirt is located where the cracks and corners are! Try to think of that when you are weathering. It is totally up for you if you will go any further with the weathering, but i know i would! As long as you are happy with the look, and the armor is dirty, everything is ok!
  5. Your blaster looks excellent! Good work!
  6. As far as i know, there are some different versions of the E-11, and some of them had something that looked like batteries on top of the magazine thingy. Obviously it should be possible to mount a laser pen on top and make it function as a laser sight, but then again that is not in the movies. Besides, you cannot see the beam unless you are in a smoke filled environment. If you are keen on modding your E-11, a cool idea might have been to mount the laser pen into the barrel of the gun, and make it so that it lights up when you press the trigger. That way it might look like you are shooting instead of having a laser sight.
  7. Good luck with your sandtrooper! If it turns out half as awesome as your snowtrooper commander, it is going to be great!
  8. Sorry to be the dude with the bad news, but it says on the requirements page that a BFG is required. That might be a problem! Anyways, the armor is looking kickass, looking forward to seeing more pictures with the updates! Good luck with the deployment!
  9. excessive awesomeness! (although a tad too clean!)
  10. Thanks for the kind words! Although the only thing i have assembled is the hovi mix and the black brow onto the helmet. The rest of the helmet came assembled. Now i am currently waiting to get myself some thin plexiglass lenses, and hopefully i can place the flimsy green stuff over them. I also need some more gray weathering that i hope to apply soon, as the helmet seems a bit too yellow perhaps.
  11. Not sure if my opinion counts as i have no armor of my own except a helmet, but i think perhaps that you have a bit too much mud. Remember that dirt and mud mostly sticks in corners. You will discover that when cleaning your house! Smooth areas gets less dirt, areas with angles get more. Try to get more greys and perhaps yellow, as your armor seems very brown. Especially on your helmet it seems a bit weird to me that you have some very clean rings around your microphones, as that would be one of the places where the mud and dirt would really stick. Good luck with it!
  12. Very nice! Perhaps you should aim to keep that as a display piece, and try to build your own out of wood or something to have for trooping? Should be easier when you got that one for measurements and such? Anyway, it looks extremely awesome!
  13. My TE helmet was beige HDPE, and the ears was some sort of white plastic that feels more solid!
  14. Thanks for the tip buddy, ill try that tomorrow!
  15. Thanks for the kind words. Seems like the shop tk1536 linked to does no longer sell that particular item. I will keep looking!
  16. Nice! Whenever you get some sort of event going (armor party or similar), you might want to record the sessions so that people can download it later, not everyone is in the same timezone! Just a suggestion, and good luck!
  17. Thanks! I only have the helmet, im a budget-trooper/student you know! =) But have patience! Hehe. Besides, i doubt i will do business with TE again, when i go for armor i will probably go for TM or TE2 (and i dont think TE makes armor anymore anyway?) . No woodland was used on the helmet. The weathering is oil colors, so some places i thinned it out to get a sort of yellowed effect, other places it has more substance so it looks like there is actual dirt. Everything on the helmet is hand painted, no decals used (no cheating!), as you can see perfectly well on the blue stripes as they look a bit off from some angles, but im rather happy with them. I used the coin method for applying them, and almost passed out cause it is apparently hard to do the coin method and breathe at the same time! The only thing i might do with the weathering is applying a tad more grey. Im really happy with the result tho, i think it is rather kickass for my first helmet! The progress pictures are on my phone, and i am having some trouble transferring them to the computer, so it might take a while before they get posted. Now onto the search for the green lenses!
  18. TADAAA! Finally got around to getting my hands on a camera! Today i started the weathering on the helmet, tell me what you think! This thing is finally starting to look decent, now i cant wait to get my hands on the green lenses and installing the hovi`s!
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