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Posts posted by TK-694

  1. I am SOOOOOOO against the "fem trooper" look. The boobs on ANY imperial costume is DUMB DUMB DUMB! why not totaly screw it up and make Fem Vader!? loose the boob armor and just troop in the real thing. for the love of humanity. Mirax is cute and all but that fem trooper costume is STUPID!

    Wow...creativity isn't a good quality in your book then huh? Last time I checked we were in this for fun. But hey...that's me.

  2. I loved it. I thought Obi-Wan absolutely stole the movie. What a job by Ewan!! He has been BY FAR the best actor in the prequels; JUST ahead of Ian McDiarmid. There were some stinky aspects but the good GREATLY outweighed the bad.


    -The duel(everything I thought it would be)

    -Palps(as nasty as I thought and hoped he would be)

    -Anakin/Vader(Hayden really matured a lot and his acting improved greatly)

    -General Grievous(seamless CGI and the coughing was awesome!)

    -Yoda vs. Sidious(I was against it at first but now that I've seen it I think it was really well done)

    -Lightsaber battles(Obi-Wan/Anakin vs. Dooku was great, Anakin killing Dooku was AWESOME, Obi-Wan vs. Grievous was great even though it was short, Obi-Wan vs. Anakin was amazing, Sidious vs. Mace was done well and Yoda vs. Sidious was done well also)

    -Duel dialogue(Obi-Wan - "You were my brother! I loved you!" Anakin - "I HATE YOU!!" Wow...those were just phenomenal)

    -Becoming Vader(When he destroys the room after Palps telling him he killed Padme...wow. That was amazing)

    -Ending(I'll admit that the ending had me in tears. The whole Tatooine shots with the twin suns WAS A New Hope! Also the use of the ESB Finale at the end was great too. It was really well done)


    -No Mon Mothma, Shaak Ti or formation of the Rebel Alliance(too much was cut and it didn't help the flow)

    -Jedi purge(FAR too short and not enough detail. We should've seen Anakin going head to head with some of the Temple Jedi and more of the clones 'cleansing the Temple')

    -Grievous(He could have and SHOULD have had a bigger role)

    -Wookiees(Why show them for about 15 seconds total? They were so built up and then no attention was paid to them)

    -Tarkin(ELABORATE!! Only real fans will know who he is when you show him for 2 seconds and don't have him talk!)

    -No Qui-Gon(We find out that he has discovered how to become a Force ghost...ELABORATE!!!)

    -R2 TOO much(Come on with all the R2 abilitites. It's enough already. I liked R2 more when he just plugged into outlets and solved everything)

    Like I said, the good outweighed the bad immensely and I really enjoyed it. Hopefuly with more viewings, I'll enjoy it even more.

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