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Posts posted by DOC VITO

  1. Shouldn't say MEPD. i have never been on a troop where only TDs were present. In fact most troops i am the only TD. Imho 501:st is better or something more general. The guy that takes most beatings when i am trooping is our Vader.

    I have had to push people relly hard with both hands and weapon to get them off of Vader and preventing them from hitting him and stuff.

    I was at a troop on a school, (first and absolute LAST time i ever do that) while i was there i got hit several times despite telling the kids to back off. At one point a boy about 9-10 years old kicked my cod piece sp hard that the flexible ABS cracked at several places (small cracks). I couldn't see the extent of the damage at the time but i yelled "hey you bleep, is your mother and father very rich??? Because it is their sorry behinds who has to pay for a new suit you bleeping bleep." Thats not the only time Kids behave like they totally lack parenting and it actually IS a problem.

    Sorry for ranting, got a bit irritated whem i thought about it :D

    GOOD POINT on the MEPD logo not being used...I think the Rest of the graphic suggestions are to the point.

    Best regards from Huntington Connecticut Varg!

    Vito ;)

  2. We had this happen a couple of years ago, and had the same thing start to happen. We had a good handler though, and when one of them went to slap one of us on the back, she warped him on the back of the head. This got his attention, and then we wont say what she told him. LOL Needless to say, they got the point and moved along rapidly. LOL

    I do think the T shirt idea is neet though. I think they should come out with some kind of Security handler shirt.

    Thanks Jay,

    How about something along this line: BLACK SHIRT

    Front: MEPD Bold white letters centered over an IMPERIAL COG WHEEL: 'SECURITY' Centered under COG WHEEL



    RECRUIT TD Vito :td:

  3. All kidding aside, I think the concept of having "Qualified and Designated"Wranglers/handlers THAT ARE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED (Shirt that SAYS EVENT SECURITY)should be explored, and duties and responsibilities clearly defined. A pre-Troop "SITREP" and route RCON is not a bad idea, try to rcognize potential PERPS and other trouble makers is the first step in avoiding un-wanted confrontations. All too often, we can get caught up in the feel good vibe, and have a false sense of security when we are inside our Armor, and the very limited field of vision contributes to the situation of "never saw it coming".. We need to maintain "situational awareness, and have WELL QUALIFIED WRANGLERS and handlers with a clear SOP for handling confrontations. always try to de-escaltte a situation, but at the same time, it needs to be emphasized that abuse, most ceartainly that of a phisical nature will not be tolerated. Aside from the fact that we live in a virtuallu consequence free society when it comes o unruly behaviour, all OFFICERS need to make it clear that while we are here for your ententainment, we do have standards of behaviour that we require from you. And while his may all be fantasy, the reality of un-wanted injury, and erroneous public perception looms large. We all need to embrace the concept of "decide early enough to be AGGRESIVE enough" in dealing with holligans who feel its alright to abuse us. And if that takes getting the POLICE involved, then so be it. If we just 'grin and bear it'..then we are subsidizing and condoning un-accepatable behaviours.

    RECRUIT TD Vito :td:

  4. Just ask the kid(s) if he/she ever saw Episode IV. Tell them it would be unfortunate if his family shared the same fate as Luke's Aunt and Uncle.

    We TDs are known to take care of business.

    KIDDING! lol Posted Image

    (or am I?) muahahaha

    Next time, we'll make sure to go out as a patrol, Brother! Strength in numbers against the little Bantha Poo Doos. Posted Image

    Perhaps the children would enjoy meeting another "droid" besides R2D2..."kids...this is the Imperial torture droid...would anyone like to volunteer...or should we just pick some one???"...Like maybe Mom????
  5. Happy Birth Day to Mark Hamill, 60 years old Today. :peace:

    Uh, Luke..BTW..we still have your Speeder Here in the Impound lot...and Boy are the stoarge fee's racking up. Does'nt matter you sold it, we found it abandoned, and still registered to you. Please contact us.

    MEPD Traffic and Impound division.

  6. Even though I've only wrangled 3 events, and that was back in"O7, I've never seen this, but it does not surprise me. Kids are truly "out of CONTROL" these days and that rests with Mom and Dad. Un-fortunately, if you hit a kid, your probably going to loose. My advice is to warn away, then, doff your bucket, confront Mom and Dad, call the cops, AND PRESS IT!

    Wrangleres NEED TO BE ON THEIR GAME and not 'checkin' out the eye candy". You need to be tactical. For the Adult PUNK-*** low-lifes/and truly agressive situations...I recommend

    CAPSTUN, its legal in most States, and you have a right to protect yourself. At least 2 Troopers should have DEW BACK PRODS, and know how to Parry and Block. WATCH EACH OTHER. Situations go bad in a heart-beat..learned that for real more than once.

    Recruit TD Vito :td:

  7. I like the idea of some sort of "Trusted Seller" icon or badge. Maybe something similiar to an Ebay type of thing.

    I"M ALL FOR THIS. In my WWII Living History Group, we have a list of approved vendors. I know when it coms to "white suits", there are cavetas, and proviso to avoid the dearded c ease and desist order. However, I recomend the following guidlines for a Trusted seller endorsement.

    1. Verified PAY PAL ADRESS

    2. GOOD EBAY feed back if applicable

    3. If from 'another juridiction" ..that Garrison's Command should provide endorsement.

    4. A minimum of 10 succesful transactions.

    5. POSITIVE and Timely communication.I'n really big on this.

    6. Realistic delivery times

    7. Updates on delays

    8. 100% Money back garuntee

    9. This is KEY : Offers merchandise keeping with the MEPD's persuit of excellence.

    10. Stands by his quality.

    I think these are reasonable Guidlines. Handling $$$$ is always frought with peril. I think the command staff's willingness to mediate when required is sufficient in small(under $300.00) transcations. The Holding fund is a great idea, I think it needs further review and hard criteria.

    Recruit TD Vito :td:

  8. ST. Patrick's day i had half my face painted and security was more concerned about me as apposed to a man wearing a long trench coat in the mall

    Roger that....there is a HUGE pivotal court case right now in Connecticut involving "open vs. Concealed carry" laws pertaining to Firearms. For DECADES, it was "understood" that concealed carry was implied in your permit. However, the law has been dissected, and NOTHING implies a "concealed carry" vs. an open carry. Under the current interpetation of the law, if you have a permit, and any portion of the weapon becomes visible,you can be charged with "brandishing in terror of the public". Ridiculous...

    as to the dude in the long coat... " you need to be wary of what you DON'T see"


  9. Philip, this is a VERY worthy cause, and a NOBLE work. :salute: As you know we were very Lucky up here in Connecticut with IRENE. I was in the Supermarket a few days after IRENE, and had to listen to the YAKK YAKK YAKK of someone Bitchin' about being out of power for a few days. It's usually something I'd ignore, but I have family in TEXAS, and I worked KATRINA in 2005 doing MEDEVAC. I told this "person" that unless you've seen a Homestead burned out, or smelt the stench of un-buried dead... " SHUT YOUR HOLE" :mad: ...word for word...it worked.

    GOD SPEED PHIL!!!! :duim:


  10. Lol! These aren't called 'scofflaws' for nothing.

    Here in WA, we once trooped a shopping mall till security said we couldn't wear helmets but were ok with carrying all our prop weapons around.

    .........all kidding aside, A LOT has changed here in CT. Some malls will not allow hoodies to be worn BY ANYONE....and our Credit Union now requests that " All head gear and sunglasses to be removed before entering. As much as I hate it...what do YOU think when you see a kid with a Hood up, pants low, schuffling like a simian, and its 80+ deg outside? TROUBLE!!! Worst thing about it is most kids are too dumb to realize what statement they are making.

    I do know that there are several Municipalities in the U.S. that will ticket Baggy pants..

  11. Also in my fine state of Virginia ( lol ) the missionary position is the only leagle sex act. And only if you are married

    I'm such a lay breaker on sooo many levels Lol :) I should just go turn my self in ( NOT)

    In Connecticut, it is STATUTORY RAPE if you have a female in your car, under the age of 16, if she has her shoes off...........so be sure they are on, especially if they are heels... ;)

    I'm such a VILE fetishist :lol:


  12. ............... The Best of the Dumbest from "The Constitution State"... Laws in Connecticut


    It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.


    Only white Christmas lights are allowed for display.


    You aren’t allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.

    You may not educate dogs.

    It is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday.

    New Britain

    It is illegal for fire trucks to exceed 25mph, even when going to a fire.

    Rocky Hill

    An arcade may not have more than a total of four amusement devices such as ping-pong tables, pinball machines, or shuffleboard tables.

    Full text of the law.


    Silly string is banned.

    Why does this law exist?


    It is illegal for any beautician to hum, whistle, or sing while working on a customer.

    However my ALL time favorite....you may Not own a SELECT FIRE Weapons...BUT...you may own a FULL AUTO BELT-FED MACHINE GUN....(Class III) But try to buy a Bottle of Wine on a Sunday...NO :rolleyes:


  13. I saw APOLLO 18 today, and true to my instincts, critics low balled it (reviewers such as ROTTEN TOMOTOES gave it a 23% out of 100%) so I KNEW I would like it. this reference will help: http://lunartruth.org/ Its 1974, and, semingly the last manned Moon mission has been flown, APOLLO 17. In 1972, due to bugetary restraints, APOLLO"s 18, 19 and 20 were cancelled. The Soviets had "Publically " ended their Man Moon Mission efforts in 1969. The movie opens with Flight crew interviews, and has a documetary style. We cut to a scene of a NASA flight crew of 3 enjoying a PICNIC with family, the phone rings, APOLLO 18 is back on, albiet itd a DoD (Dept. of defense ) run mission, to be conducted in the strictest secarcy, under the guise of using a Saturn 5 launch vehicle to loft a heavy payload.

    The movie is comprised of docemetary style footage, mission footage on the Lunar surface, studio footage woven in with a very vintage look, AND tremendous atmospheric shots inside both the LM, and CSM . The mission is to set up DoD provised "PSD" Planetary Sisemic Detectors under the Ruse of making sure the Soviets are not putting any type of automated Earth obsertvation equipment, or weapons on the moon. The Soviets, were VERY succesfull in their use of automated space craft for lunar explortion, the LUNOSHKOD, or Lunar Car was able to retrieve and return lunar samples all via remote command. Also the Russians had designed a manned lunar lander: http://www.astronautix.com/craft/lk.htm

    The mission goes along, the Americans Land, and go about setting up the equipment, all the while feeling something is not quite right; ..

    See the movie, it worth the ticket

  14. So I just wanted to take a moment a recognize some of the amazing things that Ive witnessed within the MEPD.

    I have to say that IMHO the MEPD has really come a long way over the past few years....I look at all the "deployment" threads and every one is just AMAZING. You have really put so much thought and time into your submissions and it really shows. GREAT JOB!! This has really helped raise the bar to a level of excellence. Thanks Juan for doing such a super job helping guide our future through the process...your evaluations are spot on. :salute:

    The webpage layout has become very user friendly and is loaded with great tutorials, links and just an overall welcoming feel to it...When I first came to the site, it was great...now its just freakin FANTASTIC!!!! Thanks Bluey for putting so much time into getting it right and having an open door that allows everyone to provide input and feedback on its future. :salute:

    And as for the rest of you...you ALL are honestly some of the best people Ive met ...always willing to help out a fellow member and do your part to get them to the next level. Weather its guidance through personal issues or how to put your armor on, you stand tall and offer your hand. You have amazing hearts and Im proud to serve along side every single one of you. :salute:

    Anyway, Have a great day my friends.... :salute: :salute: :salute:

    "its not the Thin BLUE Line here at MEPD...it's "THE DIRTY WHITE LINE" :td:

    Recruit Vito

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