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Posts posted by Terrell78

  1. Hey bro's...

    Don't know if anyone already started a thread about it.....but...

    I have seen this new NE armor popping up on the FISD and here as well.

    What's the story behind it...

    I have heard/ read that it is made by the same guy that made the ATA. And I know where he based his armor on....

    Nope, NE is the FX v3, new AM armor, being made by Dale and sold through the regualar FX dealers. The armor was discussed here:


  2. I could ask it in a different way if it make it easier for you to answer.

    A. Do you think Chris (or anyone) recasting other member's work is a good thing and should be encouraged

    B. Do you think Chris (or anyone) recasting other people's work was terrible and believe anyone who does it should be disgraced.

    A or B?

    I'm very interested to hear what you have to say, especially with you being the DL of a 501st board with the power to ban people because they engage in anti-recaster debates.


    My answer is C: I do not believe recasting is right, but I also do not believe that recasters should be disgraced, burned at the stake or otherwise. They are human beings after all (but I'm sure you'd argue otherwise), and it's not like they are child molesters, murders, etc...

    Also you were not banned on the FISD for your anti-recaster thread, a discussion is always welcomed. Besides it's not like it's the first 501st detachment you have been banned form for your poor attitude, baiting, and flaming.

  3. No I just don't check forums as often as you do. I wouldn't have even checked the MEPD tonight unless I was told that you were here string the pot again. I normally only check in here a few times a week. But to answer your question, since your so good about answering others...

    Chris' actions are his actions. The only ones I answer for are my own and my family's.

    As to my stance on recasting, it's quite public, and I don't want to wast the time on you retyping it so here it is:


    Last post.

  4. Well I guess the reason Gino is over here spewing instead of the FISD is because he was banned last night. Unfortunately as usual he doesn't have his facts straight.

    Is Chris (CAP) a 501st member, Mike already addressed that but Gino once again is making assumptions.

    In regards to DIY props, yes I'm a member, so is Rolf, and many others from the MEPD and FISD. Like I told Gino in a PM, I'm there because it's a forum that deals with stormtroopers. Unfortunately to Gino that makes me a bad person. Luckily I can still sleep at night knowing that.

    But... It's run by Chris and no one else. There are no 501st members running it, or on staff, or in any secret double handshake council or section.

    I really find it funny that Gino can claim that simply by belonging to an open and public forum can in itself make you a supporter. I was a member of Gino's forum until he banned me and a ton of other well respected people in this hobby and I'm not a Gino supporter. Although Gino did claim he sent everyone a PM about the baning coming. Yet no one that was or was not banned got that PM. It must have been too much of a closely guarded secret too.

    Oh well, it's a shame that people can't simply enjoy the hobby for what it is. And if you keep your ego in line you can make some great friends while your at it.

  5. The other question I have is how would you get an oil based paint off the armor again? We have photos of the armor with most of the paint back off of it, most notably in the promo poster with Vader with the mylar background. Oil based paints take 12 hours to 7 days to dry. Seems odd that they would use that on set... Not arguing. Just trying to understand.

    Even enamel model paint can dry in just a couple hours, and they were in Tunisia so motor oil could have dried up there. Also when filming a movie you worry about the scene, so I doubt anyone cared if the weathering wasn't dry as long as it looked good on film.

    As to the compressed air question, it was probably an air compressor instead of the cans of compressed air we think of today. Another personal tidbit, a friend who was in the army in WWII refered to anything that was round that stored stuff as a can. Didn't matter if it was a can of food, a 55 gal drum, or a tanker...... it was a can. So it could be a terminology difference from 30+ years ago.

    The truth is we may never know for sure, but we all strive at getting as close as possible with what is available.

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