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Posts posted by Pen66

  1. Ok I have been really slow at getting this done. Thanks for all the help from everyone here.

    David Pittman

    501st - TD 2619

    LOG IN NAME - Pen66

    GARRISON - Alpine Garrison


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    These are little dark and I have been waiting until I got better but just haven't had a second when it wasn't raining or snowing outside. Let me know if you want some that are a little brighter. [/img]

  2. From what I've read, you put hairspray onto your weathered armour so the Fullers will stick to it. Then put a tiny bit of fullers on a paintbrush, hold it a couple of feet above the arour, and tap the brush to let the fullers fall off and onto the armour. There is a link somewhere else on this weathering section for a HOW TO page, just can't think which thread

    Haha. Now that makes sence. I was actually quoting Brak's guide in my earlier post. All it says it to apply the fullers with "hairspray and a sponge brush" I figured that the hairspray was to make it stick, but rubbing it on with the brush didn't seem right. I like your method Rachel. I'm sure that's what Brak's guide was referring to.

  3. Don't want to steal your thread Rachel, but you might want the info too. I have my fullers but am a bit confused on the application. Braks guide says "Fuller's earth is applied with hair spray and a sponge brush" Thought I get some input on this from the pros. Not exactly clear on the hairspray and sponge brush method.

  4. Thanks so much for the tips. Luckily I was using a test piece when I was having these problems. For some reason I was thinking woodlands was acrylic. I'll have to look for some tempera paints or just getting the woodland set.

  5. Ok so I am following the wonderful guide found here

    http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/davin/re ... hering.htm

    However I am having problems with step four.

    "Allow the pigment to dry and then take a second crumpled paper towel and gently wipe of most of the weathering. The pigment will naturally stick better in some areas than others. Make sure very little is left."

    It says to let the paint to dry but if I do that it is too hard to remove. I am not using the pigments from the guide but rather some acrylic paints bought locally. For those of you who have used acrylic paints how much did you allow the paint to dry if you did at all? If I let the paint dry I have to scrub the thing soooo hard that it takes over an hour to take it off so I have to be doing something wrong or I have some crappy paints. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. These might work. I think that I would be concerned with the paint sticking or not and also the ankle looks kinda big to be under the armor. have you tried it on under your armor yet?

    You can buy blems from CABOOTS for $65.00 too. Might be worth waiting for.

    I thought the style would be pushing it. I didn't think about the armor issue until you mentioned it. I would have to do some hacking and slashing to get them to fit under the armor. Guess that's why I kept the receipt. Guess I just need to bite the bullet and get some from CA. At least I won't have to do any work on the CAs. Hehe.

  7. Hey guys I found these the other day and wanted to see if they would make the cut. I would of course have to remove the strap thing and paint the upper white but if they will work they would be a steal. I know the sole isn't the flat that we see on most stormtrooper boots but hey Sandtroopers would need a nice nobby sole anyways. Any imput would be nice.

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  8. I know this is late in replying to this but J. Rinzler is holding an event tomorrow that the alpine garrision is trooping. So I'd thought I'd see if you guys had any questions you would like me to try to get answered. I will be checking this before I head over. So feel free to post any questions before 10:30am MST.


  9. I am not very keen on your weathering job, but the construction is excellent.

    Good work soldier!

    Any suggestions? This is my first attempt at weathering as I am still trimming my armor and this is my first costume. That's why I posted the pics. I'm still trying to figure this stuff out. So feel free to give any suggestions and pointers please. I know there are many out there who have done this over and over and have plenty things they can point out.

  10. Pen66..... is that in Penguins. 66 Mario Lemieux...? If it is. I'm feeling for you bro right now. We're not doing so good.... **** senators.. if you're like me. you've got some broken sticks laying around.

    That's what it stands for. I was very sad to come home last night and see we had lost. Sigh. Its a young team with plenty of talent. Hopefully they will keep things improving next year. But that means a long depressing off season.

    And I do have my fair share of broken sticks.

  11. IN my OPINION, those who still follow Matt are simply a kool-aid drinkers...

    ...Pours myself a big glass of red kool-aid and gets in line behind......

    Woohaa, what was I thinking.

    Although I have missed the "Drama Llama" on most of this since I am new to the whole armor differences, I am learning fast. Thanks Braks, Gino, Seth, Jez and everyone here for making sure we all have quality info on ANH and costuming in general. Not to change the topic and all but you guys really deserve a huge thanks. Everyone here does.

    Pulls out his MG-15 and the "Drama Llama" and kindly motions "Move Along"

    PS I think my sig says puts a nice view on this whole situation.

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