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Posts posted by eifion

  1. It's threads like this that have seriously waned my enthusiasm for Star Wars collecting in general over the past few months. Virtually every forum I visit is rife with elitism and issues of controversy that are unbelievably dull . . . bordering on comatose.

  2. Awesome animation . . really great stuff!!

    This is exactly the kind of thing I loved doing at college. Wish I had a video camera these days.

    Making this type of animation is a lot more work than people think and you have doen brilliantly, from the set building and animation right down to the edit and fx. Its great that you're making these for your kids and getting them involved in the production process too . .what a cool dad!!

    Kepp em coming, would love to se emore of these

  3. Wow, one of the best TD costumes I have seen, if not the best

    The detail on the TM is incredible, so sharp Id be afraid of cutting myself on it lol

    Havent posted here in a while since my dreams of getting a TD together has been dashed, for the time being at least. Great seeing the fantastic costumes other folks are putting together tho

  4. Wow, those look like they came straight off the Elstree set through some time portal . . . just incredible.

    I love the attention to detail, especially the cut down chest plate on Lukes armor. What make of armor are these displays based on?

    Fantastic work

  5. Unfortunately I dont have enough props these days to have anything useful to contribute to your site.

    I remember that your website was one of the first I came across when I got interested in Star Wars props and it really inspired me and got me enthused about the hobby, a wealth of information and photos. I hope you guys can help Jez out.

  6. Personally I think that ABS would be a better material for making these replicas. I not 100% sure but I think I read somewhere that the original ROTJ helmets were made from ABS, plus its a more resilliant plastic than Styrene and the softer detail isnt really an issue snce the originals were essentially recasts of ANH/ESB helmetds so had much softer detail anyway.

    Im no expert on such matters though so I can't be too fussy. I'd just love to get one of these kits

  7. Nice weathering, I love seeing carbon scorring and blaster damage on armor

    That TD has certainly seen alot of action

    Your BFG certainly looks like . . well a BFG lol. It looks bigger than you in one of those pics

    Great work trooper!

  8. Hey guys, I started work on a flash Stormtooper based shooter well over 18 months ago but never got very far before loosing interest. Wierd thing is its very similar to whats been discussed as ideas in this thread.

    http://img79.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... pertd9.swf

    Above is a link to the game as far as I progressed with it. Well its not actually a game yet becasue I got bogged down with the game mechanics so I focused on the graphical elements, before giving up on that aspect as well haha.

    I still have all my orginal authoring files and given some insentive and maybe some actionscript assistance I'd be more than happy to try and get this game finished.

    I think I was on the right track with the games looks, just need to add more elements like jawas, moisture vaps etc and all I really need to do is work on gettin some enemy behaviour figured out becasue the basics for controls, scoring system etc are in place.

    Let me know waht you guys think and maybe we can build on this as a MEPD based game, though perhaps there are legal issues which might make it inadvisable. . .Mods want to chime in perhaps.

  9. Interesting to hear about the possible connection between Bossk and the Gorn. I always thought that Bossk was a homage to the Gorn or at least inspired by it. I dont think that any pieces of the Gorn costume were used to make Bosk because I remember seeing fairly recent photos of the entire Gorn costume, looking a little worse for wear of course after 40 years but still complete. I dont remeber the story behind it, wether it was up for auction or being diplayed at an exhibition etc. I'l try and find the pics.

    I love the Move Along set up too, whats the story behind it? Is it built from a TE costume? The pose really captures the character of the trooper in that scene:y:

  10. Hands down one of THE best Sandtrooper set ups I have seen, awesome photos there buddy . . . but shouldn't you be wearing Snowtrooper armor? haha j/k

    I am very impressed by the AP armor and the couple of other AP sandys I have seen here are equally badass. Do you have info on your Lewis Gun too, it looks terrific. The Lewis is definatley my weapon of choice but options are limited here in the UK so I'l probably have to scratchbuild.

    Great work!

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