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Posts posted by SkalenFehl

  1. Just wanted to update my status just in case anyone was wondering. I've run into some financial troubles recently and resorted to selling my TD...or at least trying. Still hasn't sold yet, but I'm slowly picking myself back up. I'm on the fence about just selling it and catching up with life or keeping it and upgrading my backpack. I feel like a slacker.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great Christmas holiday. I went with my garrison to a veteran's nursing home and sang Christmas carols for about an hour to a lot of vets while they ate their lunch. We weren't in costume or anything, just went in casual attire and made a difference in our community today. It was a really cool experience. Some of the vets' eyes lit up and some sang along.

    That's my report for now. Peace.

  2. Well, I'm one of those TD's that goes off on desert missions for months at a time before reporting back for duty. In other words, freaking life gets in the way. Alas, I try to log in as much as possible and make contributions. One of these days I'm going to sit down, turn off all the lights, shut my cell phone off and send everyone to the movies or out of state and read your story....

    ...or I can try to read a chapter at a time and post comments. I really do like the cool illustrations that you add. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to catching up! I know what it's like to have a hundred lurkers but only the occasional reply with feedback. I'll try to do better.

  3. I decided to build a new backpack. I don't want to apply for deployment with my current pack. Yeah, I know...everyone here was just holding their breaths. I may never get to have my elusive ANH style armor, but at least I can make my FX version as tight as possible.

  4. I can see where Don is coming from, but starting a bid too low on something of this calibre would not have done what was intended, which was to help a friend in need with a maximum benefit.

    I think if the series one trading card set can go for $600, there is no reason this couldn't have sold for much higher. Alas, it didn't and as you said, others were available recently for less. Had this not been a special situation, there would have been no need to create this auction. Although he already owns one of these beauties, Don spent another $400 of his own money to do this. In any event the Gordon family still wins.

  5. Hi I am Mike and I am a ANH armor Detail Freak....I have been for 3 years now, thanks. I used to think it was OK, but sometimes I lay in bed and ponder what kind of plastic was used thirty years ago. Was it mud, stain, paint, varnish, shoe polish for weathering? Was the strapping really canvas, did they use velcro? Sometime while driving my car I blurt out to my wife what I think the actual size of the main boxes are on the Sandtrooper pack. My family and friends are understanding of my addiction but they realize that Lucas is to blame for all my lack of getting things done around the house, because I am playing in the garage all day during the weekends instead of helping out with other to do's. I cant stop checking my emails because I hope that someone has replied to my post so that I really can find rubber molding for neck trim....There is no cure and its gettin' worse. Like most addicts this will probably come to a head and require an intervention to cure me ( no internet) but until then..... Ah brothers..Isnt it sweet.

    Yup. I'm guilty of this major distraction called costuming. Lots of honey do's and every day chores are falling by the wayside. I actually found a web page today telling me it was the last page of the internet and instructed me to turn the computer off and go outside. I actually did make it outside but only for a few minutes.

  6. ...ps. I know what kind of rubber it is! But i've sworn to secrecy.

    Flexible foam rubber core skinned with a high shore polyurethane rubber.

    Cat's outta the bag. Very nice work, Mike. You're craftsmanship is inspiring.

  7. I've done some more research on my pack and how I'm going to wire and rig it up. I want to sound like a real police officer with a two way radio and background police chatter. So I wrote a script and had a friend created the audio for it. I wish I knew how to record this stuff so I can do more (I also plan to make a small fan film about the rigors of desert troopers deployed in Utah's many deserts). In the meantime this is what's going to loop in my backpack. Might as well make the radio box do it's job!

    Trooper chatter

    I will eventually create a much longer script so it's not so repetitive when looped and will include some action sequences and patrolling situations.

  8. If you want a much larger audience you can post your fics at TFN's fan fic forums. I host a thread for guys who write fiction, most of it is action packed and this would fit right in. Come check us out if you'd like at The Gentlemen's Writing Guild and share your fic there.

    The place to post your pic if it takes place during the same time as the movies would be The Saga Forum.

    I've written and submitted a dozen or so stories, including an epic that bridges the gap between ANH and ESB. You'll have to register if you haven't yet to post stories and feedback for other writers. If MEPD opens up a small niche for fan fics, I can submit a couple. I do have a couple Stormtrooper stories to share. Maybe we can even collaborate some day and have some fun there.

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