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Everything posted by motman241

  1. What needs to be done? If it's Photoshop work, I can probably help.
  2. OK, here's the deal - where to get the templates - you should be able just to save them right from the BBC. If not, you can get the files directly from here: http://www.balkindustries.com/tbarber/D ... rial2b.gif http://www.balkindustries.com/tbarber/D ... rial2a.gif Now, what you should do, is print them out. I made them so you should be able to print them full size, with no trouble. Cut them out. Tape the pieces together, so you have a piece of paper, but it's the full size of the gun. THAT's partly what the "grip point" markers are for - lining up your pieces of paper. Follow me so far? ok, now, the size of the wood to use. Once you have this full-sized piece of paper cut out and taped together, THAT is how big your wood needs to be. See where I'm going here? You just trace that piece of paper onto the wood. Now, I chose to cut the grip seperately. That way, I could use a piece of wood that was 2"x6"x however long, instead of trying to manage a piece 2"x probably around 9" wide. Follow that? If you do a seperate grip, it will fit right between where it is marked 'grip 1' and 'grip 2'. This all really makes it sound a lot harder than it really is. Cost: wood 2"x6"x5' about $8 PVC a couple dollars per 5' wiper blades $2 or $3 per package curtain rods $2 PVC couplers under $1 each maybe another $10 if you don't have the other assorted stuff For around $30 you can start with nothing, and end up with this. I hope this helps out a few people. If there are any other questions, or concerns, please let me know. - Tom TD-142
  3. When will the pictures/names/etc of the "deployed" members and "enlisted" members be online over here http://www.sandtrooper.net/mepd.htm ?
  4. I did measurements and everything for the DLT-19, from a real MG-34, and posted my tutorial here: http://www.imperial-fleet.com/bbcforum/ ... .php?t=116 Very easy to make, very close to the real thing in shape. And the best part, this bad boy weighs in at a whopping 3.5 pounds!! Seriously. That's all. Great for those long day hauls. I also did an MG-15 tutorial on the BBC, too.
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