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Posts posted by SethB6025

  1. Mike, its not a match for the discontinued Country Blue but its not a bad substitute. The blue tone is more intense and slightly deeper. The Sky Blue that replaced CB is not too far off either but they both lack the subdued blue/greyish tone of CB.

  2. Thanks guys for your support & understanding. I am moved into my new place, and my laptop should be here (er, there) sometime next week. Then I'll be a little more regular with my forum visits & email. Next week I will also be returning to work on projects. CP's I plan on having finished by the end of next week, same story with the pack parts that have been ordered. Right now I just need to stay busy when I'm not with my kids, so in a way I am glad to have some things going on project-wise.

  3. Just as a heads up to anyone who it may concern, I will have erratic access to the interweb over the next few weeks. Its been like this for a couple weeks now but I thought I'd make mention since my uncharacteristic absence worried a few people.

    CP's and pack parts are carrying on a-okay but it may take me a few days to reply to emails and I've only been getting on message boards once or twice a week for a limited amount of time. So don't panic if I'm a little slow to get back to you on something; its not intentional.

    This is largely due to some changes in my living situation and the structure of my day-to-day life. I'm going to pick up a laptop so I can catch some wifi time during my lunchbreak, etc. Everything should be back to normal very soon in respect to my access so please bear with me in the meantime. Thanks guys!

  4. still awaiting new invoice

    dont think it got spam blocked , as the last one didnt, but my email deletes spam after a day or two. Hopefully I didnt miss it lol

    Thanks for doing these again, Seth.

    You've got it I canceled the old one too.

    Didn't had a spam block though ! Can you please send me a list again ?!

    Many thnx.

    Grtz RAY

    Got it Ray, you should have one now
  5. Believe it or not, this was my first merch run. Since then I've dealt with Moritz for patches (awesome). I've managed to do stickers, coins, and patches and aside from this order I've never had problems with a vendor beyond very small typical stuff. I understand delays, they happen. This is beyond acceptable though. I appreciate that no one who ordered is wanting to kill me over it. I do promise that I will make sure you all get your patches, and I hope to eventually do something special for everyone who has waited so long for these.

  6. This has been weighing on me terribly. He had told me like a month, now its been almost 13. The only reason I hold out hope we will get the rest is that he has filled about a third of the order thus far. Plus he tends to respond to my emails in a somewhat prompt manner. That said I would NEVER get anything from him again nor could I recommend it to anyone, even if its just a <$10 order. I am really sorry about this for those who are still waiting, if I had any idea about this I would never have used him.

  7. For price lists or questions please follow the instructions in the first post and email me at sethb6025 (at) yahoo.com (replace the "(at)" with an "@"). You will be sent a list with pics, pricing, and info. I'm keeping it all via email to stay organized so please don't PM via the board for a list.

  8. Heads up troops, Crashmann & I are firing up the table & need to know what you need for your packs. The parts are of the MH/SB/CM fame and will be going out as kits only. If you would like a item/price list please drop me an email with "packs" in the subject line to sethb6025(AT)yahoo.com.

  9. The ab plate became officially MEPD required two years ago. The dimpled handplate has been optional since the first time requirements were written in 2004. The sniper plate was also required since 2004. None of those are absent from the current listing, they are just under the "2008 501st requirements" (ab plate, sniper plate) and "Approved options" (dimpled handplates) headers.

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