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Everything posted by LoveMonkey

  1. @Waynocerousaccess granted, welcome to the sandbox!
  2. @Waynocerous that link is locked (needs a username/password that I don't have). Could you link your profile from 501st.com? Thanks
  3. @giskard8access granted, welcome! Sorry for the delay over the holidays.
  4. Congratulations to @cktrooperfor reaching 50 troops! Keep up the hard work, you did 25 really quickly!
  5. @SkulShurtugalTCGaccess updated, welcome to the sandbox!
  6. Congratulations to @Volksjager for completing 25 troops! Way to represent.
  7. @LVLAsianaccess granted, sorry for the delay over the holiday weekend
  8. Congratulations to @Ponyboyfor completing 25 troops! Man is your armor dirty
  9. Congratulations to @stevebeastfor completing 25 troops. Keep up the great work!
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