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Everything posted by alexman

  1. are the weapons good enough to get police officer or swat status? seems all other guns are around 350 dollars
  2. http://corsairs-kids.com/es/corsairs-kids/304-dlt-19-escala-11.html this seems to be the cheapest prop maker anyone know its reputation and quality? also what should i get dlt19 or a t21 what are the pro and cons?
  3. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/422438_2744068846923_950758956_n.jpg also can somone link elliot here? and uh admin take some pic from my imgur link and make profile
  4. what is misting? and the fb login is broken http://alexman91.imgur.com/all
  5. ok ill spray them but i only have chaos black from games workshop and im afraid it will be too black also ill upload pics on my suit yet again on this thread and leave some comments on it
  6. but as in new condition they are not accepted?
  7. old pic but that color http://imgur.com/a/KSDFe#7
  8. well i read that all pouches should be black but on the crl picks the norwegian pouches are still olive green so i wasnt quite sure on what to do so should i spray them black? and i thought i looked stupid with the gap on the back but i was told it should be like that
  9. What about norway pouches how do i dpo with the backplate
  10. well im really insecure in what im doing i would like to go on cam and get instructed and your points of view on things can you add me on facebook? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1413552795
  11. yo i need some consulting and i wonder if someone has time to go on tinychat to talk with me about building td
  12. hello i am not a member yet but i have just about finished my td http://s678.photobucket.com/albums/vv145/alexman91/trooper/ do you guys think it will be approved`?
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